Chapter 44

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Groaning slightly I sit up pushing some of my hair back. Yawing I stretch my cramped limbs and crack my back realizing I fell asleep. Getting out of bed I rub my eyes and then look out my window seeing it's gotten dark out and dinner will be approaching us soon. Walking over to my vanity I put my circlet back on my head after combing my hair gently making myself look presentable. Opening the door I see a guard getting ready to knock on my door making me raise an eyebrow. "Your father sent me to tell you it's dinner." He explains with a bow.

"Thank you, I was just heading there." I smile slightly with a nod. He bows one more time and leaves to go somewhere else in the kingdom to possible do another job. Shutting my door I gracefully make my way to the dining room knowing my father and brother will be there and possibly some of father's advisors. Entering the dining room I see father, Legolas, and that's all.

"Glad you could enjoy us." Father says as I sit down on the other side of father. Nodding I look at the food and start putting a little bit of everything on my plate. "So nice to have a family dinner."

"Is that why none of the advisors are here?" I ask as I say some of my food. He nods as he sips his wine. Nodding back I stay quiet and push my food around my plate as I listen to father and Legolas talk about border control and then about Thorin and his quest mocking him that he will fail. Sighing quietly I slowly eat wishing I could be with Bilbo and make sure he's okay, because I'm so worried about him and everyone else.

"Brynn." Father's deep voice snaps me out of my inner thoughts.

"Hmm?" I ask looking up at father.

"You're not still upset about not being with those dwarves are you?" He asks with a stern look. Staying silent I don't give an answer and just stare at him. "Well?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Do you want the actual answer or no?" I ask pushing more of my food around my plate.

"What do you think?" He asks a little coldly.

"Yes Father, I'm still upset about not being with the dwarves, why wouldn't I? I've been with them for a very long time and I miss them very much. And if that bothers you then I'm not sorry because believe it or not father, there are more important matters that lie outside of our borders, like reclaiming home, but it seems you don't care about anyone who's not apart of our kingdom and it's pitiful, it truly is. I love you father I really do and will always, but I do question your choices sometimes." I say standing up letting my father know how I truly fail.

"Sit back down right now young lady! You will not speak to me like that!" Father says sternly.

"Obviously someone should." I say standing my ground.

"BRYNN!" He yells causing me to flinch. "If I were you I'd stop talking before you get yourself into trouble and take your seat!" Clenching my jaw slightly I listen to father and sit back down and stare at my half eaten plate. "Now, you know exactly why I don't want you to continue on this quest whether or not Gandalf has asked for your help." Nodding I stay quiet and go back to eating.

"You know Father, you and Thorin aren't as different as you'd like to think. You're both are very stuck up and only care about yourselves most of the time unless it involves family." I say loud enough for him to hear.

"Go to your room right now young lady." He growls grinding his teeth together. Looking at father I stay quiet and don't move a muscle and then nod knowing to not to go any further as I already pushed his buttons.

"Goodnight." I whisper as I stand up and leaving the dining hall as Legolas wishes me goodnight as well and father does quietly. Walking through the halls I stay silent as people nod in my direction every now end then from passing them, but to be honest I don't have the strength to nod back....all I wanna do is be out there with Bilbo living freely and seeing the world outside of Mirkwood. I wish we didn't come through Mirkwood then I could still be with them helping them out. Sighing I close the door to my room and lay on my bed praying they're okay.

Rolling off my bed I go and get changed as I just want to sleep and have this day be over with as it wasn't one of my best days. After getting change I climb into bed and get under the soft comfy blankets feeling my muscles relax into the bedding. Not gonna lie I did miss this about being home how comfy my bed was. Closing my eyes I feel sleep immediately take over my body.

(Next Day)

Groaning I roll on my side pulling the blankets closer to my body getting more comfy as sleep starts taking over my body once more. Breathing in deeply I hear my door open and shut telling me someone's in my room. Probably father. Shrugging it off I lay on my stomach letting my hair cover my face. "Lady Brynn, it's time to get up and get dress." A female voice rings through my ear. Not saying anything I shift a little and get even more comfy not caring about the maid in my room. "Please Lady Brynn, your father has asked us to get you up."

"Okay I'm up." I yawn as I sit up in bed pushing my messy blonde hair back as the one maid looks at me and the other one looks through my closet to find something for me to wear. Nodding slowly I get out of bed and make my way over to the divider I have in my room for dressing and the maid who was looking for a dress comes over and helps me get dress even though I don't need the help.  

Wow Brynn really went for her father's throat at dinner...but she is kinda right and has every right to be upset with her father!! Don't worry things will get interesting soon I promise!! Please comment and vote!!

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