#33: Promotion Exam

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Promotion exam begun.

The first hurdle, Written Exam!!!

Many students read solemnly at the question, no other sound except the rubbing of a pencil or pen.

Some student already sweating, scared when he/she read the question or when they can't answer it.

While some minor student keep calm, and even answered the questions with ease.

[W- what is this question?!]

Syrus grip his hair in frustration, unable to answer the first essay question.

Question 1: Explain how the continuous trap card "Pole Position" can create an infinite loop (with example)!

[Pole Position? What is that?! Is there really a card with such names?!!]

Sy shakes his head, and continue to the next question.

Question 2: Explain how the fusion monster "Cyber Blader" can create an infinite loop (with example)!

"Again?!" Syrus shout it rather loudly, making other students looking at him, and even the teacher in charge of the exam.

Syrus nodded and apologize repeatedly, he then focused on the second question.

[Cyber Blader? Isn't this Alexis' Ace monster? Can it really cause an infinite loop?]

Think Sy, as he secretly glanced at Alexis across the seat.

Just like Syrus, Alexia in question is also surprised, she didn't think that her ace Cyber Blader can create an infinite loop.

She closes her eyes, and think deeply about her monster's effect, then the scenarios of when her monster's effect activated. As her head been hit by a stick, Alexis open her eyes wide, and quickly write her answer.

Syrus still stuck in the second question sigh tiredly, he then gazes at the empty left seat beside him.

"Big Bro... where is he? Ha... Don't tell me he's late again"

He then shifted his gaze to his right, "Yuji?",

Yuji: Zzzz... Zzzz

Syrus saw that beside him, Yuji were sleeping peacefully like an overworked salary man while covering his exam papers with his hand folded as pillow.

Sy sigh looking at him, "It seems that Yuji already gave up on the exam"

Yuji: Zzzz.... Zzzz...

Syrus' eyelids become heavy and heavier, look at the peaceful sleeping Yuji, he can't help but to be sleepy too. It didn't take one minute for him to completely doze off.

Syrus and Yuji who doze off on the exam, unknowingly get resentful gaze and also disappointed gaze from some student around them.

[Sleeping at the important exam like this, is these two already gave up?] think Alexis.

"Don't mind them, believe it or not they had a pretty good on their shoulder"

Asuka jolted, a bit surprised hearing the sudden words, she then nonchalantly moved her head looking at Sakura.

"Is that so" asked Alexis.

She, who noticed her gaze continue writing and at the same time answered her question, "... probably"

Alexis show a wryly smile, she doesn't know whether to believe her words or not.

"... huh?" but when she looked at where Ayrus and Yuji, it seems something or someone were missing. Yes, that is right, she didn't find Jaden's figure were about.

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