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-Mael's POV-

Elizabeth was crying, watching them take away Meriodasu. I walked over to her, helping her stand up.

"Are you okay?"

She shook her head, hugging me and crying out on my chest. I stroke her long hair, hugging her back with my other arm and spoke "It will be fine. We will be taking him to the Supreme Diety and she will decide what to do with him."

"I... I want to go home... I'm so tired of this war..."

I picked her up, saying "Okay. I will talk to the Supreme Deity for you. I'm sure she's gonna want to get you more protection. That's fine?"

She nodded, mumbling "I don't even care anymore. Everyone I trust turns their backs on me..."

"I will never do that, I promise."

She gave me a small smile, wiping away her tears as I took off in the air. That's when she spoke "I'm so thankful you was near... I don't know what would happen if not..."

Giving her a sad look, I said "I saw him leaving... I was there and I decided to follow him... I saw everything. From start until you came."

"Are you going to tell mother?"

"Of course." I said, seeing her nod and rest her head on my shoulder.

"I still love him... I love him so much. I don't want anything bad to happen to him." She cried, trying to wipe away her flowing tears with the back of her hand.

I hugged her closer, feeling like being stabbed in my heart. For her whole life, I have been there. I have been her friend, I have protected her, I have taken care of her, I have loved her... and she still chooses a demon over me?

Not just any demon, but the most ruthless demon known over me?

I have tried and tried and tried, but I can never have her. I sighed "I'm always here for you, okay? I promise."

"Thank you, Mael..."

. . . . .

I stood in front of the Supreme Deity. Sariel and Tarmiel held onto the demon, forcing him on his knees before the Supreme Deity. That filthy demon had been forced to take off his goddess disguise and now he clearly looked like a demon. His demon mark stretched nearly over his whole forehead, his wings were gone and his eyes nearly vantablack.

Ludociel stood near him in case he would try to flee, ready to use ark on him.

Elizabeth and I was here as witnesses, to tell what had happened. She was looking down at the ground, fiddling with her fingers and to me, looked destroyed. As if everything and everyone she loved had been taken away from her.

Deciding to be the one to speak, I said "Your highness. I witnessed the well known Meriodasu talking with someone, assumingly the Demon King, through some black hole. The unknown demon was called 'father' while Meriodasu was called Meliodas. Princess Elizabeth was noticed and Meliodas attacked her."

"Is this what happened, Elizabeth?"

She nodded, not looking up from the floor. The Supreme Diety asked "Meriodasu, is Meliodas your real name? Are you the son of the Demon King? Have you leaked information to the Demon Clan and betrayed us?"

"I'm not gonna say anything to some lying old hag." Meliodas spoke harshly, glaring at the Supreme Diety. She sighed and said "Take him to the dungeon. Intortigate him, you're allowed to use whatever method wanted."

Everyone nodded, Tarmiel, Sariel and Ludociel forcing that demon away.

I walked up to Elizabeth as she was once again crying. Pulling her into a hug, I said "Forget him. All he is is a filthy, lowlife demon. There is others who would love you more."

"But I don't want others... I want him..."

"Elizabeth, I want to speak with you. Alone." The Supreme Diety spoke, making me let go of Elizabeth and say "I will be outside."

With that, I walked out of the throne room. It took a couple minutes and I tried my best to not listen to what they said, but I was still surprised of when Elizabeth ran out of the throne room crying.


"Leave me alone. I want to be by myself." She cried before disappearing, probably to her room.

-Zeldoris' POV-

"The Demon King has called for you." Derriere said, crossed arms while leaning against the doorframe. Getting up, I asked "Where is he?"

"Where the hell do you think?"

"You're so helpful, Derriere." I said sarcastically while walking past her. I walked towards the throne room alone, thoughts consuming me.

Did I do something? Did something happen? Has he found out about Gelda and I?

What if he found out about Gelda and I? He would be furious. He... he would do something to Gelda, he would force me to stop loving her...

I stopped in my tracks... What will happen? What does he want? He never calls for me unless he wants something important...

Taking a deep breath in, I continued on my way to father, entering the throne room.

"Father... What is the matter?"

He sighed, saying "Your incompetent brother has been caught. I can no longer contact him or get any information from him in any way."

Meliodas has been caught? Is... He is still alive, right? No, what am I thinking? It's Meliodas, of course he's alive.

"I understood, so how does this concern me at the moment? Father?"

"Prepare a rescue. I need Meliodas back alive. The sooner, the better."

Of course... Meliodas has always been the favorite, so he would obviously be rescued as soon as possible. Not that I don't want him to be rescued, it's just... If it was me, father would probably not even care...

"I will start immediately father."

He nodded, saying "Now leave my sight. I have seen enough of you."

"Of course father." I said, bowing and walking out immediately. Seeing a maid as soon as I left, I said "Gather all the commandments in the planning room. I want them all there within an hour."

She nodded and ran away to find them.

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