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-Elizabeth's POV-

I sat on a tree branch, looking out at all the trees. It's such a beautiful place... I don't want it to be destroyed...

"Hey, is something wrong?"

I looked to my side to see a giants kneeling down to my level. I nodded "Yes, I was just thinking."

"Do you mind if I join?"

"No, please do."

"Thanks. I'm Diane by the way."

"I'm Elizabeth."

She looked at me slightly shocked as she sat down, asking "Like, the goddess princess Elizabeth?"

I just nodded, mumbling "Yes... Yes, I'm her."

"So... what are you doing here, princess?"

"Just Elizabeth is fine... and I'm visiting for mother's behalf."

She nodded as I asked "What about you? Why are a giant here?"

She looked in front, a sad expression washing over her face "Well... I was kicked out of my clan. I didn't want to fight, but everyone expected me to be the greatest fighter because of my parents... So I was kicked out and came here."

"Oh... I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. I didn't feel like home there anyways." Diane smiled at me, making me smile back. We sat in a comfortable silence a while. That's when Diane asked "Will the war come here?"

"Sadly, yes..."

"I wish the war could just end..."

"Me too... But someday, it will be over..." I smiled at her. She nodded. We sat there a while more, talking about anything and everything. Instantly becoming best friends.

-Zeldoris' POV-


I looked to the side, seeing Gelda walk towards me. I stopped, waiting for her to get to me. She hugged me and mumbled "I haven't seen you for a week! Where have you been?!"

"I was fighting."

"You could have told me-"

"Gelda, I'm busy now. We talk later."

She let go of me, nodding and walking away without another word. Did I make her upset? Again?

Shrugging it off, I continued on my way to the commandments. I have been so busy ever since Meliodas went on his mission. It never ends. I don't understand how he does this...

But I will make him proud... I will do my best to do everything as good as he could, I won't mess anything up!

Walking over to the planning room, I saw all the 10 commandments already there except Galand.

"Where's Galand?"

"He went out to drink or something stupid a few hours ago and is still not back." Melascula spoke, laughing a little. I sighed, saying "Go and get him, Melascula. Make it quick."

She nodded and flew out of the room without another word. I turned to everyone else that looked at me, Grayroad asking "So what is our next plan?"

-Gelda's POV-

He's always just thinking about his duties! He never even spends any time with me anymore!

I can't believe him! I thought he loved me, but the throne is apparently the only thing he cares about! I don't even understand why I'm even still trying...

"Gelda?" Father asked as he saw me walking in the corridors. I went to hug him immediately, saying "Father..."

"What's bothering you, my daughter?"

"Nothing... I'm just tired..."

"Hmmm, take a rest. I'm sure you've worked enough today."

I shook my head, mumbling "I have to lay the dinner table and polish the commandments weapons."

His hug tightened around me as he mumbled "You're a princess, this is not what you're supposed to do! The demon king has enslaved the vampires for way too long!"

"Father... I'm fine... It will be over when the war ends..."

"I hope you're right, I cannot take this treatment of my precious daughter. Especially not scumbags as the Demon King and his sons..."

"Father... Quiet down, someone might hear you..."

"Right, take a rest, I have to go to the war meeting..."

Nodding, I watched him leave as I sighed. He sure is right. Zel is a scumbag playing with my feelings like this...

-Meliodas' POV-

Harlequin blushed, looking away "Soooooo... You and princess Elizabeth, huh?"

"Hmmm, what about us?"

"Well... There is someone... that I hold very dear, so could you perhaps give me advice to ask her to be my girlfriend?"

"You're asking me for love advice?" I chuckled. How ironic, someone asking one of the most feared demons of all about love.

"What do I get in exchange?"

"What do you want?"

I hummed, thinking a second before saying "I want to drink the Fountain of Youth."

"No! You can't do that!"

"Then I won't give you advice." I crossed my arms while saying that. He went down on his knees on the ground, saying "I'm begging you! I need advice of how to ask her out! Please!"

I shrugged, saying "Good luck with that." while walking away from him.

"Fine! You can get one droplet of the fountain!"

"A whole glass."

"One droplet, that's everything I can give."

"Fine. One droplet will do." I mumbled, turning back to him. He smiled, saying "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

. . . . .

I sat at a fire I started, watching it's flames dance around. Elizabeth was laying down, asleep on the ground.

It was late, most people were asleep... I was just waiting for father to come.

A darkness finally formed a few meters away from me, saying "Meliodas. What's your next information?"

"Thr goddess army is moving to the Fairy King's Forest. An alliance between fairies and goddesses has been made." I said, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Hmmm, anything more?"

"I will also be staying in the forest with the army, I'm joining the warfield soon."

"Okay, good job. Continue like this." He said before the darkness disappeared. I sighed, staring at the flames. Why do I feel bad for informing father? Everything I do makes me feel worse than before...

I moved over to Elizabeth, laying down beside her and wrapping my arms around her. I don't know why, but being close to her like this is comforting... She makes me feel some weird way... and I both hate and love it.

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