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-Elizabeth's POV-

I was doing what Meriodasu told me to do, having to know everything we have been taught in school before tomorrow when I will visit mother.

He was teaching me fighting stances while at the same time teaching me war history.

"Put your right foot a little further back. Now how did the humans escape battle with the demons 200 years ago?"

I did as he told me to while answering the question "They left the village when demons came into sight."

"Great." He mumbled, stretching his back before continuing "You remember the basics now, let's continue some other day."

"But the basics isn't enough! I'm meeting my mother tomorrow! I have to know everything."

He looked at me, his eyes full of boredom and he clearly didn't care when he said "Princess, it's impossible for you to learn everything until tomorrow. We have been practicing the whole day and you still only know the minimum."

"You can't speak like that to her! That's so disrespec-"

"Does it look like I care? I'm just telling the truth." Meriodasu snapped towards Mael, making me sigh and sit down in the couch in the living room.

Meriodasu glanced towards me, asking "Where's my pay?"

Looking up at him, I said "You get your pay when I'm back from being with my mother."

He nodded, staring at me when I remembered something. He needs help with his magic lessons...

"But if you want to, instead of paying you, I can help you with your magic lessons? The teacher said that you was gonna fail if you continue like this..."

He looked away, saying "No, I don't need your help, but I want that money."


"No." He replied, on his way to the door. The last thing he said was "I'm leaving now." while walking out of my and Mael's dorm.

. . . . .

I knocked on Meriodasu's dorm, hoping he would answer. Getting nothing, I knocked again.

This time, he opened with an annoyed look, asking "What?"

"Do you want to have breakfast with us before I go?" I asked, playing with my fingers as he seemed very annoyed at me.

He just looked back into his dorm, saying "Sure, give me five minutes."

I nodded as he closed the dorm door as he walked in there again. That's when Mael spoke "I don't like him. He's rude and arrogant."

"I know, but he's my friend and he's himself always himself whatever people think of him, so I really like him. He doesn't care that I'm a princess..."

Mael kept quiet after that and we just waited for Meriodasu to return, which he did after a few more minutes.

Meriodasu looked at Mael, asking "Is he gonna be with us?"

"Yes." We both said at the same time, making Meriodasu sarcastically say "Great."

Then we walked towards the school's cafeteria, Mael and Meriodasu glaring at each other from either side of me.

It didn't take long though before we arrived at the cafeteria and went to get our breakfast and sit at a table. Like usually, Mael and Meriodasu both sat in front of me with very much space between the two of them.

"So you're going home now, right?" Meriodasu asked, eating the porridge with berries that he grabbed. Both Meriodasu and Mael can eat plenty of food, I don't get how they do it... but I guess they need it since they're actually doing what they should, for most part. Unlike me, who don't even try to learn how to fight.

"Yes, I am... Mother request of me to come home once a month to see how my learning is going."

"Your mother must be very disappointed in you then. No wonder she don't want you to live at home."

His words hurt me greatly, but I just kept quiet and smiled. Mael did the opposite though, he yelled at Meriodasu "Give the princess at least some respect!"

Meriodasu just pointed his spoon at Mael, saying "Don't tell me what to do!"

"You two, please sto-"

"I have had enough of how you're treating princess Elizabeth! It's unacceptable! Don't you understand that you're hurting her feelings?!"

Next thing I knew, Mael was punched to the floor and all eyes in the cafeteria was on us. We didn't even have any time to react before Meriodasu was sent flying to a wall.

They seemed equally as strong as they punched and kicked and fought each other and it didn't stop until 4 teachers could break them all up.

They were both escorted away by the teachers and I quickly ran after them.

. . . . .

We were in the principal's office, being yelled at. Well, Mael and Meriodasu were yelled at while I was there to tell the story as a witness.

"So Meriodasu started the fight then?"

"NO! He started it!"

"No! You did by insulting princess Elizabeth!"

"Quiet you two!" The principal spoke harshly before looking at me in the middle of the two boys.

"Princess Elizabeth. Since they were fighting about you, why not let you decide their punishments?"

"I- um-"

Both the two looked at me in silence as I mumbled "I-I don't-"

"It's a great practice for when you become out queen. I decided you have no choice, you will decide Meriodasu and Mael's punishments. Please hand them written in before you travel back home and I will make sure that they go through with their punishments. Now if you all excuse me, you have to go."

I nodded as we was forced out of the office. The principal, Nerobasta, is a fairly strong warrior, but mother doesn't trust her in war as she's very afraid of fighting, so she got appointed to be principal to this school.

The four archangels and other strong goddesses are teachers here to keep fit and to train stronger warriors. While Mael is only a 'student' because he's my bodyguard.

"So princess, what's his punishment gonna be?" Meriodasu asked, mentioning towards Mael before continuing "If you don't know yet, I have some delightful ideas for his punishment."


"Oh, oh, oh, princess Elizabeth, I have a few requests for his punishment too."

"You guys, please, just stop! I-... I think I just got the perfect idea for the two of you."

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