Chapter 68

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Previously on Chapter 67

"I'm here, Draco... I'm here. It's okay..." I said, softly. He just continue to cling onto me. I close my eyes as he hugs me tightly. I rub his back as I try my best to comfort him. "I will be right here... don't you worry" I said. I turn my head to the side, trying to see his face. But his face is buried into my shoulder. I let out a sigh and continues to hug him. Just what is going on with you, Draco?

-Don't You Trust Me?-


I can feel Draco starting to calm down. His breathing is more evened, which lets me know that he had stopped crying. But he didn't make a move to pull away from me.

"Draco..." I said, softly. He just hums quietly, without moving away. I run my hand through his hair. "What happened? You seem so down lately" I said. He let out a sigh and finally pulls away from me.

"Everything went wrong... ever since you left the house. Nothing is okay anymore" he said, in a sad voice. I frown at what he said. He leans his back against the headboard, placing both of his hands on his lap. "I'm exhausted..." he muttered.

"You can tell me anything, Draco" I said. He just stays silent, without looking at me. I let out a sigh and gently holds his hand. He finally turn his head to look at me. "You said that no matter what you would always be my brother, and I will always be your sister. And siblings can share their problems to each other. Don't you trust me?" I said.

He nods his head at what I said. "I do trust you... it's just" he trailed off. I just stay silent, waiting for him to continue his sentence. He let out a sigh and turn his head away from me again. "I don't want to bring you into my mess. It's clear that you're also stressed out..." he said.

"Draco... it's fine" I said. I try to hold his hand but he quickly pulls his hand away from mine, before I could even touch his. He shakes his head and stands up. I just stare at him as he walks back and forth.

"Nothing is fine, Y/N" he muttered, but loud enough for me to hear. He finally stops walking and turns to face me. "Nothing is FUCKING fine!! I am not fine. You are not fine... I failed to protect you as a brother! I should have keep you safe... but instead, I let you get hurt over and OVER again. And now he chose me to do that messed up mission! I've tried so hard. I tried everything and failed. I'm tired! A-And lost. I-I just can't d-do this..." he said. His voice cracks at the end, as he breaks down crying as he drops on the edge of the bed. He have his back facing me. He hunch forward as his shoulders starts to shake.

"Draco... what are you talking about?" I said. He didn't say anything. I move to sit next to him. I place my hand on his cheek, turning his head to look at me. "You know you can tell me anything..." I said.

"Just leave me alone!! I told you that I don't want you to get involved in this! So shut up and just mind your own business. Keep your nose out of mine!!" He yelled at me. I flinch at his sudden raise of tone. He shakes his head and turn around, walking out of the Hospital Wings.

He have changed. He promised that we'd always have each other's back despite everything. But now, he kept pushing me away. What did I do so wrong?

Draco P.O.V

I lean my ear against the door. I can hear quiet sniffles coming from inside. "I'm sorry, Y/N..." I said, in a hush tone while leaning my forehead against the door. "It's for the best. It's better for you to think that I've changed and for you to hate me. So you'd keep your distance from me. I'm the worst brother ever... I'm sorry that you have to be related with someone like me..." I said.

"Malfoy" someone said. I flinch at the sudden voice. I turn my head to see Potter, Weasley and Granger. Potter walks forward and turn to look over my shoulder. "What are you doing here? Bothering Y/N again?" He said.

"I don't owe you any explanation now, do I, Potter?" I said, gritting my teeth as I try to control myself. I glare at him as I walk passed him, purposefully bumping into his shoulder harshly. I glare at Granger and Weasley. I turn my head forward and keeps walking, without looking back.

I turn around the corner and lean my back against the wall. I cover my mouth as I try to muffled the sound of my cry. I peek at the trio to see them looking worried. They quickly rush inside the Hospital Wings. Obviously, to make sure Y/N's doing alright.

I smile sadly at the thought of my precious little sister. But I know this for the best. She's better off with those three than me. They'll know how to keep her safe. She'll always be in danger if she stays near me or the rest of our family because we're associated with HIM.


The door burst open to reveal Harry, Hermione and Ron. Harry's eyes soften as he stares into mine. "Y/N..." he said, softly. He walks over to me and take a seat next to me. He gently wrap an arm around my shoulder, gently pulling me closer to his side.

"I saw Malfoy outside. Did he bother you?" He asked. I just lightly shake my head. I sniffled a little and bury my face in the crook of his neck. He stays silent as he runs his hand through my hair comfortingly. "Shh... everything's going to be okay" he said.

Hermione sits down next to me on the other side. She gently grabs my hand, drawing small circles on the back of my hand. Her gestures feels comforting that I slowly start to smile despite still crying. Ron sits down on the bed across from me.

He smiles softly when he notices me looking at him. I smile weakly at him and close my eyes, leaning closer into Harry's embrace. I'm so happy to have these three with me. Without them, I don't know how I would be.

But I still wished Draco would be more open to me and let me know what's bothering him. Even though I'm no longer a Malfoy... he's still my brother, because nothing can severe a twin's bond.

*to be continued*

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