Chapter 65

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Previously on Chapter 64

"In the meantime... I think we should take this necklace to Professor McGonagall. Maybe she'll know what to do" I said. The others nod their heads in agreement. I turn my attention to the necklace and grab it, making sure to not touch the necklace. I wouldn't want to get hexed by it. I stare at the necklace. But who would be so cruel do such thing?

-It Only Gets Worse-


The cursed necklace is placed on top of Professor McGonagall's desk. She stares at the necklace for a while, and turn her gaze to look at the four of us. She looks so done when she saw our faces. I just give her an innocent smile.

She let out a sigh. "Why is it when something happen... it is always you four?" She asked. I let out a nervous laugh at what she said. She asked that to us as if we know the answer ourselves.

"Believe me, Professor. We've been asking ourselves the same question for 6 years..." Ron said. I just nod my head in agreement. Professor McGonagall let's out a sigh and dismissed the four of us. The four of us turns around and walks out of her office.

"I wonder if Katie Bell's going to be alright..." I said, to no one in particular. I feel an arm gently drape around my shoulder. I turn my head to see Harry. He sends me a soft smile.

"I'm sure she will be..." he said. I smile at him and wrap my arm around his torso. The four of us continue our way to the dining hall, as it is now time for dinner.


After dinner, we head back to the common room. I let my body drop on the couch. I lean my head back and stare at the ceiling. I let out a sigh. Everything that's been going on really made me feel restless.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Hermione asked. I turn my head to look at her. She looks at me worriedly. Not just her, Harry and Ron also stares at me with the same worried gaze. I smile softly at them and nod my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired... I'm heading to bed. I'll see you tomorrow, Harry" I said. I stand up and walks up to Harry. I gently cup the side of his cheek. I lean up and place a gentle kiss on his lips. "I love you..." I said, after pulling away.

"I love you too, Y/N. Sleep well" he said, smiling softly at me. He place a gentle kiss on my forehead, making me smile softly. I pull away from him and give Ron a quick hug. I turn around and make my way towards my room.

I push the door open and change my outfit into a much comfortable ones. I head towards the bed, letting my body falls front side first onto the bed. I bury my face into the pillow for a few seconds.

I turn to lay on my back as I stare at the ceiling. My eyes starts to feel heavy as I start to feel sleepier. I turn to lay on my side and close my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.


When I open my eyes. I'm back again in the same room. I frown as I look around the area. 'Why does this dream keeps on coming?' I thought to myself. I look forward and make my way towards the room where everyone is.

The weird thing is, unlike the others nightmares. This time, Draco isn't here. This makes me realize that this isn't an ordinary dream. It's actually happening in real life.

I turn my head to look forward as Voldemort starts talking about what he desires. It's not a surprise to me that what he wants is to take over the world. But muggle and magic world.

"So... Lucius. Any news about the girl? Did your son succeed in getting her back to your family? And to join us?" He asked. I just furrow my eyebrow at what he said. Why did he keep on asking for me? In every nightmares I had, he would always asked for me. But why??

"No... Master. But I'm sure Draco would be able to think of something" Father said. Voldemort clicks his tongue at what he said. He stands up and walks up to him, standing right behind him.

"He better succeed. Because like I always mentioned. The girl plays an important part for me to win this war... she have to join us before she learns the truth" he said. He turns around and make his way to his chair. But after one step he stops and turns to look at father again. "If your son fails... I will destroy everyone in your family. Are we clear?" He said. Father gulps and nods his head at what the Dark Lord said. Voldemort nods his head, satisfied with his respond.

"Now, we just have to wait until Draco finish his solo mission..." he said. I furrow my eyebrow as the words coming out of his mouth suddenly becomes muffled. With that, follows everything else as my surroundings becomes blurry. I blink my eyes, trying to get rid of the fuzziness.

The next time I open my eyes, realizing I'm in an empty room. The only thing in this room was a throne chair in front of me. I furrow my eyebrow as I walk towards it. I stand in front of it.

"How nice of you to join me..." someone said. I turn my body around to see the Dark Lord. I feel something grabs my wrists. I let out a yelp when the thing grabbing me pulls me down until I'm seated on the throne room. I look down to see they were vines. I struggle to break free, but the more I struggled the tighter it becomes.

"What do you want with me? Why do you keep haunting me?!" I yelled out, turning my gaze to look at the Dark Lord as he walks towards me calmly. He places his hands on both arm rests. He leans down until his gaze is on the same level as mine.

"Where's the fun if I have to tell you everything, my dear? In due time, you shall learn..." he said. I move back, trying to keep as much distance as possible from him. He let out a chuckle and lift his hand, placing the back of it against the skin of my cheek. The place where he touches burns. I bit my lips as I try not to scream.

"Stop it! Don't touch me!!" I yelled out. But he grabs my neck instead. I let out a choking sound as he have a firm grip on my neck, while forcing me to look into his eyes. I stare into his eyes and saw everything. The destruction of Hogwarts and the loss of the people on our side. I shake my head, as tears streams down my cheeks. "No...

End of Dream

"NOOOO!!!" I screamed, moving into a sitting position as I breathe heavily. I hold onto my neck, feeling it burn. It's like the nightmare actually happens to me.

"Y/N? I heard you scream. What's wrong?" Someone said. I turn my head to see Hermione. She stares at me with a worried gaze. She walks over to me and sit down. I choke out a sob and leans my body against hers. She wrap her arms around my shaking form.

I'm tired... and stressed. But no matter how hard I try to convince myself that it was only a nightmare, I can't seem to get rid of it. Instead, the nightmares only became more frequent.

It only gets worse...

*to be continued*

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