"You, Come to my office, Right now."- I ordered him before leaving that place, the smell that coming from that fucking dead body ruined my mood.

Since he knew very well that I couldn't care less about him or his retaliation unless it helped me, the man, who had been sobbing uncontrollably up until this point, tried his best to remain composed.

Before he can open his mouth I asked, "What do you think why someone tortured your son like this, definitely someone hold grudge against him for long."

That old crying guy stared me like I have asked something out of context, he was there when his sons were found guilty and begged me to cover it up with my connections, his son raped someone if my thinking was not wrong he and his friends raped a girl in a moving car brutally.

That moment I didn't give much attention about this topic but right now things were different.

I have seen the look of her face, Y/n, the scared crying face of her, and it didn't feel nice. There was something went on inside my heart whenever I saw her sitting or sleeping on a bed like a corpse, and I never thought someone's sorrow can one day bothered me but it was now, her sorrowful eyes bothered me, I was ready to do everything in my hand to make her pain away.

I know I never forced someone before her and I never had to, girls were thrown themselves before me, I never even bothered if someone came to me for any kind of help and I didn't even think before accepting that person's request if it benefited me, but right now I don't know.

He knew exactly what his son did and yet had the audacity to come before me and plead to find that individual who killed his son, isn't he did right? His astonished face irked me for some reason because he behaved like all respectable and kind man when he was far away. And what am I to judge someone didn't I do the same but if anyone who will decide what punishment I should have got that will be Y/n, my wife.

My wife this things itself really eating me alive now-a days, I used her body for my pleasure and now I was referring her as my wife.

"Please, sir I just want to know who the hell did this to my son, he didn't just kill me and my wife, I can't even take the body of my son to my wife, she can't even look at his face, she will not take it, please boss, you have accepted my request once and I will make sure I will disappoint you again, I will gave everything that you will name for."- That man begged, before me try to play victim card, my hands in fact aching to put bullets in his forehead.

"You can leave now.."- I just want him to go away from here, he was starting to really annoy me, he again open his mouth but this time Alphs stood before him and make him sshhhhh.

"Boss asked you to leave and you will leave, one more word and your head will be sent to your house along with your son's dead body."- his eyes went wide, he silently got up from the floor and sniffled lightly before leaving the room.

Namjoon had the que when I looked at him. As I had anticipated, Jung Kook was the one who once more tried to play with me and the one who attempted to assist Y/n in fleeing. But didn't he know everything before hand? If he had been there assisting Y/n in fleeing, then why didn't he show up that night? It had been nearly 20 days, but my men were unable to locate him. Where was he?

What play you are playing Jung kook, did you bait on Y/n , if so then you are doommed.

I returned home, unlocked the door, and crept inside silently as I walked past her side where she was soundly sleeping. Part of me wanted to avoid making any noise in case she woke up, but on the other hand, I also wanted her to look at me and speak to me—even if it meant screaming and cursing in my face.

It had been so many days we didn't talk, suddenly I missed those days when I teased her and she reciprocate with every of my teasing, how her face turned pink whenever I went close to her, I have noticed the change of expression on her face, specially on her eyes, it tells a lot and how I missed it.

I remember when the first time we went for a date, it was amazing even if I know I had bad intention of having her in my own way, how her body reacted at my tease, at my slightest touch.

There was numerous time when she was ready to give herself, we had almost had it all but then again things started to take it turn and one thing lead to another and now we were in this situation.

This guilt was making it difficult for me to even breathe, I wanted you there was no denying but like this no ever. I hold her hand and placed a kiss over it.

I will make it up for you, I promise.

Please just give one chance.


What do you think he should be forgiven for his act.

 Just want to know your thoughts.

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