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-Elizabeth's POV-

I groaned. It's been a week and Meriodasu is really back to his rude usual self. It's nearly like it never happened, that night...

"Am I doing this right?" I asked, looking down at Meriodasu who was laying on the stone floor, staring up at the sky.

"Are you alright?" I asked, walking up to look right down at him, blocking his view from the sky. He smirked, saying "Yeah, with this new view."

I backed a step, noticing where his gaze where now... the skirt part of my dress...

"Stop it! Don't be such a pervert!"

He just chuckled before slowly zoning out again, watching the clouds of the sky. I sat down beside him, asking "Is anything bothering you?"

It took some time for him to respond "No..."

"The truth?"

"I'm just thinking of my brother."

"You have a brother? A human brother?" I asked, laying down beside him. I stared at his emotionless face as he just continued staring up in the sky.

Meriodasu hummed, saying "He would be so tired of those damn suns. Even when it's night, it's light outside."

A small chuckle was heard at the end, making me smile.

"Do you miss him much?"

"I'm... not really close to him... I saw him every day, but I never had time to get to know him. I had my reputation to think about, with being so strong and all... I couldn't be close to anyone... or talk to anyone."

I also turned to look up at the sky, mumbling "I get that feeling... I can never be close to anyone or mother takes them away from me..."

We laid down in silence, watching the clouds.

"I really like your sensitive side... It makes you..."

"It makes me weak."

"No, that's not what I was going to say at all."

"What were you going to say then?"

"I was going to say real... It makes you seem more real that you have emotions."

"Real huh? The goddess realm sure is something else..." Meriodasu mumbled. I turned to look at him again, saying "No... Everyone here thinks emotions are weak too... or... well... not weak, but they don't express them... I'm just happy you do when you're with me..."

He hummed, saying "Emotions are weak."

"You think I'm weak for feeling emotions?"

"Yes... Yes you are."

I looked up at the sky again with a small grunt. Staring at a specific heart formed cloud, I said "What if I am weak? But my emotions makes me stronger? What if you showed emotion would make you much stronger?"

"You can't kill someone if your emotions are in the way."

"There would be no war if no one could kill."

"But there will always be someone who can kill... and I have to be one of them..."

"It doesn't have to be that way..." I mumbled, staring at the sky, but I noticed Meriodasu turning his head towards me.

-Mael's POV-

I shoot up from bed, sighing in relief as it was just a nightmare. It never happened... Mariodasu never replaced me...

He is not the new archangel, he is not the strongest goddess, he is not Elizabeth's new bodyguard, he is not her new best friend, he is not... her boyfriend...

I am still everything of that except the boyfriend... Elizabeth is still single... and I still have a chance...

I panted, getting out of bed to see if Elizabeth is still asleep. Silently opening the door to her room, I just  saw her empty bed.

She's not here... Elizabeth's is not here and I'm not guarding her...

I suddenly heard another door open and turned to the living room.

"Princess Elizabeth..."

"Mael... You're awake..." She whispered, closing the door behind her.

"Where have you been? How long have you been gone?"

"I was..."

"You were with Meriodasu, weren't you? You always sneaks off ever since he came here."

She sighed and mumbled "Yes... But he is teaching me what we learn in school! I need his help and mother agreed to letting him help me!"

"Princess Elizabeth, your mother ordered me to always, ALWAYS, be with you for your own safety. You cannot sneak off like that."


"Princess Elizabeth..."

"Mael, I need my personal space! Can't I just be with a friend alone once in a while?"

"No! You can't! Then I'm not doing what I should!"

"Just let me be!" She groaned, walking into her room and closing the door. I just yelled through the door "Don't sneak off again!"

I went into my room, closing the door and laying in bed.

Why can't she understand that I just want to protect her? I just want to make sure she's okay at all times... because I love her...

-Meliodas' POV-

"I really like your sensitive side"

"It makes you seem more real"

"You have emotions"

"It doesn't have to be that way..."

But... it does... I have to be this way. I have to make my father proud and follow in his footsteps... I need to fight for my people, win this war and be king when father no longer can be...

Her voice still kept replaying in my head over and over. She's different... She knows me, not that I'm a demon or anything, but how I act and how strong I am... yet she doesn't care. She's not scared of me, even if I'm stronger than her...

Even my own brother is scared of me, my people, everyone... but not her...

She sure is interesting... and she will give me more information too. I will make her trust me, I will make her like me and then, she's gonna want my help in the war...

I will have the perfect opportunity to both sabotage and get information. Father will finally be proud of me...

Turning in bed, I just decided to get to sleep for the night, feeling exhausted for having to do all this...

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