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-Elizabeth's POV-

Meriodasu hasn't been away long, but I miss him so much. It's surprising how much I miss him.

I was laying in bed. I was supposed to sleep, but it's hard when Meriodasu is always on my mind. I just feel so happy when I think about him or am with him. I can't help than to smile and I just feel my heart beating faster.

I haven't known him that long, but it feels like I have really gotten to know him so much...

It's a weird feeling and I never felt like this towards anyone before, so I'm unsure if I think of him as just a friend... or more...

An image of him standing in front of me, holding my hands and asking me to be his girlfriend appeared in my head.

What would I have said? Yes? No?

A sadness suddenly overwhelmed me as I thought more about it. This would never happen... He wouldn't like me. He would probably... like someone better if anyone at all...

-Meliodas' POV-

"What's your relationship with Elizabeth? Are you two lovers?"

I nearly started laughing at hearing that, saying "Of course not."

"Then what are you two? Friends?"

I put my arms behind my head, saying "Hmmm, kinda. I'm teaching her about the subjects in school too."

"Oh, so you're the boy she was talking about. You demand quite a high price."  She said, making me say "Well, I am among the best fighters, I didn't spend years to learn how to fight just to teach someone how to."

"Hmmm, she has gotten better in the time you've taught her. It shows you're good."

"Of course it does."

"Well then, I have a proposal to you. I want you to be Elizabeth's second bodyguard. What do you say?"


"You will be paid greatly."

"Still a no."

She stood up from her throne, rising her voice "It's an order, you are now Elizabeth's bodyguard."

"I am not and will never be Elizabeth's bodyguard." I spoke back, crossing my arms. Who does she think she is? She can't just boss me around like this!

"I'm your queen! You listen to what I say!"

"You're not my queen and I won't take any orders from you. Elizabeth doesn't like to have a bodyguard nor need one to watch over her every fucking second!"

"Quiet! You are her new bodyguard, whether you want it or not."

"No, Elizabeth is my friend and she wants it to stay that way! I'm not going to become bodyguard and loose my friendship for nothing! Especially not since I have only been here a few months, you're not the leader over me!"

"Just get out of my sight! The only reason I let you stay in the goddess realm is to teach my daughter, so you better do a good job." She said, sitting down on the throne. I closed my fist in anger, walking out of there to be sent back to the school.

. . . . .

I walked to my dorm, thinking of what I just did. I'm so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid! If I had just listened to the Supreme Deity, maybe I would have gotten to my goal faster? She would have trusted me.

Throwing my door closed and locking it once I arrived, I breathed in the much better air clean from most goddess stamina.

It was dark and quiet, just how I like it...

Getting to bed, I decided to just sleep and return to teaching Elizabeth tomorrow.

. . . . .

I knocked on Elizabeth's dorm, just for Mael to open.

"It's you again?"

"Yeah." I answered, pushing past him and walking into Elizabeth's room. She was asleep...

"Hey! Get out of here! Princess Elizabeth needs her sleep!" Mael whisper yelled at me, making me say "Shut up. I won't wake her. Go do something else than bothering me."

I didn't even bother to whisper that and he just stomped away, clearly upset. Shrugging, I looked around her room. There was some boring books, a wardrobe and a few other things.

Hmmm, I wonder what kind of clothes she has... Walking up to the wardrobe, I looked into it. Mostly dresses, nothing too revealing.

That's when a dress suddenly took my interest. I pulled it out to see the whole thing. It was a very beautiful dress, some kind of ball dress or wedding dress, definitely fitting a princess more than the simple short dresses she's usually wearing.

Hearing some movements, I looked towards the bed to see Elizabeth sitting up. It didn't take long before she spotted me and immediately jumped towards me.

"Meriodadsu! You're back!" She said, pulling her arms around my neck as I caught her so she couldn't tackle me to the floor.

I slowly hugged back, just hearing her talk "I know you was just gone a night, but I missed you so much it's insane! You can't even believe how much I missed you!"

Humming, I just listened to her rant, carrying her back to bed to get her off of me. At least an half hour had passed when she was done talking and I could finally ask something "What's that dress for?"

"Hmmm? What dress?"

"That one" I said, pointing at the floor where it was now. She sighed, saying "Mother wants me to wear it when I visit her. I don't think it's that comfortable though."

Nodding, I said "Well, I would want to see you in it sometime."

I saw her blush slightly before saying "Talking about clothes, I have to get ready for the day..."

"Sure." I said, just staring at her as she stares back at me.

"So can you get out?"

"No, I'm fine here.

"Meriodasu, get out."

"Fineeeee" I answered, walking towards the door. That's when she spoke "And after I'm done, I want to know what mother told you."

"Sure thing. Now hurry up because we're already late to the first class."

"Oh no! We are? Then get out now so I can change!"

I chuckled as she pushed me out of her room and closed the door after herself.

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