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-Meliodas' POV-

"I apologize father. I didn't have a choice. I had an archangel with me the whole time and couldn't contact you." I apologized, sitting on one knee, bowing in front of the darkness on my ceiling.

I suddenly felt that I couldn't breathe and was forced to looked up at the darkness, seeing father through it.

"Don't mess up again, Meliodas. When I want information, you should have information to give."

Being able to breathe again, I looked down, bowing more as I said "Of course,  father. It won't happen again..."

"Good. Now continue with your mission."

"Yes father..."

. . . . .

I was pacing back and forth, waiting for Elizabeth to show up... she has to show up.

Seeing her landing a few meters away, she seemed nervous as she walked up to me.

"Hi... Meriodasu..."

"Princess." I spoke, standing still and watching her coming closer. I looked at her face, seeing her eyes avoiding me.

I gently put my hand on her cheek, stroking my thumb under her eye, making her look at me.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have punished you like that..." She mumbled and I noticed that she fidgeted with her fingers. I pulled my hand away from her, grabbing her hand.

She's sensitive now... I might be able to get something out of her...

"Do you trust me?"

She nodded and I turned and flew up in the air. She followed closely after me. I didn't let go of her hand a second.

We flew down all the way to the human realm, just finding a desert as long as the eye can see.

"What are we doing in a desert?" She asked, looking around. I just replied "Trust me" and pulled her to follow me.

After a few minutes of flying, we were getting close to the place. We both stopped and flew all the way down to the ground.

"An oasis?" Elizabeth replied, looking around. I nodded, saying "You told me about your secret place... this is my secret place since I came here."

She smiled at me, walking up to a flower and brushing it's petal "So beautiful it is here..."

I walked up to her, putting an arm around her waist and pulling her to stand in front of me. Reaching up to her face, I put some of her hair behind her ear.

"I trust you... and I need you to trust me too..."

"I do..."

I smiled at her, saying "Good... Because I want us to talk. I want you to tell me everything of what's going on with you."

"Wha- H-How did you-?"

I chuckled "It's so obvious that something is bothering you... So tell me..."

-Elizabeth's POV-

"Hmmm..." He hummed, looking up at the night sky. He was sitting in the sand, his arms supporting him as he leaned back.

I crawled closer to him, laying my head on his shoulder without thinking. He was so warm...

"Thank you... for being here for me..."

"Sure..." He mumbled and I just sat there beside him, leaning my head on his shoulder and feeling tired. It didn't take long until I drifted off to sleep beside him.

. . . . .

I woke up in my bed, only to hear someone say "So you finally wake up?"

Looking at Mael who sat in a chair in the corner of my room. He had a disappointed face and arms crossed.

"Meriodasu carried you here when you slept. Where were you?"

"Meriodasu and I was just having a midnight snack."

"Oh really? You two always sneaks off with each other. Do you... have a secret relationship?"

"Wha- N-no! We-we are just friends! I promise!"

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes! He's just my friend..." I mumbled, thinkkking about last night. He was different last night... He wasn't his rude, careless person he usually is... He was... kind and caring...

"Can you go? I need to change." I said, smiling at Mael. He nodded without question and walked out. I went up to my wardrobe, opening the wardrobe doors.

Pulling my dress that I slept in off, I went suddenly noticed that I didn't have my panties on... Why don't I...

Meriodasu... He's a pervert now too?!

After quickly changing clothes, I brushed my hair and made myself ready for the day. When I walked out of my room, I found Mael waiting in the couch.

"I don't like Meriodasu, I don't think you should be with him at all."

"He's a good person, just... a little cold in the beginning..." I said. He was so nice yesterday, it was like if he was a completely different person... I felt so close to him and it was nice just venting about my problems to someone for once...

"Ahhh, I'm hungry. What about getting some breakfast? I'm sure Meriodasu is also very hungry." I said, walking up to the door. Mael got up and followed me as I went towards Meriodasu's dorm.

We walked in silence all the way until his dorm and I knocked happily on the door. A few seconds later, Meriodasu quickly come out and closed the door behind himself.

"Princess. What're you doing here?"

"I was thinking that we can get some breakfast now before class starts?"

"I'm starving, great idea. Since I only have to focus on magic class, I can make fun of you all morning." He said, smirking as he started walking towards the cafeteria.

Mael and I followed him.

"Princess Elizabeth don't need or want your negativity, go and get some other 'friends'." Mael said, making me sigh.

"I can't just leave the princess with you. She will die of boredom." Meriodasu replied and I just said "Guys, do you ever stop arguing?"

"No." They both said at the same time.

-Zeldoris' POV-

"Since the princess leads the clan for now, they won't be attacking until we do. Meliodas will continue his mission and manipulate her into what we want, into their downfall. Therefore, I want you Zeldoris, and all other commandments, to create the strongest army you possibly could until we attack."

"Yes father..."

"Yes my lord." Everyone else said. Father dismissed us all and the commandments went different ways to do their parts.

"Zeldoris, you're dismissed. Leave." Father said, irritation in his voice. I gulped before saying "Before I go father, I want to know... Is there any way for me to contact Meliodas?"

"Meliodas doesn't need any disturbances or irritations like you, Zeldoris. He is on an important mission, which you should be able to understand. Now go before I get angry."

"Yes father..." I mumbled and quickly left.

I wish I could talk to Meliodas... I wish he could guide me... I wish he could just be my brother for once...

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