Chapter 34

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Previously on Chapter 33

Get some rest... you need it... she said, licking my chin softly. "Okay..." I said. I run my hand through her fur and close my eyes. I let myself slowly drift off to sleep.

-The Start of Fourth Year-


Today we'll be going back to Hogwarts for our fourth year. I've packed my stuff before hand, so I'm just sitting in the living room while waiting for Draco. I have a book in my hands. It's a text book, I'm trying to see what we're going to learn before hand. So I'll know what to expect during the lessons.

I hear footsteps coming closer. I look up to see Draco walking towards me, carrying his trunk. "Finally... I was starting to worry that you might fall back asleep" I said. He just rolls his eyes at what I said.

"Come on... we don't wanna be late..." he said. I nod my head and place my book inside my trunk. I zip it up and carry it with me. I turn to Draco and smile at him. He smiles back. Then we walk towards the front door.

"Y/N... Draco" I hear someone said. I turn my head to see Father and mom walking towards us. He stand in front of us, with a stern expression. His attention is mainly on me.

"Remember, Y/N. I don't wanna hear just one, that you're still acquaintance with those filthy bloods" he said. I keep my head down, so he wouldn't see the sad expression on my face.

"Are we clear?" He said. "Y-Yes, F-Father..." I said. "Good girl... that's my daughter..." he said. I bit my lips, trying to stop myself from crying. I can't let him know how much it hurts me.

I froze when I feel myself getting pulled into a hug. "I love you, my daughter..." he said. "I-I love you too... F-Father..." I said, hugging him back. He pulls away and smile at me. Then his face instantly turns back to his usual stoic face.

I turn to look at Draco, who have a sad expression. I just give him a small smile. "Let's go, brother" I said. I nod my head and we head out of the manor.


We've reached the Hogwarts Express. We get inside an empty compartment room. I lift my luggage and place it on the rack, Draco doing the same. I take a seat by the window.

"Y/N..." I hear Draco calls out for me. I turn my head to look at him. "Yes?" I said. "I'm sorry... for not able to stand up for you. I feel so useless as a brother..." he said.

I shake my head, giving him a small smile. "It's okay, Draco... you're scared of him. We both are..." I said. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to his side.

I lean my head on his shoulder and burst into tears. P/N place her head on my lap, looking at me with sad gaze. I smile softly at her and runs my hand across her fur.

Don't cry, Y/N... it hurts to see you cry... she said. I just smile at her. She licks my hand softly, making me giggle at the ticklish sensation. I can hear her laugh in my head.

"You know..." Draco said. "Hmm?" I asked, turning to look at him. "At some points... I feel like the two of you are communicating..." he said. "We are... do you not talk to your owl?" I said. "Uhh... not really..." he said. I let out a sigh.

"Draco... you need to try bonding with your owl once in a while. Trust me... he can understand you" I said. He just hum softly, not saying anything. I just smile and turn my head to look at P/N, who's looking back at me with her cute doe eyes.

I pat the spot next to me. She jumps to the seat and place her head on my lap. I run my hand through her soft fur. I turn my head to look out the window once again.


"Y/N... wake up" someone said. I turn my head to see Draco. "What?" I asked. "We're almost there. It's best if you change into your robe" he said. I nod my head. I stand up and make my way to the washroom.

I change my clothes into my Slytherin robe. I let out a sigh as I place my hands on the sink. How will this year be, now that I can't be around the trio anymore. My shoulder shakes softly as I start to cry.

"Anyone in there?" I heard someone said. I instantly recognize the voice. 'Hermione' I thought to myself. I miss talking to the three of them. I miss Hermione the most, as she's like the sister I never have.

"Hello?" She said. I shake my head, snapping myself out of my thought. I wash my face and dry it with a handkerchief. I put on an emotionless face and exit the washroom.

"Y/N... are you okay? I heard you crying..." she said. "None of your business... didn't my brother warned you to stay away from me? I expect you to do that..." I said. "B-But..." she said. "Shut up" I said, glaring at her. I turn around and walks away, not giving her a chance to say anything else.

'I'm sorry, Hermione... I'm so sorry...' I thought to myself, as tears begin to pool up in my eyes. I keep walking, without looking back.

I know if I look at her, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from hugging her. I miss her, Ron... I miss them. I miss Harry. I miss all the time we spent together.

I slide the compartment. Draco turns to look at me. "What took you so- are you okay, sis?" He said, as he notice the tears in my eyes. He stands up and cups my cheeks softly. I burst into tears and wraps my arms around his torso, crying into his chest. He just pulls me closer, running her hand through my hair.

Hermione P.O.V

Why is she acting so cold? She told me to listen to her brother's words and stay away from her. It's not like her at all. She always argued with her brother each time he told her to stay away from us. So why did she listened to him now?

I slide the compartment. I take a seat next to Harry. "Took you long enough..." Ron said. I didn't respond as I keep thinking about Y/N. Is she upset that none of us comes to visit her at the Hospital Wings? We wanted to... but her brother literally have a lot of Slytherin in front of the door to stop us from seeing her. It wasn't our choice to keep our distance from her.

"Hello?" Harry said, waving his hand in front of my face. "Huh?" I said, snapping out of my thought. "Are you okay? You've been zoning out for the last couple of minutes..." Ron said. "Yeah... I met Y/N..." I said.

"Y/N??" Harry said. "Yeah" I said, nodding my head. "Is she okay? How is she? Is she still hurting?" He said, starting to bombard me with questions. I nod my head. "Yeah... she seems fine, but..." I trailed off, my mind went back to our brief exchanges.

"But? But what, Hermione?" He said. "She's a little... cold. When I met her earlier, she was crying. I asked her what's wrong and she gave me a cold reply. She even told me to stay away from her... all of us..." I said.

"Do you think she's upset because we didn't visit her at the Hospital Wings?" Harry said. "I don't know... maybe? I mean... I thought about that too..." I said. They just let out a sigh. Then the rest of the ride is silent.

I keep my mind busy by reading a book. I will have to try to talk to Y/N again later... possibly explain why we didn't visit her when she was in the Hospital Wings. Hopefully, things will be back to normal after that.

*to be continued*

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