chapter 153 make money

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Jia and Zhou Ruosen finally decided to arrange a short story to introduce the campus. Zhou Ruosen played a foreign tourist visiting Wudong University, and Jia played a student of the school.

At the beginning of the plot, Zhou Ruosen pretended to be visiting the campus, and from time to time he showed a confused expression.
As a foreign tourist, he naturally doesn't understand Chinese characters, such as the school motto and inscriptions of the school monument.

At this time, Dong Jia.. who was holding a book in front of her chest, passed by, and the foreign friend played by Zhou Ruosen called her.

"Hello! I am Aven. my first time to travel in this city...Could you please introduce the main campus to me?"

The female student played by Jia readily agreed and led him from the school gate to introduce the school’s history, culture and campus environment one by one.

They crossed the boulevard, passed the small garden and the school building, and finally reached the school's auditorium.
Jiahui pointed to the auditorium and said,

"There is a memorial to members founder of the school.

It’s. a quiet and place, I hope you will like it."

Zhou Ruosen pretended to be a serious visitor, and exclaimed.

Finally, Zhou Ruosen bid Jia farewell, and Jia smiled and wished him

"Have a nice day".

This skit is very simple in Jia's view. The English skits in the former school are all "Shakespeare". The reason why it is so simple is that the English level of most students is taken into account. This is true, but there are still some The students don't understand the words very well.

The professor was quite satisfied. After the two returned to their seats, the professor stood on the podium and spoke.

"The short play of the two students was very well done, and other students should also see the gap between each other. There is no shortcut to learning a foreign language. Only continuous memory and practice can make progress. Everyone should use Dong Jia and Zhou Ruosen as examples. By role models, learn from them and catch up with them. I believe that by the end of this semester, you can reach this level."

The class was quiet. Everyone was really shocked. they thought they had a good English score, but there are some outsiders, but now there is not only a sense of superiority, but also makes people feel inferior.

With this stimulus, everyone is more motivated to learn. They wake up every morning to recite vocabulary. They are everywhere on campus, which is exactly what the professor needs.

On Sunday, school was closed for a day. Jia and Zhao Donglin took their children out together and went around the city.

Jia also wanted to see if there were any good ideas that could make money without delaying class.

In the provincial capital in 1978, there were not many shops and restaurants. There were a few eateries on the street, such as rice sticks, rice cakes, and steamed sweet potatoes.

Jia focused on tailoring shops. Ready-made clothes are expensive. Now most people still ask for tailors to make them. She also went to the mall to inquire about the price of clothes. There are dozens or hundreds of them, which is not something ordinary families can afford.

"Food, clothing, shelter, transportation"

must start from the most basic place, and it is difficult to make money from other places.

they went to watch a movie, "Liu Panshan", which had not been seen in the village before, and yang watched it with relish.

When theu went back, they passed by a bookstore. The bookstore was full of books on model dramas and revolutionary themes. Jia bought a Xinhua dictionary for yang, and also bought a comic book. Now the most popular "Strike on the White Tigers", this is the life of yang.. He also kept the first comic book in the middle, and he would take it out and flip through it from time to time.

they didn’t bring the sewing machine this time, and the clothes could not be made for the time being, and it was impossible to buy them now. Not only did they need an industrial ticket, but it also cost one or two hundred, which was very difficult for the family’s economy.

After going back and thinking about it, Jia decided to target young people to make money. On weekends, she sells some food in the cinema, such as tea eggs, chicken rice flowers, peanuts, melon seeds, etc. Peanuts and melon seeds can be called in the store and sold in paper bags at the price. It must be a bit more expensive than in the store. The tea eggs are sold for a dime. If the chicken rice is processed, it must be processed into semi-finished products. It is just right to take a briquettes stove.

Jia told Zhao Donglin about this idea and had to seek his opinion. No matter what the couple is doing, they have to have discussions.

Zhao Donglin had just come into contact with economics in school, and he just wanted to try it on his own. He naturally agreed to Jia's idea.

After Meixiang knew about the plan of the older brother and sister-in-law, she eagerly asked to join.

"Your school courses are so busy, do you have time?"

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