☆4: Dull Cards

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"My turn, draw!"

Yuji draws a card, creating a spectacular mahogany colored arch in the air.

"Brace yourself, Jaden! I summon Elemental HERO Prisma in attack position!"

He placed the card into his Duel Disk's blade. But nothing happened, the holographic image and special effect didn't come.

"Um.... I summon Elemental HERO Prisma in attack position!"


Nothing happened, The Solid Vision system didn't respond.

"I said... I summon Elemental HERO Prisma in attack position!!!"

Yuji shouted louder, but nothing happened.


Jaden and Syrus looking at Yuji who repeatedly placed E•HERO Prisma with confused look.

Yuji let out a deep sighs, since the duel with Trueman his Duel Disk didn't work as it should be.

He checked and do a maintenance when this thing starts to happen. He even requested help to Misawa and even Sakura, who is more knowledgeable and skilled than him.

But the problem still persists, he even brought it out to the department in the Academy, who deals with technological and equipments problem, but the problem still exists.

He even bought a new one, but nothing has changed.

"Is it still broken?", asked Jaden as he's approaching Yuji.

"Yeah...", nods him with a worried expression, as he tried another Elemental HERO's monster card.

"Trap and Spell card still working, but when it comes to Monster Card, some working and some won't", said Yuji as he turned off the Duel Disk.

"Maybe the problem is the cards itself?", asked Syrus while sitting on the stairs.

Yuji closed his eyes, "Maybe...", replied him a bit gloomy.

Just like the Duel Disk, Yuji already requested a help from someone who knowledgeable about Duel Monster card.

Based on the answers he received, there isn't anything wrong with his cards, in fact the one who inspect his cards praised him because he's done a good job on maintaining his cards in very good condition.

If there isn't a problem on his cards and Duel Disk, then the real problem lies within the user, which makes Yuji disappointed in himself.

Thinking that it was his fault, he even lends the cards to Jaden. Surprisingly, even his cards didn't respond to Jaden.

Syrus smiles wryly after looking at Yuji's gloomy expression, wondering how he can lighten his mood.

"Ah!", Syrus claps his hand, he seems to have an idea.

Jaden and Yuji looked at Syrus, wondering what he's been thinking.

"Big Bro, Yuji! Did you know that The Academy gonna issue a new Duel Disk?!"

Yuji and Jaden looked at each other, wondering if they know, but both of them shakes their head and shifted their attention to Syrus again.

Syrus grabs his PDA, then shows the image of the new Duel Disk and its specification.

The New Duel Disk has the same appearance as the one they've used, but seems sleeker and now has the color accent based on the user's respective dormitory.

Written on it, it also has a new chamber for Banishment zone, new version of Solid Vision system and its update already installed.

"It is free?", asked Yuji looking a bit skeptical.

Yugioh: New Duelists XOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant