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-Meliodas' POV-

"So... what did she want?"

"She asked if we were lovers."

A blush crept up on her face as she asked "What did you say?"

"That we're kinda friends and I teach you the subjects." I replied, leaning back in my seat. She nodded, looking down at her food. After a few seconds, I broke the silence by saying "She wanted me to be your second bodyguard."

She looked back at me in the speed of light, asking "Are you now?"

"No, I refused."

"But no one ever tells her no."

"Well, I did."

She just nodded, asking "Was it anything else?"


"Okay..." She mumbled and silence consumed us once again. Then she asked "I wonder where Mael is... You don't happen to know?"


"Okay... He's been acting really strange lately... He's been so overprotective, but now all of a sudden, he's barely around? I wonder what mother told him..."

"Doesn't matter. That he's not around just makes it easier to get away from him." I shrugged before asking "When are we going to the human realm? I miss the heavenly feeling of alcohol."

"You drink ale?"

"Of course. Don't tell me you never had any?"

"Um... no... I just don't see the point in it, it makes humans act weird... and mother doesn't like when I do what humans do either way..."

"Well, you're trying when we're going there! You sure are missing out if not!" I told her and she blushed slightly while nodding.

"Let's go tonight then."

"Great, I wanna get drunk so badly now."

"Should I be worried about this?"


. . . . .

I was laying down in the grass, staring up at the clouds as Elizabeth and the rest of the class was learning sword fighting.

I'm just not able to stop thinking of the conversation I had with the Supreme Diety. Why did I act like that? Why didn't I think this through like I usually do? Why... was I so emotional?

Why do I get so upset when I think of losing my friendship with Elizabeth? Not that I care about her or anything... which is why it's weird...

"-odasu!" I snapped back into reality when Elizabeth stood at my feet, staring down at me.

"What's up?"

"I have called for you multiple times... Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"You were so deep in thought..."

"What was it you wanted?" I asked, changing the subject. She immediately answered "Can you help me with the technique? I don't really understand how to do it..."

"I guess I have to, don't I?"

She just nodded and I jumped up on my feet, saying "Okay, start off standing like this..."

-Elizabeth's POV-

I walked into my and Mael's dorm. Mael closed the door after he entered and I immediately asked "Where were you this morning? You usually never leave me unprotected..."

"The question is, where were you? I was at the classes we were supposed to be in, but you and that human-goddess wasn't."

"I slept in... and Meriodasu and I went to eat early lunch before going to class..."

"I really don't like him, Elizabeth. He makes you do stupid things, like missing class, sneaking off. What will possibly be next?"

"Meriodasu is teaching me how to fight and take care of myself... and he knows how to have fun, so please don't speak so ill of him when he hasn't done anything wrong..." I said, having enough of this conversation.

Why can't I just have one friend? He's the only friend I have at the moment and everyone tries to take me away from him?

I closed the door to my room, laying down in bed. Why can't I ever just have a normal life? Just for one day?

I fell asleep with my thoughts running around in my mind, tiring me out too much.

. . . . .

Noises woke me up, making me look towards my closet to see Meriodasu looking at my dresses and then throwing them on the ground.

"What're you doing?!" I asked, getting up from bed. He looked at me before continuing looking at dresses and throwing them on the ground.

"Since we're going to a bar, you have to wear fitting clothes."

"But you haven't changed yours-"

"Hmmmm, because I want some eye candy while drinking."

"You pervert!" I whisper yelled to not wake Mael up. He's probably asleep if Meriodasu is here...

"Put all my clothes back! I'm not changing outfit!" I told him. He just chuckled, asking "Princess, I'm just trying to make your experience as good as possible. Why make it hard for me?"

"You're not! You're making your experience as good as possible! Mine would be way better with just these clothes."

He looked me up and down, having a disapproving look on his face "Fine, but you're the one gonna feel out of place."

I just rolled my eyes, saying "Put all my clothes back now!"

"No, it's time to go now." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of that place.

. . . . .

We landed on the ground and I felt nervousness dwell up inside me.

"Where's the-"

Without a word, Meriodasu pulled me into a cave where it was a big door. He opened it and noise was immediately heard.

Meriodasu chuckled beside me, saying "No need to be nervous princess. It's just a bar."

I nodded as we stepped into the cave bar. I looked around while walking close to Meriodasu, feeling a little uncomfortable around all these drunk people.

I took a seat beside Meriodasu at the counter. An orange haired man with glasses and green costume stood on the other side, staring at Meriodasu.

"Is that you, Mel-"

"Yes, it's me."

"I haven't seen you in a while. Why do you look... like that?"

"Escanor, just give us the damn beers."

"Vanya Ale like usually?"

Meriodasu nodded and the barista turned to me, asking "What would the pretty lady want?"

"Um... Can I just get a wa-"

"She's never tried alcohol before, so give her whatever you think fits her."

Escanor nodded, leaving to get us drinks as I turned towards Meriodasu "Do you know him?"

"Hmmm, I used to go here quite often. He's a friend of mine."

I nodded, looking around the place. A few were dressed up, but most people seemed to just wear normal clothes like me... so I don't look out of place after all.

A mug was placed in front of me as I saw Meriodasu already sipping down his first drink.

"Here you go miss."

"Thank you."

"Drink up." Meriodasu said and I took a sip.

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