Chapter 67

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Previously on Chapter 66

Malfoy finally turns around to sit down. I let out a sigh and rub my face, trying to calm myself. No matter who Malfoy is... I will make sure he keeps his distance from Y/N. She's hurt enough as she is.

-I Will Be Right Here-


The next time I wake up, I feel a lot better. But I doubt that Madam Pomfrey would let me leave the Hospital Wings. She'd insist that I stay here a little longer to make sure I'm really better. So I just lay down on the bed, while staring at the ceiling.

The door to the Hospital Wings lets out a creak as it's pushed open. I turn my head to see it's Harry, Ron and Hermione. I smile softly at the sight of them as Harry walks over to sit next to me on the edge of the bed. He place his hand on top of my head, gently caressing my hair.

"How are you feeling, love?" He asked. He place the back of his hand on my forehead, to check my temperature. "Do you still feel dizzy?" He asked.

"I'm fine... much better than I did this morning" I said, smiling softly at him. He nod his head at what I said. He seem relieved to know that I'm all better now. He gently grab my hand, entwining our fingers together. He rub the back of my hand gently.

"I'm so glad... I got so worried when I realized you were sick" he said. I just smile apologetically at him. He leans down to place a soft kiss on the back of my hand. "Don't do that again" he said.

"I'll try... can't promise you anything" I said. He let out a sigh and nod his head, knowing I'm right. We can't tell if we'd be sick or healthy the next day. The only thing we can do is to make sure to take care of our health.

"Hey, Harry... break time is almost over. We should head back to class" Hermione said. Harry turns to look at her and nod his head. He turns to me and smiles softly.

"I'll be back okay?" He said. I smile softly and nod my head. He stands up. "I love you, Y/N..." he said. He leans down, gently placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too..." I said. He smiles softly at me. He turn around and walks off with Hermione and Ron after those two bid farewell to me. I let out a sigh when they're out of sight.

"I should sleep some more..." I mumbled. I turn to lay on my side. I close my eyes. I hope this time there will not be any nightmares. My breathing evened out as I let myself drift off to sleep.



I wake up to the sound of noises. I slowly open my eyes and turn my head to the side to see Crabbe and Goyle. I move to sit straight as I observe them. They're carrying someone.

"Draco..." I said, once they laid him down. I quickly move to stand up and rush to words him. I sit down on the edge of the bed. I place my hand on his cheek. The skin on his cheek feels cold. I frown and turn to look at the two boys. "What happened to him?" I asked.

"We don't know... when we found him, he's already on the ground and unconscious" Goyle said. I just nod my head at what he said. I turn to look at Draco. I gently brush his platinum blond hair to the side. There are bags under his eyes. His cheeks also sunken. He looks like he had lost so much weight.

"I'll take care of him... you can go back to your classes" I said, turning to them. They turn to look at each other for a few seconds. They look doubtful. "Is there a problem?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest while staring at them with a raised eyebrow.

"But... aren't you sick too?" Goyle asked. I let out a soft sigh at what he said. I turn my body to face them properly. I shrug my shoulders, dismissing his previous comment.

"I'm fine... better actually. I can handle it. You two just go on ahead and attend your classes. Leave Draco to me" I said. They still looks doubtful. I let out a sigh and stands up, placing my hands on my hips. "What's the problem now? Draco is still my older brother even though I don't live with the Malfoy's anymore. You can't erase a bond by blood, can you??" I said. As I said that, the two of them finally looked convinced. They nod their heads and turn around to leave the Hospital Wings.

I let out a huffed once those two finally left. I turn around and take a seat on the edge of the bed. I lift my hand, placing it on Draco's hair as I gently caress his blond hair.

"What happened to you, Draco?" I said, in a hushed tone since I don't want to wake him up. He moves in his sleep, making me froze. I pull my hand away while holding my breath as I silently pray he didn't wake up. He obviously needs his sleep.

I let out a sigh of relief when he continues to sleep. I let out a sigh and pull up a chair, taking a seat on it. I stare at Draco as he sleeps. I guess... I'm not the only one facing a problem, so is he.

He starts to move in his sleep again. This time his face also contort. He looks like he's having a nightmare. I quickly move to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Draco..." I said, softly. I place my hand on his cheek as I try to wake him up. But he keeps on whimpering without showing any signs of waking up. I place my hands on his shoulders, lightly shaking him. "Draco!!" I said, louder.

He jumps and sprung up. His eyes are wide in terror as he gaze around the room. His eyes eventually leans on me as he seem to have calmed down a little.

"Y-Y/N..." he said. I nod my head, giving him soft smile to try and comfort him. He choke out a sob and pulls me into a tight hug. I flinch at his sudden move. But I just let him hug me. I lift my hand, placing it on his head as I start to caress his hair softly.

"I'm here, Draco... I'm here. It's okay..." I said, softly. He just continue to cling onto me. I close my eyes as he hugs me tightly. I rub his back as I try my best to comfort him. "I will be right here... don't you worry" I said. I turn my head to the side, trying to see his face. But his face is buried into my shoulder. I let out a sigh and continues to hug him. Just what is going on with you, Draco?

*to be continued*

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