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-Mael's POV-

I slapped him in the face once again, yelling "Answer me!"

He spit out some blood to his side, then turned back to face me, smirking "You will never get a word out of me."

"You filthy, disgusting bastard! Answer me!" I yelled, slapping him again, but harder this time. He kept quiet, his smirk not leaving his face.

I kicked him in the stomach, asking my question again "Did you intentionally hurt Elizabeth?!"

"Hmm, did I?" He asked, chuckling.

"You disgusting demon!" I slapped him again, but this time with an ark. Half his face looked red, as if he was burned. His smirk disappeared and he said "Elizabeth won't like this. No, not at all. Do you really wanna disappoint her like this?"

"Monster!" I yelled at him, slapping him as hard I could with an ark. He spit out some more blood before laughing "You're not even strong enough to make me feel it! Come on, hit me harder!"

I closed my fist, punching him in the stomach, then in the face and lastly kicked him in the chest. He just continued laughing "You're the strongest Archangel and this is all you got? You're fucking weak!"

My anger rose, but I decided to leave. I can't kill him... not yet. No one has gotten any information out of him yet.

I could hear his laughing as he watched me leave his cell.

-Elizabeth's POV-

"Please mother! Let me see him!"

"Hmm, he refuses to eat and no one has managed to get any information from him... I guess you could try..."

"Thank you mother! Thank you so much!" I said, feeling extremely happy. She gave me the keys, saying "You're not allowed to free him from his chains under any conditions, understood?"

I nodded, running out and to the dungeon immediately. It's been weeks since I last saw Meriodasu. No one has let me go down to him and the security has been extended high. There was no way I could possibly see him unless I had mother's permission.

I have been pleading to her every day, every chance I got to see her and today, she finally let's me!

I stopped in my tracks when I suddenly remembered something mother said. He hasn't eaten... He hasn't eaten in weeks...

Then I have to get him something to eat first. I can't let him starve himself. Going to the kitchen, I looked around for fruits, bread, meat, whatever that tastes good, whatever I know he liked.

Once I had a tray of different foods, I walked towards the dungeon. Once I was there, the guards looked at me weirdly, saying "Princess Elizabeth, like we tell you every day, you're not allowed insi-"

"Mother gave me the keys, I'm allowed to meet him again."

One of the guards sighed, taking the key from me and opening the door. He then put the key back on the tray and led me downstairs to Meriodasu's cell.

"Well Princess, shout if you need us."

I nodded and said "Thank you." while watching the guard leave.

Meriodasu looked at me through the bars and I nearly gasped at his bad state. His arms were chained to the wall, his legs chained down to the floor. The chains was tight enough for him to be forced to stand on his knees day and night, his arms constantly above his head, stretched out to each side.

His body was bruised, cutted and burned. Dried up blood where everywhere on him and in the cell. The chains that held him down was made for demons,  made by the strongest steal and enchanted by multiple goddess witches to forcefully deactivate demon powers. He was unable to use his darkness to heal him.

The cell smelled disgusting, bad enough that I wanted to gag, but I forced myself to not to. To not care about the smell, how bad it may be.

I walked into the cell, closing the cell door after me and putting down the tray on the floor.


"You know my real name, use it." He spoke as he turned his head away from me, refusing to look at me.

"M-Meliodas..." I corrected myself, looking at his wounds. I then continued "How could anyone do this to you?"

He kept quiet, not even looking at me. Shaking a little, I stretched my hands to his chest, saying "Let me heal you..."

Not getting any response from him, I just started healing his chest, then his stomach, his legs, his arms, every part until I only had the face left.

I gently grabbed his face, turning it to look at me while I healed it. His eyes were a beautiful green, but his expression was stern. Suddenly, his eyes flickered back and forth to black, the demon mark on his forehead appearing and disappearing, which made me draw my hand back in surprise.

"You can show your demonic powers, even with the chains on?"

He kept quiet, staring at me. I sighed, brushing some of his hair away from his face while saying "I should have expected... I know you're strong..."

He pulled his head back a little and then turned to look away again.

I looked at the tray I had with me, saying "I have food for you. You must be hungry, right? I heard you haven't eaten anything."

"You would know the answer to that question if you visited."

"I wasn't allowed to. I have been pleading every day to visit you. Believe me."

He kept quiet and I grabbed some bread from the tray first, trying to feed him, but he refused to eat.

"Please, eat. You need food to survive."

"You don't think I know that?" He spat at me, looking at me, but this time with anger in his eyes. I kept quiet, not wanting to upset him any more. All I did was look at the ground, wanting the answer of just one question. Finally building up my courage to ask, I did "Do you love me? Did you... ever love me?"

He kept quiet a second, that second turned to multiple before he finally said "Come closer."

I moved slightly closer, but not much. He told me again "Come even closer."

Moving close very close to him, I stared him into his eyes a second. Nervousness was in my whole body.

Then he pushed his lips onto mine, giving me a passionate and hard kiss. I kissed him back, pulling away after a few seconds.

I smiled at him, tears in my eyes when I said "Everyone told me you didn't..."

"Everyone has also always hated our relationship, especially that bodyguard of yours." He said, staring into my eyes. I nodded, saying "I guess..."

"You think you can let me out of these chains so I can eat?"

"Well... I'm not allowed to and I don't have the keys, but I can feed you. Just say what you want to eat first."

He smiled at me, saying "Anything you gives me tastes good, so it doesn't matter."

I giggled, ripping some bread apart and feeding it to him. Enjoying to take care of him, even in these bad conditions.

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