Chapter Fifty- Nine. Moving On From The Past

Start from the beginning

Jin loved the Christmas presents he got from the boys, Ms Soojin and Mr Kim, too, but he was curious about Namjoon's one, which the mentioned boy had just gone to get by delivery, while leaving him with his mother, who hadn't left yet. The other boys had gone home to visit their families and other friends just as dusk had fallen.

As Jin sat cross-legged on the bed in a warm red sweater over his hospital gown, eating from the huge box of chocolates (except the mint ones) Hoseok had gotten him, Ms Soojin sat beside him, texting who knew whom while biting back a smile. Jin wasn't really surprised that she was already wearing the pretty pearl necklace Mr Kim sent her for Christmas.

"Eomma, why don't you just accept Mr Kim?" Jin asked, holding a half-eaten chocolate as he chewed softly, looking at her questioningly.

"Accept in what way?" Ms Soojin asked, trying not to look interested.

"Accepting his proposal to go on a date with you," Jin said in a 'duh' tone. "I mean, he's an amazing man, and really good-looking to be honest. Lastly, he's Joonie's samchon, so he's the perfect guy for you."

"Jin!" The male had never seen his mother whine like this, or blush like a young teenage girl, and it was quite amusing. "He's the most well known businessman in Bangtan! I can't date him."

"Why not?" Jin frowned in confusion. "Eomma, even the guys at my school had a crush on you because you're so beautiful. Why can't you date him?"

"Well..." Ms Soojin sighed, looking down and randomly typing letters on her keyboard. "I don't know... I don't know what to do about this situation..."

"Do you like him?" Jin asked eagerly, as if he was talking to his best friend about her high school crush.

"I guess." Ms Soojin shrugged.

"Then what are you worried about, eomma? He really likes you. Since you two first met. There's no chance of him not liking you after trying to approach you in so many ways! Let him take you on a date and prove himself that he really likes you."

"Actually, he's asking if he could pick me up for dinner somewhere in half an hour." Ms Soojin's voice was so low that her son almost didn't hear him, and since he did, he let out an excited squeal. "That's amazing, eomma! Did you say yes? Please tell me you did!"

"I-I didn't say anything yet." Ms Soojin sighed, looking like she was worried and about to panic at the same time. "I don't know what to expect."

Jin suddenly softened, understanding what was eating his mother's mind right now. "Eomma... are you scared he might hurt you too?" He asked softly, reaching out to hug her around the shoulders.

"Well, yes. I am." Ms Soojin sighed once again, with a sad smile. "I don't want you to worry about me, but honestly, I'm worried about the past repeating itself. I know I'm just being paranoid, because not every person is the same, but-"

"No 'but's!" Jin said strongly, hugging the woman tighter as he looked at her firmly. "Mr Kim is nothing like that, eomma. Just look at him! He's so powerful and famous, but his talent is what ensured that Seojoon can't hurt us any way anymore. He didn't use his money fighting for justice at the court for us. That proves that he's an honest person without any ulterior motives. He's nothing like that sick excuse of a human. Don't even suggest it, because I won't believe it in a hundred years.

Now, go and say yes to the date. Give him a chance, eomma. That's all he needs."

Ms Soojin looked at Jin for a moment as his words processed in her head. She wondered when her little son had grown up into this young man who took the responsibility to look out for her now, and she felt pride surge through her heart.

She regretted not being able to give him enough attention as a mother, and agreeing to his request now was the least she could do.

So, with a soft smile on her still naturally red lips that age couldn't put an affect on, she looked back at the screen of her phone. "Fine, then. I'm sending a 'yes' to the date."

Jin let out another squeal of happiness, which was louder than the previous one and more energetic, and he was so excited that he nearly strangled his eomma while hugging her even more tightly.

"Yesssss! I'm so happy for you, eomma! You're finally gonna marry your Prince Charming! I can't wait for the wedding, aaahhhh!"

"Calm down, baby, it's just a date," Ms Soojin chuckled at her son's sudden burst of energy.

"Well, I know that you'll marry Mr Kim eventually and my predictions have never been wrong!" Jin giggled, literally bouncing with joy as he tackled his mother to the bed, the woman laughing as her son left wet kisses on her cheeks like he'd done as a toddler.

"Oh my- honey, calm down," Ms Soojin laughed as she held Jin tightly so that he was now giggling into her chest. "You better calm down or I'm eating the rest of your chocolates."

"What?! Noooooooo!"

Jin quickly scrambled away from his mother and hugged his chocolate box to his chest protectively, a pout on his face. Ms Soojin smiled at her son, kissing his forehead before getting off the bed and standing up.

"I should get ready for the date, then, hmm?" She smiled at Jin, whose eyes were sparkling.

"Yes!" Jin clapped his hands together in utter excitement. "Your dress is just perfect, but can I do your make-up and hair? Pretty please, eomma?"

Who could say no to his adorable puppy eyes?

His mother could never.

"Sure, baby. You can do whatever you like unless you don't make me look like a clown like you did when you were younger and wanted to play dress-up with me. That is if you want Namjoon's samchon to have a heart attack on the spot when he sees me like that."

Jin giggled. "Of course not, eomma. I got you, okay?"

"Mmhm, okay."

°°°♡ °°°

Words: 1725

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