Chapter 94

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Previously on Chapter 93

He wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me up and twirl us around. I let out a gleeful laugh at his action while holding onto his shoulders to make sure I don't fall off. I'm so happy... I'm getting married!

-Happiest Moments In Our Lives-


Hermione squeals in happiness once we're alone in my room. She throws her arms around me, making me almost fall over. But luckily, I manage to steady myself or it would have hurt us both if we fall over.

"Calm down, Hermione..." I said. She pulls away and starts to pull on my nose, making me whine. I grab her wrist to pull her hand from my nose. "Why'd you do that?" I asked, while rubbing my nose.

"How could you tell me to calm down?? I can't calm down!! My best friend is going to get married!" She exclaimed, excitedly. I let out a laugh at her reaction. She's more excited on someone else's proposal. I wonder how she'd react when Ron propose to her.

I yelp when she throws her arms around me again, this time she manage to send us both falling. Luckily, we're standing near the bed this time, so we fall on the bed instead of the floor. 

"Sheesh, Hermione..." I said, making her giggle softly. She let out a laugh too as she pulls me closer. I smile softly as I return her gesture. "Thank you for being so supportive of me all of these years, 'Mione..." I said.

"Of course... you're like a sister to me" she said, making me smile as we lay next to each other. She smiles softly at me. "It's about time that we're going to start looking for your wedding dress..." she said. I feel happiness in my heart. Wedding... I'm going to get married to the man I love with all of my heart. 


Hermione and I are out looking for the perfect wedding dress for my wedding with Harry. Hermione wanted to be the one to help choose my dress, while she make me sit down on the couch as she go through the selection of dresses with various shapes and sizes.

The worker that works here approaches us. She turn to look at me. "Is there any specific preference that you're looking for in your dress, Miss?" She asked. I place my hand on my chin as I think about it. A soft smile form on my lips as I start describing how I wanted the dress to be like.

"Very well then... I just have the perfect dress for you" she said. She gestures me to come with her. I stand up from the couch and follows her. She leads me to the rack that have the dress and pulls out a beautiful white dress. My eyes widened at the sight of the dress.

(Personally, I would love my dress to look like this

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(Personally, I would love my dress to look like this. But it's your choice. Its up to you if you want to follow my choice or your own style. But do share with the rest of us)

"Do you want to try it on?" She asked. I grin excitedly and nod my head. She smiles softly at me. "Very well, come on... let's get you fitted into this dress" she said. I turn to look at Hermione who smiles happily at the look of excitement on my face.

The worker help me wear the dress. I walk towards the mirror and grin happily at the sight of my reflection. This dress have everything I could ever imagined wanting on a wedding dress.

"Well?" Hermione asked as she moves to stand next to me. I turn to look at her to see her smiling at me. Her eyes staring at me expectantly. "Is it a yes?" She asked.

"Yes... it's perfect, Hermione..." I said, making her grin at me. I turn to look at the mirror once again as I make a small move, watching how the dress flow along with my movement. Yeah... this is the one.

"Do you..." Hermione started, faking a priest voice. I turn to her and let out a soft laugh at the way she attempt to imitate what the priest would say during the wedding. She straighten her body as she continue her act. "Y/N Malfoy, take Harry Potter as your lawfully wedded Husband, to love each other through sickness and health?" She said.


"I do..." I said, while standing in front of Harry with a bright smile on my face. Harry is standing in front of me with a bright smile of his own. His hands are holding mine.

"Congratulation... I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride..." the priest said, turning his head to look at Harry. Harry steps closer to me. He gently cup my cheeks. He leans down, placing his lips against mine in a gentle and passionate kiss. I smile into the kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back with equal passion.

The crowd roars into cheers as Harry and I embraces each other with bright smiles on our faces. "I love you, my wife..." Harry whispered softly into my ear. His words makes my heart flutter and my cheeks growing warm.

I pull away to look at him and smiles. "I love you too, Harry... my husband" I said. He smiles brightly at me. He gently place a kiss on my forehead, letting his lips linger against my skin. I close my eyes as I try to savor the sweet gesture he gave me.

Harry and I pull away from the hug, moving to face the crowd. It's now time for us to throw the wedding bouquet. I smile softly as the girls looks eager to be the one who'd catch it.

I turn to look at Hermione who stands with them. I grin at her as I turn to look at Harry. He smiles softly at me and nod her head. I turn to face her and step off the podium. I slowly walk towards her. She stares at me in confusion as I hand her the bouquet.

"Turn around, 'Mione..." I said. She slowly turns around and gasp in surprise when she notice Ron kneeling down on one knee. He's holding a box of ring as he stares at Hermione with a nervous smile. Hermione's hands went up to her mouth as she stare at him in shock.

"To the girl I love with all of my existence. Hermione... will you marry me?" He asked. Hermione starts tearing up as she nod her head at his question. She looks like she is going to cry. But that nod alone is enough for Ron to let out a happy cheer. He stands up and gently slip the ring on Hermione's finger.

I squeal happily as I throw my arms around her, hugging her tightly. She let out a laugh as she hugs me back. "Oh, Congratulations, 'Mione!" I said. I pull away to look at her and smiles. "I'm so happy for you!" I said.

"Calm down..." she said. I roll my eyes, knowing she's only trying to get back at me for when I told her to calm down after Harry's proposal. She let out a giggle at my reaction.

"Wow... using my words back on me, huh? I see how it is" I said. She just laugh as she wrap her arms around me. "Well, to borrow your words, Hermione..." I said, pulling away slightly to look at her and places my hands on my hips. "How could you tell me to calm down?? I can't calm down!! My best friend is going to get married!" I said, in a playful tone. She burst out laughing as she playfully pushes me on my shoulder. Everyone in the area laughs at our silly bickering.

I turn to look at Harry as he walks over to me. He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his side. I smile softly at him. He smiles brightly at me. He leans down to place a soft kiss on the side of my head a I watch Hermione and Ron celebrating their official engagement. Today is surely... the happiest moments in our lives.

*to be continued*

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