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-Ban's POV-

I laid on a branch, eating some berries I found as I waited for Elaine to be done with whatever she was doing.

I groaned, yelling out "Boringggggggggg" in hope something would happen. As if on cue, someone landed on the branch I was on.

"You're the human who the Fairy King yelled at. What're you doing here?"

Looking at the short guy, I said "You're that Morris guy, right?"

"It's Meriodasu."

"Close enough." I mumbled, eating some more berries. He stared at me, asking "Who are you?"

"Ban. Bandit Ban as most calls me."

"Bandit, huh? So why are you here?"

"None of your business. What 'bout you?"

"None of your business either."

I sat up, staring at him as he stared back at me. We had a staring contest a while until he finally said "You seem to have great taste in alchohol, wanna go and drink? I know a place."

Smiling at him, I jumped down from the branch and said "I have a collection with ale from all around the world. I know a thing or two."

"What's your favorite then?"

. . . . .

We walked into a cave and I looked around while following Meriodasu. We went up to the man who served drinks and Meriodasu spoke "Escanor! I am back!"

"Meriodasu... you have another friend with you today..."

"Yeah. This is Ban, another alcoholic."

"Hmm, have I seen you before?"

"Nope." I answered Escanor, shrugging as I asked "Give me the best you have!"

"I want my usual." Meriodasu said. Escanor walked to prepare our drinks as Meriodasu turned to me "So what were you doing in the Fairy King's Forest? The Fairy King doesn't seem to like you."

"But his sister does." I replied and we continued talking.

-Elizabeth's POV-

"I don't like how close he is to you." Mael said. I sighed, saying "You don't like Meriodasu at all, please don't get in the way for our relationship..."

"I'm just looking out for you, as a friend and as a bodyguard."

"I don't need a bodyguard anymore. Meriodasu is always there to protect me." I said. Mael looked away, saying "I saw him on the battle field. He's not fighting like normal goddesses... it's something about him."

"Well, he was raised by humans after all."

"That's not it. He's not fighting like a human. His fighting techniques are like... like a demons. He fights like a monster."

"He used to live in the battle field, he probably learned fighting techniques from that. You think too much about it." I said, blowing on my meat before tasting it.

"Meliodas hasn't been seen in a very long time now. Rumours says he's dead." I heard someone say from behind me. I looked there to see Ludociel and the rest of the Four Archangels.

"You all are also here?"

They all joined us with their own piece of meat, cooking it themselves over our fire. Sariel spoke "We are executing our plan in a few days. That's why most warriors were going here, including you princess Elizabeth."

I nodded and Tarmiel asked "Where's your boyfriend?"

"I'm not sure. He wanders off sometimes to be alone." I responded. Mael then said "It's getting late, we should all get some proper sleep soon."

Standing up, I said "I'm going to look for Meriodasu. You all have a nice meal and sleep."

Then I walked away, going to wander in the dark forest.

. . . . .

I was watching Meriodasu fight demon after demon. As usually, I could do nothing. Even if I wanted to, Meriodasu killed all demons before I could even spot them alive.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. Looking up, I saw someone I would not expect seeing here... Gloxinia.

"Princess Elizabeth, I'm sorry, but I have to do this."

"Meriodasu!" I yelled. He looked back at me, his eyes widening as he saw Gloxinia so close to me. He pushed the demons he fought away and next I knew, Meriodasu was fighting Gloxinia.

Looking at my wound, I started healing it as quickly as I could so I can try to help Meriodasu fighting. Once it was healed, I went to attack Gloxinia myself.

I charged at him, swinging my sword once I came close, only for me to miss him and Meriodasu yelling "Elizabeth! Stay away!"

Some incredibly light shot towards me and a burning pain covered my whole body. Next second, I was on the ground, struggling to move.

"Elizabeth!" Meriodasu yelled, flying towards me. He landed on the ground beside me, asking "Can you heal yourself?!"

"I..." My eyelids felt heavy and I couldn't move my body. Another person landed beside Meriodasu and I heard Mael's voice saying "I will heal you Elizabeth. Just lay still."

Last thing I saw before falling unconscious was Meriodasu angrily charging at Gloxinia.

. . . . .

I woke up in the Fairy King's forest, laying on the ground. Sitting up, I looked at Meriodasu that was pacing back and forth not too far away.

He saw me getting up, immediately running up to me "Elizabeth! Don't ever interfere in a fight again! Especially not against a commandment!"

Looking down to my lap, I mumbled "I'm sorry, I just wanted to help."

"And I just want you to be safe, so don't do that again. It's stupid and we both could get hurt."

I nodded, not daring to look him into his eyes. He's probably so disappointed in me...

"How are you feeling? Does it hurt?"

"No... I'm fine."

"That's good." He said, backing away from me a little. Now someone else spoke up "For once, I have to agree with your humanlike goddess."

I looked up at Mael who leaned against a tree, crossed arms. Once again, he spoke up "Don't interfere in fights like these. You're not ready yet."

I just nodded again as both of them lectured me, which soon turned to a fight between the two.

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