40: The Heroes and The Rivals -Descent-

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"Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!"

Shouted Sakura, as she places the card rather hard into the top of her Duel Disk's plate.

From the blooming lunar flower, a nightmarish-looking dragon appears from beneath the translucent white petals.

The dragon had various orbs etched on his body, big horns like a Taurus, two mandible near his drooling mouth, and two pairs of wings like Venus flytrap-like head with mouth when open lined with long fangs belonging to a serpent.

The appearance of the dragon steal the attention of the surrounding audience.

Some amazed by the tyrannical yet majestic posture of it, while others felt intimidated by it oppressing presence.

If there's a word that can describe the dragon, it would be:





Starving Venom Fusion Dragon, it is certainly right to call it a BOSS Monster.

"I had seen Sakura's dragon multiple time, but... whenever I see it, it is truly... breathtaking" said Jasmine looking at the duel on the podium's chair.

Not only her, but when the dragon appears Chazz even paused his duel against Jaden, "Tch, damn it..."

Jaden confused seeing Chazz's reaction, and so he shifted his gaze toward the direction of his gaze.

"Whoa! Isn't that Sakura's dragon? Man, her dragon is so cool! Maybe I should asked her for duel later" amazed him.

Hearing his words, Chazz snorted, "Humph! A loser like you want to challenge her?! Hahahahaha, know your place, Idiot! Someone weak as you are nowhere near her level! So get back to your hometown, your small-time Hero!!" Insulted him.

Hearing his jeer, Jaden become rather angry, "What's wrong with that?! Just because I'm not that good with my head doesn't mean I can't win against her!"

Jaden then points his index finger to Chazz, "Etched this in your mind! Even though I'm an idiot, I'm... Going to become a duel king!!" Declared him.

Hearing his declaration Chazz laughs with mocking tone, he said, "A Slacker like you, who's late on the exam want to become a Duel King?! Don't joke with me! Duel King is a title... that only reserved for the strongest!! And that person is me!!"

Chazz put his finger on top of the mounted deck, "Draw!", drawing the card rather forceful.

He then points his finger toward Jaden, "Slacker like you... just stay down at your ghetto and keep dreaming!!"

On the other side of the arena...

A youth with dual-colored hair were standing with a HERO facing against the white queen and her vicious dragon.

Even under such pressure, he can't help but to show a smile.

Sakura, seeing Yuji were confused, "What's so funny?", asked her.

"Didn't you heard it?" Said Yuji looking sideways at Jaden.

Sakura tilted her head, "What's wrong with him?" Asked her which, she then also gazes at Jaden's figure.

"I'm happy" answered him.


He nods, "Yeah... I'm happy that there is another guy who want to become a Duel King"

"Why so?" Asked her.

Yuji shifted his gaze toward her, "Don't you get it? There is only one throne, but the competitors are so many"

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