Chapter 65

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"What have you been up too since the end of our journey?" Kíli asks walking next to me while walking through the stone path.

"Not much, stayed in Mirkwood most of the time afterwards, besides coming down to see you guys every now and then when time would allow it." I explain. "What about you?" I ask looking at him.

"Not much besides getting drunk. Oh, Thorin has been teaching us how to rule Erebor if something were to ever happen to him." He answers.

"Better to have you two prepared to run a kingdom then to not."

"Agreed, I couldn't imagine if anything happened to him while we were reclaiming Erebor and then Fili and I would have to take would be a disaster." Kili chuckles.

"Oh you two would have been fine. You have Balin to help you guys with everything." I smile kindly.

"True, but Balin isn't getting any younger." He sighs.

"I know, but he's still wise and has been there for a lot of things so he would know better than anyone." Kili nods agreeing with me and then talks about how him and Fili have been going hunting every now and then. After hours of walking we decide to rest as it's getting dark and the stars are shining above us, that and we're all very exhausted from the progress we have made. Setting up the little campsite Thorin, Kili, and Fili go off into the woods to find something for us to eat while Bofur gets stuff ready for when they return hopefully with some food.

Sitting on the grass I stare up at the stars and just sigh contently while a warm breeze blows through gently pushing my hair back. Feeling someone sit next to me I look over and see Bofur. "How you doing lass?" He asks looking at me.

"I'm doing good." I answer pulling on some grass. "how about you?" I ask.

"Wonderful, glad to be seeing Bilbo. It's been too long since I've seen him so I'm thrilled we're going to see him finally." He smiles widely. "I'm also thrilled you came along with us."

"Me too, it'll be nice to see him again it has been too long since I last saw him." I answer. "I'm glad you guys stopped in by Rivendell so I had the chance to see you guys." I smile looking at him.

"Me too, it wasn't the plan, but Kili suggested it and we're glad we listened to him." He chuckles. Aw, that's sweet that Kili was the one to suggests it. After awhile of talking Thorin and his nephews come back with some dead deer for us to eat. "Perfect!" Bofur says clapping his hands together and goes to get the deer ready to eat.

While Bofur is cooking up the deer meat with the help from Thorin, Fili and I are a little ways away by ourselves catching up. "I'm sure Kili's already mentioned it to you, but he really misses you Brynn, a lot. To the point where he hasn't been himself, and Thorin and I seem to be the only ones to notice." He sighs explaining while pulling some grass off the ground.

"Not himself? Because he's missing me? Why?" I ask looking at Fili raising an eyebrow. "He has Tauriel, remember?"

"No, he doesn't Brynn." He states looking at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"That kiss you saw wasn't him, I mean it was him, but not in the way you're thinking." He says softly with a small smile. "Tauriel kissed him, he was making sure she was okay after Bolg hit her hard in the head and she lost concussion for a bit. When she was fine he was going to go look for you, but she kissed him and that's what you saw Brynn." He explains wrapping an arm around me gently. "I know you think Kili loves Tauriel, but I know my brother better than anyone in that company and just in life in general, and he doesn't love her. Brynn, Kili has always loved you and he wanted you from the moment he saw you."

Staying silent I stare into Fili's eyes processing everything he told me. Swallowing the lump in my throat I look at the ground for a moment and then back at Fili. "He loves me?" I ask.

"Of course he does Brynn, remember when we were leaving Mirkwood and you stayed behind and Kili was trying to talk to you?" He asks giving me a moment to nod. "Well, he was going to tell you that he loves you, but your dad interrupted him so he never got the chance and he was so upset he didn't tell you and wished he had said something sooner."

"Why are you telling me this Fili? I mean I appreciate it, but aren't you going behind Kili's back?" I ask resting my head against his shoulder. 

"Because I want you to know what really happened that day. You're the one who deserves to be with Kili, and Kili deserves to be with you." He smiles resting his chin against my head. Smiling softly lean into Fili's embrace as he rubs my arm gently.

"Thank you Fili." I whisper.

"Of course Brynn, you mean the world to me and I'd do anything for you to be happy." Chuckling softly we pull away when we hear dinner is ready and get up making our way over to have dinner.

Sitting around the fire I sit next to Kili as Bofur hands the food out for us to eat. Thanking him I take a bite of the delicious food and just sit quietly listening to them talk about how excited they are to see Bilbo and I don't blame them Bilbo was always fun to hang around. After dinner is eaten and the fire is slowly dying I sit far from everyone and just look up at the stars again enjoying the beauty of them and the full moon. "Beautiful isn't it?" Kili's voice rings through my ears.

Shifting my gaze I look over to Kili taking a seat next to me with a small smile on his face. "It is." I hum softly as I look back up at the stars.

"You know, I never was once a big fan of looking at the stars, but for the past few months I've been going out when it's clear out and go stargazing." He informs me while staring at the stars as-well.

"Really? What made you want to go stargazing more?" I ask.

"You." He answers looking at me with a smile.


He nods. "Yeah."

"Why me?" I ask looking back at him.

"You always showed so much love for it and appreciated the beauty of them and so I thought I should give it a try and I'm glad I did because now I understand why you do it. It's very calming and relaxing and sometimes I need that, plus they're beautiful too look at."

Oh my goodness!! We get answers on that kiss between Tauriel and Kili! Thank you Fili!! You are God send to Brynn! I'm so glad to learn Kili never wanted it to be Tauriel and that it was always Brynn! Please comment and vote!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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