Chapter Forty- Five. I'm Water To Your Fire

Start from the beginning

Namjoon didn't waste another moment as he rushed towards the building, forgetting to get his jacket and scarf on a bench, but Hoseok, Jungkook and Yoongi could take care of that. Jin was what was in his mind right now.

What was that feisty male upto?

When Namjoon reached the lockers' area, he saw a small crowd spread near the place where his and the boys' lockers were. He pushed through it, heads turning in his direction but he was only concentrating towards the center, which he reached within a moment.

There he saw his boyfriend standing in front of Taehyung and Jimin as he was talking angrily to a girl, who looked close to tears. Though the younger two were holding back grins of amusement, Jin was a whole different story with his reddening face and a vein popping at his neck.

Oh no.

Jin didn't notice Namjoon approaching but Jimin and Taehyung did and stepped back to let him handle the situation.

"You called him a bed-warmer; then, what are you?" Jin was telling the girl, looking disgusted. "As if you don't-"

Jin stopped, feeling a large hand engulf his, and he snapped his head around to look up, coming face-to-face with his boyfriend. The glare on his face faded, replaced by a confused look.


"C'mon, we need to go," Namjoon said without answering him, tugging at his hand and pulling him away from the girl, who looked relieved, but not for long.

Yoongi came storming in, having heard about his boyfriend being attacked with hate and homophobia on his way here. He looked livid as he hugged Jimin, pinning him to his side as he looked at the cheerleader with such a dark look that he looked capable of doing anything.

"Let's leave him to be handled by the others," Namjoon told Jin once he'd brought him away from the crowd at the end of the hall. "Let's get out of here."

"What are you talking about?" Jin was annoyed because he got worked up about bullying easily and hated it when he was stopped from protesting against injustice. "I wanted to let that bitch know her place!"

"Calm down." Namjoon sighed.

"No, I won't!" Jin huffed, snatching his hand out of the other's and folding his arms, angry.

Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "You won't?"

"No," Jin repeated stubbornly.

"Then you leave me no choice."

Namjoon grabbed Jin by the waist and lifted him up effortlessly before throwing him over his shoulder and walking to the end of the hall and the corridor across, ignoring the angry words of indignance and protest coming from Jin as he lightly but continuously punched the younger's back as he hung pathetically from his shoulder.

Namjoon walked into an empty classroom and stood in front of the teacher's table, putting Jin down to sit on it with his legs hanging off the edge and the purple-haired in between them, holding the latter close to him by the thighs.

Jin was pouting because he was so frustrated at that point. Why the hell did Namjoon stop him from yelling at that homophobic snake? She deserved it, didn't she? He scowled down at his boyfriend, folding his arms again, his cheeks puffing out.

"What was all that about?" He demanded moodily, Namjoon's calm and gentle aura irking him even more.

"Nothing, but you looked close to killing her," Namjoon said at last, reaching out to softly carress the older's cheek, only to have his hand swatted away. "Is this how you treat me?" He said huskily, raising an eyebrow at him once more.

"You're the one who brought me here without saying anything!" Jin retorted, looking away from the other with an irritated 'hmph'.

"Well, she was close to crying, so I thought you'd done enough of your part."

"She was being very mean to Minnie!" Jin complained, looking at Namjoon with a bigger pout and furrowed eyebrows. "She deserved to be made ashamed of herself!"

"Still, you needed to calm down," the younger said, appearing to be very patient, but he was biting back a smile in reality.

"What are you trying to say... are you defending that piece of filth over me, Kim Namjoon?" Jin stared at him in disbelief.

Namjoon internally grimaced as he recalled how he must've sounded like when he told Jin to calm down and stop. Like a controlling boyfriend...

However, the truth was that Jin was extremely scary when he was angry, even though he was a soft-hearted male in reality, and Namjoon knew that the dark-haired male would regret it later on for being so brutally honest. Namjoon also knew what the people at school were like. They could use this incident of Jin criticizing the cheerleader, and spread some kind of rumor that might end up hurting him.

Namjoon confessed none of that to Jin, though. Today was fourth of December, his baby's special day, and he wasn't going to ruin his mood.

So, he slowly leaned up to peck Jin's pouty lips lovingly and smiling when he pulled back, dimples and all. "No, I just think you look hot when you're angry, so I'd to stop you before I got a hard on in front of the crowd."

That was true too. And Namjoon was glad he'd said it, because his statement was rewarded with a cute blushy Jin, who buried his face at the crook of his boyfriend's neck because of sudden shyness, only to realize he was stinky from sweat a moment later.

"Go take a fucking shower, you peasant!"

°°°♡ °°°

Words: 1540

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