#26: E•HERO VS Frightfur

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Yuji look at his card like he was uninterested, "I summon Elemental HERO Blazeman in Attack position"

Fire tornado appears on the field, revealing a burning HERO in an orange battle suit with 6 mechanical accessories like limbs on his back.

Looking at the newly arrived Blazeman, Kei whistle, "Hero, huh? It's cool" nod her, "But not as cute as my Fluffal"

Yuji ignores her words, and continue, "Blazeman's effect, if this card normal or special summoned I can get one Polymerization from my deck to my hand"

Kei gasped, "So it's the same type of Stand as Sta- I mean the same type of effect as Fluffal Owl", joked her.

A card ejected from the deck automatically, and Yuji took it, then The Duel Disk shuffles his deck automatically.

"Then I fuse Blazeman on the field and Elemental HERO Woodsman on my hand", tell him, as he already activated the spell card Polymerization on the duel plate.

Yuji clench his chest, "Like The Sun that drive away the darkness and bring life to the world"

"...?" Kei tilted her head confused, seeing his action and hearing his words.

A portal appear on the ground, a miniature sun slowly rising.

"A new HERO would rise to bring hope and miracle to his brethren" he then raised his hand, as if to call an outer space entity.

The miniature sun gradually dwindle, slowly revealing the HERO's appearance.

"Fusion Summon. Lend me your strength! Elemental HERO Sunrise" he then put the card to the duel plate.

The sun dissipated, a new HERO appears, doing a heroic Y pose to signal his arrival.

The HERO had shinning mechanical armor with red and golden colors, a fluttering cape with color like the ocean.

Futuristic Corinthian helmet resembling Elemental HERO Bladedge, with a golden sun symbol etched upon his stomach.

E•HERO Sunrise (LV. 7)
ATK 2500>2700 DEF 1200

"Pfft! Hahahahahaha! Chants? You are actually chanting to fusion summon?!, laughs Kei, "That's a great idea!! After these shenanigans, I'm going to writes a bunch of chants for my Frightfurs", nod her.

Yuji's right eye twitched when he hears the word "Shenanigan" from her.

"Activate Sunrise's effect, I can add 1 spell card Miracle Fusion from the Deck to my hand"

Yuji took the ejected card and put it on the duel plate, "I fusion summon Blazeman and Woodsman in my Graveyard"

A whirlpool of blue and green energies appear on top of the field. Two lights shoot up from the ground to the center of the whirlpool.

Yuji starting to chant, "A towering HERO that wears great black alloy armor with strength to split the continent.

With your mighty fist, crush the villain in front of me"

"Who are you calling a villain?!" protested Kei.

"Fusion Summon. Lend me your strength! Elemental HERO Gaia"

Like a meteorite that fall to the earth, the new HERO arrived at Yuji's field.

Elemental HERO Gaia (LV.6)
ATK 2200 DEF 2600

"Another effect of Sunrise is now activated"

Elemental HERO Gaia (LV.6)
ATK 2200>2600 DEF 2600

E•HERO Sunrise (LV. 7)
ATK 2500>2900 DEF 1200

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