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-Meliodas' POV-

I stared at Elizabeth as she was doing every pose I told her to while training. Deciding to mess with her, I said "Great, now let's try the next position."

She nodded as I took the sword from her hand and threw it to the ground, mumbling "You don't need that now..."


"Bend over slightly and put your hands on your knees." I mumbled. She did as told and I backed a few steps to watch her.

"Bend a little more."

"This feels weird... What's this position for exactly?" She asked while doing exactly what I told her to. I smirked, saying "It's for me. I needed some eyecandy and this is perfect."

She immediately got up, yelling "Meriodasu! You perverte-"

I immediately flew over and pushed Elizabeth away before something hit the ground exactly where she was.

We both looked at whatever was about to hit her and saw an arrow.

"Someone's here... and I doubt they're friendly..." I spoke while searching for that person. Elizabeth's nodded, saying "We should go back..."

"No, they will follow us... We have to dispose of them. Now." I mumbled, finally spotting the enemy... or rather an ally...


"Meriodasu... you might get hurt... I don't want that..."

"Elizabeth... Lis-" I was cut off by catching the arrow that was shot against Elizabeth once more. That was close... too close to Elizabeth.

She's his target... He knows it's me, so he will just attack her.

Another came her way and it was too late to catch, I had to jump in front of Elizabeth and get hit by the arrow.

"Meriodasu! Your arm!"

I pulled the arrow out, saying "I found him..."

Without a second thought, I flew up in the air and fast down again, crashing into Zeno. I stood on top of him, looking down at his small body.


"Prince Meliodas... I didn't mean to hit you... I was out for the princess.... Please have merc-"

I stepped on his neck, asking "Why are you interfering in my mission?"

"The... demon king... and your brother..." He mumbled, panting for air as I loosened the pressure on his neck.

"What orders did my father give?"

"He told me to look out for you... and to warn you for the next attack... He told me to get to you as soon as possible by any means."

"Killing that girl will adventure my mission and make me suspicious... Don't you ever, ever, touch her again until I say so. Understand?"

"Y-yes prince Meliodas..."

"What did Zeldoris want?"

"He wrote a letter to you..." Zeno said, stretching it out to me. I grabbed it, quickly pushing it into my pocket while asking "Now when will the next attack happen?"

"In 3 days at the a small village in the south. It's-"

"Meriodasu! Are you okay?!" Elizabeth yelled, flying towards me. I looked back at Zeno, saying "I don't have another choice, I hope you understand."


With that, I pressed my foot down on his neck, splitting it in two. Turning towards Elizabeth's, I saw her landing and running up to me.

"Your arm... You're bleeding!" She said, looking at my wound.

"It's noth-"

"Ahhh! Did you kill him?!" She cut me off, looking down at my foot that was separating the head and the body.

Nodding at her question, I said "It was necessary."

"But still... demons are living beings too..."

I stared at her sad expression as she looked down at the head. I couldn't help myself when I smiled a little. She's not like other goddesses...

"Ah, let me treat you now... your wound really must hurt!"

Nodding, I let her lead me to sit down at the theatre. She sat down beside me, holding my arm with one hand while lifting her other hand over the wound.

The white glow was warm and comforting. I watched my wound slowly close. It wasn't at all like when the darkness healed me... the pain was gone, completely...

An arrow in the arm doesn't hurt much, but it's still surprising. I did never imagine it feeling  like this to be healed by a goddess. I imagined it to feel like... well, painful for us demons... After all, goddesses powers are the opposite to demons.

"So, all done."

I moved my arm, stretching it and it felt fine. When my darkness heals me, the pain is usually still there... so it's a surprise to me.

"Thank you... If not for you, I might even have been dead by now... or at least be in pain."

"Don't sweat it."

I honestly wouldn't care if she was hit or even died, but I will gain her trust easier by saving her...

"We should go back. That training was enough for today..."

She nodded, saying "Okay..."

. . . . .

I laid down in my bed, pulling up the letter from my pocket.

Zeldoris, what crap will you be telling me now? It better be important...

Opening the letter, I immediately started reading it.

"Dear Brother

I have been wanting to tell you this in a while, but have not had the courage to in front of you.
For the past few months, I have been meeting up with one of the maids. The vampire king's, Izraf's, daughter, Gelda, to be exact.
I love her and she loves me. I hope you can accept our relationship and we could talk when your mission, or rather war, is over.
Getting to know you as my brother, being able to talk to you about hunting, silly things and maybe even girls would be dearly appreciated.

Wish you well,


I crushed the letter into a paper ball, throwing it to the other side of the room. That backstabbing, sentimental, coward brother of mine!

He knows very what I think about those disgusting feelings like love. I taught him better than feeling that! And of all people, he choose a weak vampire maid? It could at least have been a demon!

And all that worthless 'brotherly' stuff he talked about, completely disgusting. Once I'm back, he will get a piece of my mind!

I can't let my brother get brainwashed and be weakened by a vampire girl. Enjoy the time you have left with her, Zeldoris, because once the war is over, I will deal with that girl of yours.

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