#29: 0.05% is actually high

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"The abandoned dorm..."

The moon hangs on the raven sky, accompanied by the luminescence pebbles. On the stairs of a humble building, a boy is lost in his though all alone.

Few hours before, in an extravagant yet cozy room of a certain Society led by a questionable leader.

"I... want to revive my partner" say Yuji.

Kei tilted her head, as she was confused by his words, "I- I uh... beg your pardon?"

"I want to revive my partner"

She closed her eyes, "Is it a human being or... Duel Monster Spirit?" asked her.

"... Duel Monster Spirit" told him.

She opened her eyes, dark blue like Zircon, "Explain... "told her, as she stared at his peridot eyes.

Yuji's start explaining about the reason why he wants to revive his partner, and about what happen to his partner and his old cards.

"I was born in a very strict household. So strict that I'm almost had no times to relax, and even to play.

What they-he taught me was how to become a tyrant, forcing me into a rigorous accelerate education... study this, study that, I hate it! Can't eat before finishing the job, get beaten if I'm... kuh!" Yuji grit his teeth, his eyes shows an enraged passion.

"Simply to say the only that would remain at my side and listen to me is him only, and because of me... He... I..."

He also told her how that they are so precious to him, and despite being very precious, they were taken and destroyed in front of him.

"Their screams at that night... how- how they body were turned slowly into charred... I-I Damn it!". Yuji closed his eyes, his body trembling like he was just drowned in the frozen lake

Yuji also add that he can see Duel Monster Spirit in the flesh, and how they anguish when they were burned.

"I can't save them... me... I- I can't save them I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I... can't... can't..."

Tears begin to fall, he even said how he hates himself for not being able to save them.

The horrifying scenery he saw, their screams of anguish to this he still remembers it clearly, and it still haunts him in his dream until now.

Kei shift her gaze, more or less she knew what he wants, "Yuji... the one who you wanna do is revive your partner and the other Duel Monster Spirit souls? Or... what do you Truly wanna do is freeing yourself from the guilt?"

"What do you mean?"

Kei silent and then she began to talk, "What I want to say is... give up"

"W- what?!", tell him bewildered

"Give it up. What you do is chasing a rainbow, just like we human can't revive the dead... what do you think even reviving something that everyone can't see... don't tell me that you considered using Monster Reborn?!", she then folded her arms, and say to Yuji directly and coldly, "Just. Give Up."

"But you say that befor-"

"That guy is missing. Even the academy didn't know where he and the others missing is. We still had his papers here, but to me, it just a nonsense.

Unlike deck building or card analysis, Duel Monster Spirit is so unrealistic that it's borderline crazy.

I know that something like magic and god exist... but sadly it's very hard and near impossible to research them.

So, GIVE IT UP! What truly you want to do is punishing yourself"


Her words reverberate through his mind. As to help him calm down his nerves, he drinks a Chamomile tea while feeling the cold breeze of the sandman night.

"... Is there really no way? No... there must b-"


"Tch! Why the hell I should listen to someone that blackmail me!"

[What you do is chasing a rainbow]

Yuji snorted, "Heh! It's better to chasing a rainbow. It's alright if the probability is 0.05 percent, if I didn't try it first how can I know is it impossible.

Yes, the possibility isn't zero, it is actually high!!

Who knew maybe something so ridiculous as playing card game on motorcycle becomes the norm in the future" say Yuji excited.

"Rainbow Kuriboh... just you wait a little more"

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