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-Elizabeth's POV-

Meliodas came inside with a tray of foods, saying "This is quite different from the goddess realm, I'm not sure you will like this."

He put the tray down at his desk and then went to unlock my chain. I watched his darkness leave his eyes as he did so.

"I will be gone a couple days at the battled field. I'm leaving tomorrow morning."
"The battle field? But it's dangerou-"

He interrupted me by laughing, saying "Elizabeth, you know I've been there multiple times. I'm one of the strongest. I won't die."


"No buts." He mumbled, picking me up from bed and carrying me over to the desk. I was put down in the chair as he said "My brother will look after you while I'm not here. So don't be scared or surprised if he walks in here."

"Your brother?" I mumbled. He nodded, saying "Are you scared?"

"No... but... I um..."


"Is-is he... like rumours says he is?" I asked and he laughed again, saying "He won't hurt you. I will make sure of it."


"Now eat." He told me, making me nod and do just that.

. . . . .

I sighed, staring up at the ceiling. It's not very much to do... I have a couple books Meliodas brought me, but I'm not really in the mood to read. I also don't wanna wake up Meliodas...

He's leaving tomorrow morning... I wish I could spend some time with him before that, other than just at night...

I'm still not used to his demon side. He's still affectionate, even a little more now than he used to be, but his eyes, his aura, everything is different.

It's hard imagining that he was a demon all along... It feels like I don't even know him anymore...

I suddenly felt an arm pull me closer and I looked at Meliodas, asking "You're awake?"

He hummed, saying "Why are you?"

"I can't sleep..." I mumbled. He nodded, starting to stroke my hair softly. I moved closer to him, snuggling up to his bare chest. I could feel him freezing up a second before pulling me even closer.

"I'm trying to be affectionate towards you..." He suddenly mumbled, making me nod "I know."

"And I know goddesses is usually more affectionate with their girlfriends than I am with you. I'm sorry if it's not enough."

"It's enough. Don't worry about that Meliodas." I told him, kissing his cheek. He smiled at me, asking "So now tell me why you can't sleep."

"I'm..." I blushed a little, saying "I'm thinking of you..."

"Of me?" He asked, now half sitting up on his side, smirking as he asked "Thinking of me doing what? Something you want me to do to you? We have a whole night to be alon-"

"Meliodas! You're such a pervert!" I whisper-yelled,  turning around to not face him. He laughed, asking "Okay, what about me are you thinking of? Seriously?"

His arm laid around my waist, his hand softly squeezing me as he asked. I stared at the wall, at all the weapons he had hanging there, and asked "Do I know you? Are you Meriodasu? Or is Meriodasu just a fictional character you acted as?"


"If someone had told me you were a demon, if I hadn't seen it myself, I would never believe it. You were the person I trusted the most, yet you were the one keeping the biggest secret from me. I don't... I don't know what to think anymore..."

He was quiet, his arm leaving me as he laid down again. I turned around, asking "Meliodas?"

"Let's talk about this when I'm back."

I just nodded, watching him turning around to sleep.

-Mael's POV-

I sat down on a branch, looking down at everyone socializing. The giants are starting to move into the fairy king's forest by now... They're all preparing for a fight.

We had to change our plan to end the war, and now we are just preparing for a big attack at the demon realm. Stigma have grown. Even humans are joining to end the demons at this point.

As much as I want to end the demons, I don't like this plan. I hope it won't work... because not only demons will be killed, but Elizabeth too...

The demons death isn't worth Elizabeth's life. Not for me... and the worst part, the Supreme Deity doesn't even seem to care she's gone.

She scolded me for my incompetence of holding her safe, but after that... she hasn't cared at all. She even seem religed by her disappearance and unattendence.

I'm so tired of this war, I'm so tired of fighting, I'm so tired of the Supreme Diety, I'm so tired of having to fear the people I love will be killed whenever.

All I want is just to flee and live happily with Elizabeth...

"You seem sad. Is it because of princess Elizabeth's kidnapping?" Someone suddenly said, making me turn to the Fairy King that now stood beside me.

I just nodded and he spoke "It's unfortunate that she fell for a demon such as Meliodas. Even I fell for his act."

Nodding, I mumbled "I never liked him. Now I have one more reason for it."

"You like princess Elizabeth, don't you?"

I kept quiet, not wanting to say it. She doesn't like me, it's better that I forget my feelings, that I fall out of love with her.

"If she's even still alive, I'm sure she's in the demon realm. If she's there when we attack..."

"I know, but I can't save her. We don't even know if she's alive or not, the Supreme Deity would never let me try to save her... And she would definitely not assign other people to take part of my rescue either."

"My fairies are sadly too weak to help." The king said, making me nod. With a sigh, I spoke "I just wish this war would be over soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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