Chapter 27

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After a bit longer Bilbo soon comes sliding in and we all gather around him to hear what he has to say. "How close is the pack?" Dwalin asks.

"Too close. A couple of leagues, no more." Bilbo says looking at us.

"Have the Wargs picked up our scent?"

"Not yet, but they will; we have a bigger problem." Bilbo explains.

"Did they see you? They saw you!" Gandalf says.

"No, that's not it." Bilbo says.

Gandalf smiles and holds his staff up while facing the dwarves. "What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse. Excellent burglar material."

The dwarves cheer slapping Bilbo on his back, but Bilbo doesn't look too happy that no one is going to listen to him. "Will you listen- Will you just listen? I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there." He shouts.

Everyone falls silent staring at Bilbo with worried expressions. Furrowing my brow I look over at Gandalf who has the same expression as mine. "What form did it take? Like a bear?" Gandalf asks.

"Ye..." Bilbo stops looking at Gandalf curiously before continuing his thought. "Y- yes. But bigger, much bigger."

"You knew about this beast?" Bofur asks looking up at Gandalf who has walked a few feet away. "I say we double back." Bofur suggests.

"And be run down by a pack of Orcs." Thorin says looking at Bofur then Gandalf.

"There is a house, it's not far from here, where we might take refuge." Gandalf says looking at us.

Thorin stares at Gandalf furrowing his brows. "Whose house? Are they friend or foe?" He asks Gandalf.

"Neither. He will help us, or he will kill us." Gandalf answers.

We all look each other in dismay at the words that just left Gandalf's mouth. None of us are really on board with this idea. I mean, it can't be worse then what we just went through. I think as I look back at Gandalf who meets my eyes. "What choice do we have?" Thorin asks looking between Gandalf and I. 

Staying silent for a moment, we hear a loud splitting roar break our silence telling us the giant bear is close by. "None." Gandalf says.
Before we know it we are running through the forest. Trying to get away from this bear and trying to stay away from Azog. Continuing with running through the forest we end up getting slightly wet from streams of water we had to go through. "Come on! Brynn stay behind make sure no one falls behind you!" Gandalf says as he runs ahead making us all catch up to him.

Nodding I keep myself behind the company bringing up the rear. Hearing thudding coming from the forest it's either the bear or Azog and his Orcs, but I'm going to assume it's both at this point. While run we hear the howls of Wargs knowing they have found a scent. Everyone stop in the woods when we hear a loud ear-splitting roar is nearby. Our eyes widen as Gandalf points in direction and starts running in it. One by one everyone starts following him except Bombur who's looking somewhere with shock in her eyes. "Come on, Bombur!" I say as I pull him away from whatever he is staring at.

Once Bombur is running I run in the middle of the group next to Nori and Bifur. Finally reaching the end of forest we come into a nice clearing we see a house surrounding by hedges in the middle of the clearing. "To the house! Run!" Gandalf shouts as he starts picking up speed.

Running across the plain we hear the bear roar closer then be before making us run even faster. While running Bombur starts out running all of us which surprises all of us including Gandalf. Bombur reaches the gate first and runs straight to the door as we are all running through the gate. Slamming into the door of the house Bombur falls on his back since the door didn't budge for him. Catching up to Bombur the dwarves try and open the door, but to no luck it still isn't budging. Hearing rustling come from the forest Gandalf and I look back and see a massive bear runs into the clearing and running towards us at impecable speed. My eyes widen and I turn around facing the dwarves. "Open the door! I shout at them as the bear is gaining on us.

"Quickly! Thorin shouts pushing through the dwarves and pushes himself towards the door and helps it open up.

We run through the open door and into the house. Standing next to Gandalf and Bilbo, I catch my breath as the dwarves are trying to push the door shut as the bear manage to get his head through the door. Bilbo holds his sword towards the bear unsteadily. "Come on lads!l Dwalin shouts as they're trying to get the door shut.

Seeing the dwarves struggle to shut the door Gandalf stares at them in amusement. Once the latch is on keeping that bear out the dwarves heave a heavy sigh as they are wiped out from that. Watching them catch their breath poor Bombur looks like he is ready to have a heart attack. "What is that?" Ori asks in bewilderment.

" our host." Gandalf says slowly looking at us. Staring Gandalf in pure shock the dwarves stare at each other weary of those words. "His name is Beorn, and he is a skin-changer." He explains farther looking at the dwarves, Bilbo and then me. "Sometimes he's a huge black bear; sometimes he's a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable, but the man can be reasoned with. However, he is not overfond of dwarves."

The dwarves stare at Gandalf in dismay at his words, and then at each other wondering why they let Gandalf lead them to Beorn if he hates dwarves. "He's leaving!" Ori says peeking through the door.

"Come away from there! It's not natural, none of it. It's obvious: he's under some dark spell." Dori says pulling Ori away.

"Don't be a fool; he's under no enchantment but his own. Alright now, get some sleep, all of you. You'll be safe here tonight." Gandalf rolls his eyes at Dori's words.

Yawning we see the sun is now setting and we all space out in the house to get some sleep. Once I find a place to sleep that is away from the snoring dwarves I stare at the floor feeling tired, but not able to sleep. Hearing shuffling I snap my head up to see Bilbo sitting up staring at something small in his hand moving it over and over examining it. My eyes are heightened, do to the fact that I'm an Elf I can make out what's in his hand, a ring. Raising an eyebrow I stare at the ring in his hands wondering where got that from. Hearing the door open I see Bilbo lay back down pretending to be asleep as a human walks through the door shutting it quietly. Seeing him look around at the sleeping figures in his house.

(Next Day)

Seeing the sun peak through the windows of Beorn's house I stand up stretching seeing some of the dwarves sleeping and some of them up sitting at the kitchen table. Leaving the room I head to the kitchen to see Gandalf talking with Beorn as the dwarves the other dwarves wake up from sleeping. "And this Beorn, is Brynn." Gandalf smiles as at me as I take my seat next to Kili.

"An Elf among Dwarves?" Beorn asks in his deep rugged voice while looking around at all the dwarves who have now gathered around the table. "Interesting. Very interesting." He says bringing his eyes to meet mine.

(A picture of Beorn in his human form and skin-changer form!!)

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(A picture of Beorn in his human form and skin-changer form!!)

Well at least they are safe for now In Beorn's house! But we'll see how he reacts to dwarves in the morning and hopefully he'll help that out and not kill them. Beorn seems intrigued that Brynn is with them!!Please comment and vote!!

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