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"Vincenzo." I called stopping in my tracks and saw the trios, mom, dad and Vincenzo sitting down on the sofa.

Moore had served glasses filled with juice and the three of them were holding it in their hand with their eyes pointed at me.

The sudden attention flabbergasted me and taking a short pause I resumed walking towards the kitchen. I felt their burning gaze on me as if they were trying to figure out something but I didn't give them that privilege.

I fasten my pace as if the train I was about to take was running away and entered the kitchen while maintaining the calm breath. Inside the kitchen, I saw Moore topping the pudding with some sort of garnishing and my mouth waters looking at the exquisite looking pudding. 

"Mmm.." I drooled eyeing the pudding with caught Moore attention and a doting smile grace her face as she took in my action.

"I miss the pudding." I pouted acting cute and all while looking at her, forgetting about the predicament I had to encounter latter on. 

"Only pudding? Not me?!" She asked placing her hand on hips looking quite angry making me anxious.

"Of course not. I miss you a lot Moore." I grabbed her hand leaned towards her shoulder acting like a baby and she laughed gleefully. 

"You know your foods made me survive when I was at my low." I continued with a forlorn expression with my head leaning on her shoulder.

My words stopped the joyous environment and silence prevails making us dwell in our thoughts. A minutes later or so, Moore patted my arm in soothing manner making me get rid of those bitter memories that had replay as I recalled the past memories and heaving a sigh I get away from her. 

"Can I take it?" I asked grabbing one of the cute plate and before she could affirm I ate a spoonful of pudding. 

"Mmm.." I moaned as the flavor burst into my mouth with my eyes closed savoring the delicious taste. 

"It's amazing." I gave a thumbs up to Moore while not taking my eyes off the pudding and her laughter sounded in the kitchen along with my moaning. 

"Haha..thank you Tesoro."

"Now let me serve the other people." She said while carrying the tray with the plate of pudding and I trailed behind her while eating the spoonful of pudding. 

When I reached the living area, half of the pudding had already entered my stomach and I sat down as soon as I spotted the empty space on the sofa, which happened to be just beside Vincenzo. And how I know when I was so engrossed in eating the mouthful of pudding?

The answer was obvious,  I heard my dad snort which was loud enough to distract me and he was giving unkind looks to Vincenzo who had his head down to scoop the pudding. I frowned looking at dad and glanced at my husband to saw him looking at me with a raise brow.

"Is it delicious?" I asked with you-got-the-right-timing look and he ate it with me expectantly waiting for the answer. 

"It's good." His replied making me looking at my parents and both of them hmm in response. 

We then ate finish the pudding in absolute silence and then I figured out that the new recipe was made for my mother as I had not seen her eating pudding before. I was the first one to finish it off and sadly I couldn't eat more even though I carve for more as there was no left over. I sighed looking at the now empty plate which was place on the coffee table and a plate with more than half pudding came into my view. 

"You can have it." Vincenzo forwarded the plate towards me and licking my lips I held the plate on my hand. 

While I was about to scoop it up, mom's voice stop me.

""Zeta, we will have dinner in a while. Give it back to Vincenzo." She reminded me as if I was a child and I raised my head turning to look at my husband.

"It's alright mom. She can have it." With the positive words of my husband I devour the pudding without caring about the stern face of my mother and I learned that we were going to have the dinner in my parents house. 

As we consumed the pudding at around the near about time to dinner, it was pushed back to around 8 pm and I was sneaked up to my room when I remembered that my husband was chatting with my parents. It might seemed rude to go up alone so I sat down listening to their talks about the business. 

I was so dammed bored hearing out their conversation that I roamed my eyes around the living area to find the some of the new furnishing; the carpet had been changed to gray one aesthetically matching my mom's preference and fortunately Vincenzo ended the excruciatingly long and boring conversation  by asking about my brother who might be checking out the books I had picked out for him.

"I will check on Zenon." He said getting up from the seat and I too followed behind like a little tail.

"You are off work?" I asked as we were climbing the stairs and he held my hands while nodding in response. 

I pulled away my hand once we reached the top of the stairs and I motion him to go to my brother's room. Giving me a look which I couldn't understand, he walk away and I walked to my room.

Entering my room, I stopped at the doorstep and looked around the space which had been my favorite place for a while. The room was neat without a spec of a dirt and I walked towards my bed where a fluffy figure was laying down. Then picked up the teddy bear and hugged it while inhaling the same. 

The next second, a hand snaked on my waist and my back lean on a hard chest making me tilt my head to look at my husband who when entered inside, I didn't find out. 

"I used to hug it and slept at night." I raised the fluffy bear and showed it to Vincenzo but he frowned looking at it. "

"But now I hug my husband to sleep." I voice out in a pleasant voice which made him smile and suddenly, he pushed aside the teddy and pressed his lips on mine. 

"Mmm..." He leaned forward and deepened the kiss but the loud knock interrupted our kissing session.  

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