Chapter 80

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Previously on Chapter 79

I'm suppose to be happy that I'm finally out of that place. I don't want it to end up this way. Losing Dobby... losing my best friend. He's been there for me since the day I was born. Always make sure I'm okay and happy... and today, I lost him.

Rest In Peace, Dobby...

-What Did You Do?-


We decided to continue our journey. Harry told me that he have been hunting for Voldemort's Horcrux. There are a couple more left. He have leads and clues to what the next ones would be at. So that's where we're heading, which is Hogwarts.

It's currently night time, Hermione have set up a barrier around us. I sit in front of the bonfire, staring at the flame dancing in the night. Harry walks up to me, taking a seat next to me. I smile softly at him. He smiles back while wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I scoot closer to his side and place my head on his shoulder.

"I'm honestly so terrified when I watch you get taken away. I thought I never gonna see you again" he said. I remove my head from his shoulder, turning my head to look at him. He smiles as he lift his hand, gently cupping the side of my cheek. "I'm so glad that I found you" he said.

I smile as I place my hand on his cheek. He smiles softly at me and places a soft kiss on the palm of my hand. He turn his gaze slightly. He frowns as he notices something.

"What happened to you?" He said. I realize what he's talking about. He saw the bandage under my sleeve. I quickly remove my hand and hide it behind my back. He blinks his eyes at my action. "Let me see it, Y/N" he said.

"I-It's nothing, Harry..." I said. He shake his head, not believing me. He grabs my hand, pulling it from behind me. "Don't..." I said. But he ignores what I said as he rolls up my sleeve. His eyes widened when he saw the bandage.

My lips begin to tremble as tears starts gathering in my eyes. I advert my gaze away from him. "Who did this to you?" He asked. I just stay silent at what he said. He cup my cheeks, tilting my head to look at him. "Tell me, Y/N. I'll make 'em pay for hurting you!" He said.

"I-I did it..." I said, as my tears starts streaming down my cheeks. His eyes widened at what I said. "It was m-me... I did this to myself, Harry..." I said.

"But why?? Why would you hurt yourself?" He asked. By this time, Hermione and Ron are here. They look worried as they notice the bandage on my arm. I bit my lips as I pull my face away from his hands. I grab the end of the bandage and slowly begin to unravel it. I outstretch my arm, allowing them to see what lays underneath.

"No..." Harry breathed out, staring at the Dark Mark. His eyes are full of emotion. He looks sad, angry and broken. My shoulders begin to shake as I start to cry. Harry pulls me into a hug.

"It... i-it wasn't m-my choice, Harry. I don't want to be like them... s-so I-I..." I said. But I didn't get to finish my sentence as I break down right there and there. Harry tighten his arms around me.

"So you cut yourself to try and get rid of the Dark Mark?" He said. I just nod my head as I continue to cry. Harry place a hand on my head, gently caressing my hair. I bury my face into the crook of his neck. I can feel two more pairs of hands wrapping around me as Hermione and Ron joins the hug.

Harry P.O.V

I continue to hold Y/N close. The sound of her cries is breaking my heart. It's evident how much she hated what happened. She hated the fact that she's been branded as a Death Eater, like those bloody monsters.

I'm so sorry, Y/N. If only I'd done a better job at keeping you safe. None of this would have happened. You would have never get taken away and you wouldn't have been marked by the curse.

I hear a soft snore coming from Y/N. I pull away from her to look at her. Only now did I realize how skinny she have gotten since the last day we saw each other. There are also dark circles under her eyes. Did they starve her or did she do this to herself?

I feel tears streams down my cheeks at how weak and frail she looks. I bit my lips as I try my best to not make a sound. I don't want Y/N to wake up. It's obvious how lack of rest she had gotten. I'm sorry, Y/N... I failed at protecting you.




I open my eyes, realizing I'm back at the Malfoy manor. I see Draco, mother and father gathered in the room they always gathered to have meetings. There are bruises on both Draco's and Father's face. My heart clenched at the sight of them.

"How... could you let her escape again?!!" The Dark Lord said, raising his voice at them. The three of them flinched at his tone. Neither of them said anything. They seem afraid that they might make him angrier. The Dark Lord take a deep breath. "This is a task for all of you... hunt them down and bring the girl back. No matter what! Do you hear me?!" He said. Everyone responded with a 'Yes, My Lord.'

End of Dream

I let out a gasp as I sprung up into a sitting position. I breathe heavily as I stare at nothing in particular with my eyes wide in horror. The Dark Lord is sending the Death Eaters to hunt me down.

"Y/N... are you okay?" Someone said. I turn my head to see Harry standing across from me. He walks over to me and take a seat on the edge of the bed. "What happened? Did you have a nightmare again?" He said.

I didn't say anything and just wrap my arms around his neck. Harry wrap his arms around me, realizing I need some time to calm down. He just whispers comforting words in my ear.

"We're in danger, Harry... he sent them after us" I finally said, after being silent for a few minutes. He pulls away to look at me. I stare at him with fear in my eyes.

"Send who? What are you talking about?" He asked. I hear footsteps and turn my head to see Hermione and Ron. They look concern as they wait for me to speak. I turn my head to look at Harry.

Death-Eaters... they're coming for us...

*to be continued*

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