Chapter Sixty. Craving Your Touch

Start from the beginning

"All done." Namjoon said after he'd gone and locked the door, turning around with a smirk. "Should I switch off the lights?"

"Yeah. Except the one in the corner." Jin was nearly jumping in his place as he pointed across the room, giggling.

Namjoon switched all the lights off except the one Jin said not to, and the room was now dimly lit. "Hold on a minute. I'll put down the curtains."

"Okay, just don't tear them off in the middle." Jin snickered, still covering his mouth to be quiet.

"Not funny!" Namjoon pouted, but he managed to pull the curtains over the closed windows without causing any kind of destruction.

Then he turned around with a grin at Jin, who sat in the middle of the bed waiting for him, and he walked over to join him, taking the purple bag on the way.

"What have you got there?" Jin asked curiously as he looked at it and then at Namjoon, who sat beside him and wrapped an arm around his waist, making Jin rest his head on his chest as they sat there.

"Your present," Namjoon answered, placing the bag on the smaller male's lap. "Merry Christmas, hyung."

Jin giggled, taking the bag and peeking inside with wide eyes, his excitement cute and childlike. "You've said that many times already."

"I did?" Namjoon chuckled, hugging him closer. "Why, I never noticed... Now, open it."

Jin did so, tilting the bag upside down so that a wrapped up purple box slipped out onto his lap, a black bow tied on the top.

"Sorry, I meant to write you something on a note, but I didn't have time," Namjoon said apologetically, but Jin shook his head, smiling at him.

"It's fine, Joonie-ah." And he gave him a quick kiss of reassurance on the cheek before going back to opening the gift.

Soon, the bow was untied and the wrapper made creaking noises as it was removed as well, revealing a quite big box made of wood, with golden leaves and flowers carved on the surface and a tiny golden padlock that kept it shut.

Jin gasped at the beauty, and his hand went to lift up the padlock, 'Kim Seokjin' carved on it in cursive, and there were little white stones in place of the dots of the 'i's and 'j' of his full name.

"Joonie!" Jin said breathlessly, looking up at Namjoon with awed eyes. "It's so beautiful!"

"Not as beautiful as you, though."

"Yah, can't you stop being cheesy for once!" Jin scolded, but he was pleased by the compliment. "Anyways, what is this box for?" He added, holding it up to his face and examining it.

"It's a jewelry box," Namjoon answered, looking eagerly for a chance to explain. "I noticed that you're having a hard time keeping all the things I give you in place, so I designed this one for you."

"You designed it?" Jin was awestruck, examining the box with more interest. "No wonder it's so beautiful."

"Thanks, baby." Namjoon looked like a child who'd just been praised for his cute but messy drawing. "Why don't you open it?"

Seokjin found a tiny golden key hanging from the padlock, and he'd to pinch it to get a hold of it. He unlocked the box with anticipation, and when the lid was opened, he let out another gasp.

"More chocolates?" Jin looked so adorable with his happy smile that Namjoon couldn't stop himself from kissing him.

"Yeah, spoiling you with something extra wouldn't hurt would it?"

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