☆25: The Witch from DRS

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Crowler's room...

"Ta-Da! It's done!!"

In front of him, a girl with twin tail hair who look like an elementary school student drops a bunch of paper and notebook on top of the table with dramatic fanfare.

The corner of Crowler's right eye twitched, looking at Kei's rude behavior.

Kei crossed her arms, and with a prideful look she asked, "What with the sour face? I told you I can finish the assignments earlier"

"Earlier you say...", Crowler let out a deep sigh as he started checking one of her papers.

[This assignment... isn't this the first assignment Ai gave you on the first day of the current semester? It's almost a month late!]

He then check another assignment he gave her.

"Nyonyo?!", Crowler widened his eyes like an owl, shocked to see the content of her notebook.

"Isn't this the assignment Ai gave you at the start of the semester last year?!"

Kei slightly tilted her head sideways, confused.

"Is it? Huh, maybe it got mixed in", told her calmly as if nothing was wrong.

Crowler's face become redder as he got mad by the second he spent time with her.

Quickly, he checked the other assignments of her and found out that the assignments he gave her for the current semester is only... one!

She only finished one assignment!

Most assignments she handed is from last year! Heck, there is also an assignment from two years ago that he remembers because he practically gave that assignment for the current first year.

"Mamma Mia...", whispers Crowler as he does a facepalm, expressing his disappointment.

"Signora Mavis... what's the meaning of this?", asked Crowler as he rolled one of Kei's notebook.

"Meaning? Is... there any?", replied her with an innocent look.

Crowler grit his teeth while looking at her with maddening eyes.

He didn't know if she is really lying or just straight out stupid, even though Kei Mavis answering him with an innocent expression belonging to that of a child, deep down he can't help but felt that the girl in front of him is lying and sneering at him.

Looking at her expression made Crowler remember another former student of him from Slifer Red with a stupid face.

Jaden Yuki: Gotcha, that was a fun duel!

Remembering his stupid face and catchphrase, he squeezed the notebook harder.

Having enough of her, Crowler rise from his chair and then pointing the edge of the rolled up notebook to her face.

"Signora Mavis! Out of all the assignment you handed over, you only did ONE!!", shouts Crowler.

The moment Crowler do that made Kei a bit startled.

She then held her chin, and nonchalantly asked.

"Ehhh? That's strange, you sure you aren't mistaken? TEA... CHER?"

Crowler do a facepalm. This particular 3rd year student amazingly manages to test the limit of his patience, and bring him to another mental level of headache.

He really wanted to smack that tiny head of her, but for an elite teacher like him that isn't the professional thing to do nor elegant.

With a deep sigh, Crowler took a pocket-size notebook from his drawer, opens it, then shows it to Kei his writing or specifically the assignments he gave to the 3rd year.

Yugioh: New Duelists XTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon