Chapter 53

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Previously on Chapter 52

My eyes widen in horror, noticing Professor Umbridge outside, along with a few other students. My eyes landed on Draco, who's holding Cho Chang by the arm. His eyes widened when he notices me too. Oh no... we've been caught.

-The Ball of Prophecy-


Professor Umbridge instruct the members of Inquisitorial Club to escort everyone to her office. Harry gently slip his hand in mine. I can feel his hand slightly tense. I'm not so sure whether it's from anxiety or annoyance. I gently give his hand a light squeeze, trying my best to calm him as we make our way through Hogwarts.

I feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn my head slightly to see it's coming from Draco. He didn't look too happy that he have caught me in this. I look away from him and keeps on walking with everyone.


I stand next to Ron and Hermione, as Professor Umbridge try to pry some answers from Harry. Hermione is holding my hand as if she's afraid I might lash out. Trust me... if she isn't holding me back, I would have.

I clench my hands into tight fists as I watch the Professor slaps Harry on his cheek. But Harry still refuses to say a thing. Professor Umbridge grew impatient and takes out her wand.

"Cru-" she said. I yank my hand out of Hermione grips and rush to stand in front of Harry. Professor Umbridge stops mid-sentence as she stares at me. I can see the anger reflecting in her eyes.

"Stop this! You made a comment that NO ONE would try and attack young people like us! But look what you have been doing!" I yelled, angrily. Her eyes widened at what I said. Her shock expression turns into anger.

"Ms. Weasley. I am your professor... so I expect you to show me some respect!" She said, sternly. I roll my eyes at what she said. I stand closer to her with a challenging look.

"A Professor suppose to teach, protect, and care for their students. But you? The only thing you've been doing is make us suffer! You are no Professor. You're FAR worse than the Dark Lord" I said, glaring at her.

"How DARE you!" She said. She lift her hand to slap me. But before she can do anything, a hand grab her wrist. I turn my head expecting it to be Harry, but it's not him. I stare at the person in shock.

"D-Draco..." I said. He turns to look at me and turn to Harry. He gestures with his eyes that we should all get going. Harry quickly grabs my hand and pulls me along with him. Everyone else follows in suit.

As we walk further out of Professor's office. I lean my back against the wall, still in shock over the fact that Draco would so openly stand up for me. I thought he'd be scared if 'father' find out that he's still involved with me.

You will always be my little sister... no matter what his voice echoed in my head. I close my eyes as tears starts to stream down my cheeks at the thought of his last goodbye as I was about to leave to move to Gryffindor's house. He said that I will always be his sister.

I feel a hand on my cheek, gently wiping the away the tears from my face. I open my eyes and turn to see it's Harry. He stares at me with a worried gaze. I burst into tears as I wrap my arms around his torso, burying my face in his chest. He instantly returns my embrace and gently runs his hand through my hair.

"He still cares for you, Y/N. Despite what happened to the two of you. Both of you are twins. Nothing can ever break that bond" he said. I just nod my head at what he said. I'm so happy... Draco still cares for me.


Harry said we need to go to the Department of Mystery. He have a vision that we need to find a ball of prophecy. So everyone gets ready to head there. I don't know about him, but I have a bad feeling about this.

Each of us use our wand to use the lumos spell to create some lights to help us see through the darkness. Harry slips his hand in mind, as we walk through the hall. I just wordlessly tighten my hand, trying to reassure me that we're together and that nothing will happen to us.

It takes us a while. But Harry finally managed to find the right prophecy. "Is that the one, Harry?" I asked. He turn to look at me and nod his head. I let out a sigh of relief. Things go smoothly so far.

I hear footsteps coming closer towards us. I turn my head to see it's 'Father' and Bellatrix. He scan our faces until his eyes landed on me. I can see a glint of emotion in his eyes. But it disappear as soon as it does.

"Hmm... if it isn't my daughter. How does it feel to be downgraded from a prestigious family into a blood-traitor, hm?" He said, staring at me with an amused expression. I feel Harry's hand tighten around mine. I glance at him to see him gritting his teeth.

"What are you doing here?" Harry said, stepping forward to stand in front of me to shield me from my father's gaze that is full of hatred. His voice sound calm. But his face told me otherwise. "You have no right to call her your daughter after casting her out. So what if she became a Weasley now? At least she's free and happier than she is with you" he said.

"Oh please... happy? Judging from the look on her face, she must have lacked a lot of things. And who do you think is to blame for all of that, hm?" He said. Harry stays silent at what he said. He turns to look at me for a few seconds before turning to Harry again. "My precious and sweet little daughter chose to defy me... because she decided to fall in love with you. You're nothing but a bad influence to her" he said.

I place my hand on his shoulder and move to stand in front of him. "All I did was follow my heart. It's not something I can control... but I was being punished because of it. Am I not allowed to be happy?" I said.

"Oh don't be ridiculous, Y/N. You can choose to ignore that stupid feelings. Just break up with him and I will welcome you home" he said. He outstretch his hand towards me, as if inviting me to abandon the others and go to him. "Your mother misses you, honey... this young man is not good for you. I only want you to be happy..." he said.

I feel my chest tightens at the thought of Draco and mom. I look down as tears streams down my cheeks. I lower my head, as I try to control my emotion. I can't act weak. Not in front of a man like him.

I turn to him and glare with a gaze full of hatred. "No... mother would understand me. I'm only following what my heart's told me to do. I love Harry... and I will NEVER give up on him. If you're my father you would have support me if you want me to be happy! But no... you tortured me, belittled me and casted me out. You are no father to me. You're just nothing but a selfish, self-entitled piece of sh*t!! I'm embarrassed and disgusted to share the same bloodline as you!" I said. He glares at me after I said that. But I'm not scared of him... not anymore.

*to be continued*

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