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-Elizabeth's POV-

I shakily flew up to Meriodasu and he immediately flew over to me, saying "Elizabeth. I can't believe you got picked."

Nodding, I said "I wasn't prepared for it either... I'm not ready..."

Tears flew down my cheeks by this point. Meriodasu stared into my eyes a second before I hugged him. He slowly pulled his arms around me and whispered "It's fine... It will be fine... You are stronger now... and I will be there to protect you... I won't leave your side for even a moment."

He whispered so softly, making me nod into his shoulder.

"Thanks..." I mumbled and pulled away. He looked at me before turning his gaze to Jelamet, that spoke "Everyone joining the war should be at the castle before 6 to get information and then be escorted to the Fairy King's forest. Please use your last few hours here wisely."

Lots of people were crying and having mental breakdowns while a lot others just seemed emotionless.

Meriodasu suddenly grabbed my hand, saying "Let's go before that annoying archangel bastard comes. I want some alone time."

Before I knew it, Meriodasu was flying away with me. I followed, asking "Don't you want to get anything from your room or something to take with you?"

"No, I just want to be with you. We won't have much alone time when we are at the forest." He replied as we arrived to the theatre a few minutes later.

-Meliodas' POV-

I should be talking to father... it will be hard to talk to him during war and in the forest since people will always be surrounding me.

However, I just can't resist having my last moments alone with Elizabeth. I don't know what she's doing to me, but it's surely something.

I landed on the ground and Elizabeth did right after too, sitting down. I laid down in her lap, saying "I always wanted to do this."

"Wanted to do what?" She asked, looking down at me as she combed her fingers through my messy hair that probably had lots of tangles in it.

"Lay in your lap. I don't think I ever have done it..."

She giggled, saying "You're so cute sometimes, Meriodasu."

I smiled, saying "No, I'm feared and the strongest! I can't be cute!"

"Of course you can, you are to me at least." She spoke and I just smiled, moving to lay more comfortably and looking out to the side. Elizabeth continued to untangle my hair as we just talked a while, mostly Elizabeth talking.

. . . . .

I panted, slashing my sword, but to no use. It didn't even hit the enemy. I charged towards them again, hearing people's screams in pain and fear at the battlefield.

My mouth tasted of blood and my body had cuts all over it. Even from the start, I had been overwhelmed and surrounded by enemies.

They were of course not stronger than me, but too many to handle at once. I had been hit by too many surprise attacks from people I didn't even know I was fighting at the moment.

50, maybe even 100 of avarage and higher level demons had charged at me at the same time. I was out of breathe and went in shock when someone suddenly slashed me from the back.

Warm blood flooded down my back, my legs and dripped down from the tip of my shoes. I started falling, seeing the ground getting closer and closer too quickly to realize.

I came to my senses just before hitting the ground and started flying. Not caring anymore, I decided to use my darkness to heal my wounds. I can't be getting a blood lost in the middle of the battlefield where lots of demons wants my head unknowing of who I actually am.

As soon as I was healed up enough, I flew up fast and slashed my sword hard in the wind. The force of my blow ended up killing at least 5 demons, to my luck.

I can't kill too many, I should just make them unconscious. I shouldn't shed more of my own than needed.

As lots charged at me, I flew up and knocked some down by punching them in the head. Some others needed to be killed and the rest flew away in fear.

I stopped a few seconds to breathe, just to see lots of demons surrounding something or someone...


I had totally forgotten about her while trying to not kill the ones I fought. Suddenly not caring about demons dying anymore, I flew towards the demons and ragefully slashed them to death one by one. They all would feel my wrath if Elizabeth was just as much as scratched.

The demons one by one fell down until it was only one left who held onto Elizabeth by the neck. I kicked her hard in the head, hard enough for the head to go flying.

The tei started falling and I immediately caught Elizabeth in my arms.

"Elizabeth? Heal yourself." I said, feeling my heart racing. For once, I was actually... scared.

"Elizabeth! Wake up!" I said, flying down to the ground and gently putting her down on some bloody grass. Piles of bodies surrounding us.

I touched her neck, looking for her pulse. It was barely noticeable. Next I looked if she was breathing, which she wasn't...

"Wake up Elizabeth! You can't die now!" I said starting to do cpr on her. I continued a couple times, some weird liquid starting to drop down my face.

"Elizabeth, please. Wake up." I said, continuing to try to make her breathe. Someone suddenly landed on the other side of Elizabeth, but I didn't even care to look up at them.

They kneeled down, taking her pulse just like I did before and I just yelled "Get away from her!"


"No! Get away!"

"She's dead. You can't do anything about it."

"No! She's not! Not yet!"

I was slapped in the face, hard enough for me to face another direction. Looking back at who it was, I just saw Mael standing there through blurry eyes.


"No... No, no, no..." I mumbled, hugging Elizabeth's body. More warm liquid flowed down my checks. Am I crying? I never cried before...

"Elizabeth... I don't want you to die. I care about you, I love you. Please come back to me." I cried into her neck, hugging her limp body tighter.

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