Chapter 24

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Previously on Chapter 23

Harry smiles at me and wink. I can see Hermione and Ron makes heart fingers towards us, wiggling their eyebrows. I blush at their gesture and just smile at Harry. He have a blush on his cheeks at the two's gestures. I still can't believe what happened...

Harry and I are together now..

-First Hogsmeade Trip-


I'm standing near Hermione and Ron among the crowd. We'll be going to Hogsmeade. I'm so excited to be there. I've always heard from my mom all the things that we can find there.

However, Harry can't join us. He didn't have his permission form signed. I feel sad for him. I can tell how much he wished he could go with us.

Harry runs up to Professor McGonagall. "No signed form... you can't go to Hogsmeade" she said. "But if YOU sign it... I'll be able to go" he said. "I can't... that would be against the rule. The one that can sign the form is one of the parents or a legal guardian... I'm sorry..." she said. Harry turns to look at the three of us. I can see the disappointment in his eyes.

Harry stayed with his relatives. The Dursley, which consists of his uncle and aunt, along with their son... and from what he told us, they're horrible people. They hated the world of magic. They even try lots of times to prevent him from returning to Hogwarts.

"I can stay if you'd like. I don't want you to feel left out, while the rest of us go to Hogsmeade..." I said. He turns to me and shakes his head. "No... you go and have fun. This is the first visit... you don't have to stay for my sake..." he said. "Are you sure?" I said. He nods his head and smile at me. "Have fun, Y/N... have fun guys..." he said. I walk towards him and give him a gentle hug. He hugs me back, kissing the side of my head. I pull away and give him a soft peck on his lips. We give him a smile, and he walks back. Then he makes his way inside Hogwarts.

I just watch Harry walks away, until his out of view. I feel bad for leaving him alone, while the rest of us are having fun. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Hermione. "Come on, Y/N... he'll be fine..." she said. I just let out a sigh and nod my head in agreement. I glance at the entrance of the building one more time, then walk with the rest of them.


We walk around the town. I have my hands in my pocket as I walk next to Hermione, while Ron is close behind us. I have my head down as I follow Hermione's footsteps, not really knowing where we're heading.

"Are you okay?" I hear Hermione asked, snapping me out of my thought. "Huh?" I said. "I said... are you okay?" She said. I let out a sigh and nod my head. "Yeah... I'm just worried about Harry... I can tell how much he wishes to come with us. But... he can't because of his guardian is a bunch of jerks..." I said, rolling my eyes slightly.

Hermione smiles and wrap her arm around me. "Oh you have nothing to worry about, Y/N... I'm pretty sure he'll be fine back in school. He will surely find something to entertain himself..." he said. I just nod my head. I look up to see a shop.

"Let's go to that shop? I wanna bring something back for Harry..." I said. "He's so lucky to have you... you two make me feel single..." I hear Ron said. I turn to him and walk backward. "Then find yourself a girl!" I said, sneaking a wink at Hermione. She just turns her head away, attempting to hide her blush but I can already see them. Ron is completely oblivious though. I let out a giggle and turn around to walk properly, wouldn't want to accidentally run into something.

We enter the shop and walk further inside. It sells various kinds of sweets. I walk towards a certain shelf. I look around and grab some chocolate frog and a few others. Then I walk towards the cashier and pay for them.

Hermione and Ron walks towards me, each holding their own purchases. "Are you guys done with your parts?" I said. They nod their heads. We spend the rest of the time walking around, and trying some butterbeer. It's not exactly a beer... otherwise we'd be underaged to have them. I don't know why they named it that way. But oh well... it tasted good.

A Few Minutes Later

It's finally time for us to head back to Hogwarts. I walk next to Hermione as we meet up at our meeting place. We get inside the carriage that will bring us back to Hogwarts.

I hug my purchases closer as I stare out the window. I wonder what's Harry been up to for the time we're gone. I really miss him. I guess that's what happens if you just got together with someone. You literally want to spend every seconds with them. I wonder if it's just me... or if he feels the same way.

After a while, we finally reach Hogwarts. I get off the carriage first, since I'm sitting next to the door. Ron and Hermione following close after.

"Hm... I wonder how I can find Harry..." I said. "Me neither... he could be anywhere..." Hermione said. I look up at the sky to see if I can make out the time. It is slightly dark. So I'm assuming it's around dinner time.

"Judging by the color of the sky... it's around dinner. Which means, Harry is most likely be in the dining hall..." I said. Hermione looks up at the sky as well. "Wow... good observation Y/N..." she said. "Thank you..." I said, smiling at her. The three of us starts making our way to the dining hall.

Ron push open the door. I scan through the students to make out where my boyfriend will be sitting. A big smile appear on my face when I spot him. I pick up my pace, making sure to not drop anything as I walk towards him.

I wrap my free arm around him from behind. He let out a squeak as if not expecting me. I let out a giggle as he turns to look at me.

"Bloody hell, Y/N... you scared the shit out of me..." he said. "Hey... sorry about that" I said, giggling at his reaction. He just rolls his eyes at me. I pout and place the sweets I've purchased on the table in front of him.

"Here... I hope this'll make it up for it... as well as the fact that the three of us left you alone here..." I said. His eyes lit up at the sight of items I've got him. Not just sweets, I've bought him a sweater as well.

He stands up and pulls me into a hug. "Thank you, Y/N... I love them..." he said. I wrap my arms around his neck. "I'm glad..." I said. He pulls away and place a soft peck on my lips.

"I'll go to the Slytherin table now... see ya. Bye Ron... Bye Hermione..." I said. "Bye Y/N!" They said. I turn around and walk towards the Slytherin table and sit down next to my brother.

"I can't believe you and him..." he said. "Whatever..." I said, rolling my eyes at what he said. He scoff at my reaction. I ignore him and start to eat dinner.

*to be continued*

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