#24: DRS, Stacking

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[You don't deserve to use that card yet]

The words of his brother in the past reverberates in Syrus' mind.

[Until you've mature enough to be called a *Duelist* you can't use this card]

Another words of his brother entered his mind.

Sy's looking at the newly Power Bond card he manages to draw.

"Power Bond... Elder Brother banned me from using this card, but right now..." Syrus then look toward his opponent, then back to the Power Bond card, "Kuh!", whisper him, as he bit his lip.

[If I use this, I can beat him, but...] Sy's fingers trembling holding the card Power Bond.

"What's wrong?! Afraid?!" Sneer his opponent.

Hearing his jeer, Syrus quickly shakes his head to forget about his brother's words and to focus.

[It's alright, I can win without using Power Bond] think him, as he regains his confidence.

"Mirror Wall's effect, each of my standby phase I must deduct 2000 life points as the cost for this card remains on the field.

But, I can also choose to not pay it, but the card would be destroyed... and of course I choose the latter!"

Syrus take the Mirror Wall card from the Duel plate, and send it to the Graveyard.

"Then I activate Polymerization, and fuse two Patroid on my hand! Come here! Pair Cycroid"

Two anthropomorphic Police Car combines, becoming an anthropomorphic tandem bicycle.

Pair Cycroid (LV.5)
ATK 1600 DEF 1200

"Heh! Wasting your cards for a mere monster with 1600 attack? So dumb" snorted Sun.

Syrus smile, "It's attack maybe low... but this is enough to defeat you! Pair Cycroid, attack him directly!"

"Gash! It's actually had an effect to directly attack" surprised him, "But", the corners of his mouth bend upward.

"You didn't forget I still had a set a card, don't you?"

Syrus grit his teeth, [Of course I know, but if I didn't attack and end you this turn, then the next turn it'll become my downfall]

"Do you know what I set?", asked Sun, then he waves his hand, revealing the set card, "Magic Cyclinder", sneer him.

"Wha!" Sy was surprised, his eyes wide open and mouth open like a cave.

"Eat your damn own attack!" Laughs him.

The Tandem Bicycle goes inside the red cylinder, then get out from another one, hitting Syrus hard.


Ayrus |LP 200>0|

"Hmph! This is easy!" Tell him, as he turned back, leaving Syrus.

Sy's knees become weak like noodles, and fall to the floor.

"No way... No way..." tears begun to fall from his eyes, wetting the floor.

"I lost? So that's mean..."

"Just as you expected Signore Truesdale" a blond hair teacher with face kinda resembling Pot of Greed come to Syrus' side smiling.

"Professor... Vellian?" Ask Syrus, as he cries.

But Crowler here isn't to support him or make him better, "Now GET OUT from here" tell him viciously, disregarding his feelings.


Yugioh: New Duelists XOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora