Chapter 64

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Previously on Chapter 63

We decided to go and get some butterbeer. I wrap my arm around Harry's torso. He smiles softly at me as he tighten his arm around my shoulder. He place a soft kiss on the side of my head. The four of us makes our way to our next destination, The Three Broomstick.

-A Cursed Pendant-


We're now gathered inside The Three Broomstick. I sit next to Harry as the four of us enjoys a cup of butterbeer. I take slow sips, because I want to enjoy the tasty drink. I hear a soft chuckle next to me and turn my head. Harry is chuckling while staring at me.

"What?" I asked. He just smiles and lift his hand, placing it near my lips. He gently wipe something from my lips. He turn his thumb to face me, revealing some foam. "Oh" I said. I feel my cheeks getting warmer. Harry just let out a laugh. I bury my face in the crook of his neck, feeling it vibrates as he keeps laughing at my reaction.

"You're so cute, Y/N..." he said. I gently hit his shoulder, which only makes him laugh even more. I pull away and rolls my eyes at him. I turn my head forward and notices Ginny, sitting not far from where we are.

"Hey, Ron..." I said. He turn to look at me. I gesture to where Ginny is seated. He turn his head to look at our little sister. "What's she doing with him?" I said. Ginny is with Dean, and they're being too close to be just friends. I watch as the two of them shares a kiss. I quickly look away, not wanting to witness that.

"What's with that reaction, Y/N? You acted like you never kiss before. Don't you and Harry kiss once in a while?" Hermione asked. I turn my head to look at her and smiles awkwardly. She let out a playful giggle and drinks her butterbeer. I burst out laughing when she pulls the cup away from her mouth. "What?" She asked.

"You have cream... all over your mouth" I said. She blush in embarrassment and quickly cleans her mouth. I cover my mouth, trying not to laugh again. I stop laughing when I notice a familiar face walking passed us. It's Draco and he seem to be in a hurry. What's he up to?

I shake my head. 'Stop thinking about him, Y/N. He's the one who gave you a warning to not butt in his business' I thought to myself. I scoot closer to Harry and place my head on his shoulder.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked. I shake my head. He hums softly and place his head on top of mine. I close my eyes and let out a sigh. I don't want to bother Harry with my problem.

Harry is still curious about what's been bothering me when we're at home. He would ask about it every now and then. But I still hadn't told him because I don't want to worry him, and I can't have him worry about this too. He have the Dark Lord and many other things to worry about. He shouldn't be worrying too much about me too. He'd be stressed.


It's time for us to head back to Hogwarts. I walk with Harry while Hermione walks with Ron. I can't stop myself but think about Draco. He looks stressed and malnourished. What's going on with him? Does it have something to do with the dreams I've been having these past few months?

"Hey, Y/N..." Harry said, snapping me out of my thought. I turn my head to look at him. "Are you sure you're okay? You've been awfully silent lately. Ever since you told me you had nightmares. You're making me worried, Y/N. If there's something bothering you... you know you can talk to me. I'm your boyfriend, and I love you so much..." he asked, while staring at me worriedly.

"Thank you, Harry. I love you too... but I'm alright" I said. He let out a sigh, realizing that I'm still not willing to share what's been bothering me. I give his hand a light squeeze. "I'm fine... really" I said. He just nods his head at what I said. He remove his hand from mine, wrapping it around my shoulders instead.

"Just talk to me if it became too much for you, okay?" He said. I smile softly at him and nod my head. He pulls me closer. I place my head on his shoulder, as he place a soft kiss on the side of my head. I'm so happy to have such a loving boyfriend like him.

Suddenly, there's a loud scream. "What was that?" I said, to no one in particular. I pull away from Harry and run to the direction of the scream. I notice a girl floating in the air. "Isn't that Katie Bell?" I said. I watch as she's thrown to various directions, before landing hard on the ground. I rush towards her and kneels down.

"Bell?" I called out. I turn my head around to see what's happening or what might caused her to be in such state. I notice a package on the ground. I stand up and walks up to it. "A necklace?" I muttered.

Hermione reaches out to grab it. "Don't touch that!" A voice booms. I turn my head to see Hagrid. He rushes to us. "If you touch that, you'll be hexed. Just touch the paper and that's it, okay? We need to take Ms. Bell to the hospital" he said. He gently pick the girl up.

"In the meantime... I think we should take this necklace to Professor McGonagall. Maybe she'll know what to do" I said. The others nod their heads in agreement. I turn my attention to the necklace and grab it, making sure to not touch the necklace. I wouldn't want to get hexed by it. I stare at the necklace. But who would be so cruel do such thing?

*to be continued*

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