Chapter 33

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Previously on Chapter 32

Father is always serious. But the stern look in his face this time makes me feel uneasy. I can see a glint of anger in his eyes. Seeing the anger in his eyes. I gulped nervously, already knowing that I will be in trouble.

Oh Merlin... safe me...

-I'm In Trouble-


I gulp as I wait for father to start talking. His serious expression is making me very anxious. He leans his body forward, as he looks at me closer in the eyes.

"Why... do I keep hearing. That you're being friends with a mud-blood, half-blood and a blood-traitor!!" He said, slamming his hand into the table. I flinch at the loud sound and looks down. What should I say? Oh Merlin... help me.

"Answer me, Y/N!" He yelled again. "Honey... don't yell at the girl. She's still so young" mom said, as she tried to calm father down. "Because she is young! We need to teach her properly..." he said, sternly. I keep my head down, not daring to even glance at him.

"Listen here, Y/N. I am your father. So you have to follow what I said, understand?! Stay away from those filthy blood..." he said. "Yes, father..." I said, loud enough for him to hear. "If I hear just ONE report... that you're still friends with those people. You can forget that I'm your father, understand?!" He said. I blink back the tears, that's threatening to fall from my eyes.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" He yelled again. I nod my head. "Y-Yes, father..." I said. "Good... I refuse to tolerate a blood-traitor in this family. Now... go to your room. You're grounded" he said. I stand up and turn around to walk away.

I close the door behind me. I lean my head against it and slide down, until I'm sitting on the floor. I stare at the ceiling for a few seconds and I burst into tears.

I pull my knees closer to my chest. I choke a sob as I bury my face to into my arms. It's over now... I can't see them anymore. I can't see Harry anymore. I can't be around the boy I love anymore... and it's breaking my heart into million pieces.

I move and lay on the ground, not caring how cold it is. I curl up into a ball as I continue to cry softly. My eyes flutter close and I drift off to sleep.

Draco P.O.V

Father was really furious. I feel so bad watching Y/N getting scolded like that. Who told father about her being friends with those people. I have always been telling Y/N that soon or later, I will tell father. But I never actually plan on telling him... because I don't want my sister to be in trouble.

I make my way to her room. "Y/N... sis? Are you in there?" I called out. I receive no answer. I place my ear on the door, trying to listen. I can hear soft sobs coming from inside her room.

"May I come in?" I asked. Again... no response. I let out a sigh and looks down at the door knob. I bit my lips as I contemplate with myself. "I'm coming in... okay?" I said. She didn't answer again. I'm starting to get worried. So I gently turn the door knob and push it forward. But something blocks it. I enter my head and notice Y/N laying on the ground.

Luckily, the door's gap is enough for me to slip in. I enter her room and kneel down in front of her. I can see the tears staining her cheeks. She's sleeping.

I place my hands under her knees and her back. I pick her up in my arms and walk towards her bed. I gently lay her down and pulls the blanket up to her neck.

I kneels down next to the bed and watch her as she sleeps. I lift my hand and gently caress her head. I feel so bad seeing my little sister in such state. "I'm sorry, Y/N... I couldn't stand up for you..." I said. I stand up and leans down to place a soft kiss on her forehead. I smile sadly at her and turn around to walk out of the room.



I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling. I realize I'm laying on my bed. I furrow my eyebrow in confusion, remembering clearly that I have fallen asleep on the floor.

Someone must have entered my room and carried me to my bed. The first person that came to my mind is my twin brother. Yeah... it must be him.

Draco is the only one in this family who truly cared about me. Sure... he can be a little jerk sometimes... he's still a very caring brother to me. He's always by my side to comfort me every time I got into trouble. Maybe not directly, but he would try to sneak a hand for me.

He might be scared of Father... but he's still trying to look after me. I'm sure he will be in trouble too if Father find out that he's keeping secrets about my friendship with the trio. Deep down, I kind of guess that Father knew that Draco knows.

I let out a sigh and sit up. I lean my back against the headboard. I hug my knees as I stare into nothing in particular. 'What should I do... now that I won't be able to be around them...' I thought to myself, sadly.

I jump when someone jumps onto the bed. I turn my head to see P/N. "P/N... you really scared me" I said, placing my hand on my chest. Sorry... I didn't mean to scare. I'm just worried about you, Y/N... I can sense your sadness... she said. I frown as I feel tears threatening to spill again.

She scoots closer and nuzzle her face to my neck. I bury my face into her soft silver-ish fur. I hug her neck softly as I cry.

It's going to be okay... you still have me... she said. "You're all I have now..." I said. That's not true... you have your brother too... she said. I nod my head in agreement.

P/N and Draco is all I truly have now as I just realize today... that father never truly care about us. He only cares for blood-status. The truth really hurts, huh? But it's something I have to try and get used to.

I move to lay down, as P/N lays down next to me. She cuddle closer to me, with her head on my chest. I wrap my arms gently around her neck.

 I wrap my arms gently around her neck

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Get some rest... you need it... she said, licking my chin softly. "Okay..." I said. I run my hand through her fur and close my eyes. I let myself slowly drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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