Chapter 54

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Previously on Chapter 53

I turn to him and glare with a gaze full of hatred. "No... mother would understand me. I'm only following what my heart's told me to do. I love Harry... and I will NEVER give up on him. If you're my father you would have support me if you want me to be happy! But no... you tortured me, belittled me and casted me out. You are no father to me. You're just nothing but a selfish, self-entitled piece of sh*t!! I'm embarrassed and disgusted to share the same bloodline as you!" I said. He glares at me after I said that. But I'm not scared of him... not anymore.

-Battling The Death Eaters-


He walks closer towards me, but I didn't flinch and stood my ground. "How DARE you speak to me like that? After I raised you with love and care. I should have disown you from the start if I know you're being disobedient" He said.

"If I had known that my "father" would treat me so poorly and tortured me simply because I followed what my heart told me to do, then I wouldn't want to be born at all!!" I retorted, glaring angrily at him as tears starts to roll down my cheeks.

"I am glad that I have disowned you. Even Draco listens to me better than you. Now you're nothing but a weak, useless Weasley. You're pathetic!" He said. I clenched my hands into tight fists at what he said. Ron steps forward angrily, but I hold him back.

"I can't just stand back and do nothing while he keeps on badmouthing you and our family... you're my sister now, Y/N. It's my job to protect you" he said, turning to look at me. I give him a reassuring smile, to let him know that I got everything under control.

I turn to look at the man that used to be someone I looked up to. But now I can't even look at him the same way I did before, without getting reminded to the pain he had inflicted on me... and it was all simply because I had fallen in love.

"Did I hear that right? You compared ME to Draco? You have no right to talk about me or my twin brother. Draco CARES about me! He still protected me and never once mistreated me. Just admit it, you're nothing but a sorry excuse of a father. It takes a guy to be a father... but it takes a true man to be a dad. And clearly... you've failed! And yeah, I'm a Weasley now. But so what?? At least they love me and took care of me like a real family... and to them, my happiness always comes FIRST. Unlike you... all you care about is your stupid reputation!! So don't you dare insult my family. They're better than you'll ever be in infinite years!" I yelled. His eyes widen at what I had just said. But the shock on his face disappears. He scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"I don't have time for this. I'm too busy to listen to your nonsense blabbering. I have business with Potter" he said. I can hear something in his voice. He sounded... sad.

I step in front of Harry to shield him from this cruel man. I will never let a man like him hurt my boyfriend. He just ignore the fact that I'm trying to shield Harry, as he looks at him over my shoulder.

"Hand over the prophecy Potter" he said. I point my wand at him, threateningly. But he remain unfazed as he points his at me. "Step aside, rebel child... my business is with that boyfriend of yours. Don't make me have to remind you what I've put you through" he said. I know exactly what he's implying on. He's talking about the torture he inflicted on me. I still had nightmares about it ever since it happened. But I refuse to let that bother me now. Not when he's threatening the person I love.

I shake my head at what he said. I hold my wand firmer, still pointing it at him. "You can save your stupid threat. I'm not afraid of you, Mr. Malfoy. Not anymore" I said. I cast a spell at him to prove my point. He jumps out of the way to avoid it. He turn to look at me, seething in anger.

"You will regret doing that, you insolent child!" He yelled angrily. He points his wand at me, casting a spell. Harry quickly push me aside to step in front of me, blocking his spell.

"Don't you dare hurt my girlfriend. Everyone, now!!" Harry said, glaring at him as he stands in front of me protectively. We start to battle against the Death Eaters. I try my best to avoid the spells shot towards me, while also trying to fight back. There's too many of them and the darkness in this hallway makes it harder for us to see. The Death Eaters also wears black outfits, which makes it even harder for us.


We ended up at a place where there's a portal. I avoid an incoming spell coming towards me. I flinch when I feel someone grabs me. I feel the tip of a wand pressing right on my neck.

"Stop!!" He said. I realize the one holding me is Father. I glance at him as everyone stops whatever they're doing. Harry's eyes widened as he turns to me.

"Y/N!! Let her go!!" He yelled out. He tries to come to me. But a Death Eater blocks his way. "She's your own flesh and blood, she's your own daughter! How can you stoop so low??" He said. But his words fell on deaf ear as Father let out a chuckle.

"Daughter? You call this thing... my daughter? I have no daughter..." he spat. I feel my heart ache at what he said. Even though I know that I'm already casted out from his family tree. It still hurts to hear him say that about me.

Harry's jaw clenched as he gritted his teeth. "Let her go" he said. His eyes looks pleading. I stare at him with a sad expression.

"You should know better that even if you begged me... I wouldn't care less. Now, be a good boy... and hand over the prophecy" he said. I shake my head at Harry, silently telling him not to hand over the prophecy to him. Harry looks troubled, which makes Father grew angry. "HAND IT OVER! Or say goodbye to your beloved girl" he said, pressing the wand closer against my neck.

"Don't do it, Harry!" I said. He stares at the two of us back and forth. I shake my head. "Don't do it... he wouldn't dare" I said. Father pulls on my hair which makes me let out a pained yell.

"NO!!" Harry yelled out. His face looks panicked as he frantically try to come close to me. But the Death Eater keeps blocking his way. He shakes his head, staring at my heartless father pleadingly. "No... no no no. P-P-Please. Please d-don't hurt Y/N" he said.

"Don't test me, young boy... hand it over now" he said. Harry's eyes turn to me with a look of fear. I shake my head, still telling him not to hand it over. If the prophecy fall to the wrong hand, who knows what chaos it might create.

He looks troubled as he hold the ball of prophecy tighter in his hand. He turn to look at the man holding me, with an unreadable expression. "Harry..." I said, pleading him not to hand it over. He can't do that.

*to be continued*

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