Chapter Fifty- Three. I'll Be Waiting For You

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Namjoon watched as a beautiful woman in black winter clothes stepped in, and his eyes widened in realization when he found how similar her dark hair, brown eyes and plump lips were with Jin's. It was Jin's mother. Namjoon had heard from Jin that she was about forty, but her skin was still so perfect for her age that she looked quite youthful.

Jin looked so much alike his mother that Namjoon almost saw him in her pale and scared face. This made his heart crush into smaller pieces when he knew that Jin was definitely more helpless and terrified than she was, left all alone with that monster, never knowing when he'd be saved. This made Namjoon feel like the worst.

He stood up and watched Jin's mother run to her son's side, staring at nothing but his fragile figure, sleeping so peacefully in bed, as if he'd merely fallen asleep as usual. His face looked nothing like that bloody mess with dried tears when Namjoon found him. He looked like a sleeping angel.

Ms Soojin, Jin's mother, burst into tears all of a sudden, falling onto her knees on the floor as she dropped her bag and started caressing her son's bruised cheek with the utmost care.

"My poor baby," she sobbed, leaning down to press a kiss on Jin's forehead. "Eomma is so sorry she couldn't p-protect you. Y-you went through so much without even t-telling m-me!"

She buried her face in Jin's hand as she clutched onto it, crying her eyes out. Namjoon and Hoseok looked at each other, heartbreak in their eyes. Jin's eomma must be feeling so helpless as a mother for not being able to protect her child from such a disaster.

The two boys stood where they were because they knew that Ms Soojin needed this moment alone with Jin. They watched her in silence till she finally calmed down and slowly went to sit on the bed beside Jin's head, still fondling his face as her eyes were only on him. Namjoon and Hoseok slowly went to sit back in their chairs again near her.

Still sniffling and hiccuping occasionally, Jin's eomma unbuttoned one button at the front of his hospital gown to make him comfortable. That was when for the first time, Namjoon noticed the several dark bruises around Jin's once smooth neck from fingerprints, and both anger and pain rose in his chest when he realized that that monster had tried to strangle Jin.

Trying not to cry again, Namjoon thought about how brave his love had been, how strong and fearless. Now, it was his duty to make sure that his painful fight for survival was worth it by making sure he never felt pain ever again. All that Jin would have in his life was love and happiness. Namjoon was going to fight for him now.

"You're Namjoon, aren't you?" Ms Soojin's sudden question brought Namjoon back to reality.

The purple-haired faced his boyfriend's mother, and he felt nervous. He'd imagined meeting her in so many ways, but not like this. As he looked at her, he suddenly felt safe, which was rather strange, but he couldn't help it because Ms Soojin looked so calm and gentle.

Was it what a mother was supposed to be like? Namjoon had no idea... He couldn’t remember any kind of motherly love in his whole life... He didn’t even have a mother figure.

"Y-yes, ma'am," he said with a stammer, Hoseok watching the two with anticipation.

"Just call me Soojin," Jin's mother said, giving Namjoon a beautiful smile. She didn't look like a person who'd just been crying if it wasn't for her puffy red eyes.  "'Eomma' is more preferable, though. You're my son's boyfriend after all."

Namjoon blushed, suddenly feeling shy. "O-okay, eomma." It felt so nice to say that word, and the fact that he couldn't remember calling someone by that made it more special.

Don't Leave Me Behind || Namjin AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora