Chapter 26

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Thorin gently slaps Bilbo's arm while giving him a small smile, but then looks pass him and walks forward staring in the distance. We follow Thorin's gaze to see what he is staring at. "Is that what I think it is?" Bilbo ask as he stands near Thorin.

Making our way over to where Thorin and Bilbo are. We see an outline of a mountain in the horizon. "Erebor—The Lonely Mountain. The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle-earth." Gandalf says.

"Our home." Thorin smiles even more as he is now closer to reclaiming Erebor.

Standing silently we continue to stare at the mountain in the distance as a bird chirps and flies pass us towards the direction of Erebor. "A raven! The birds are returning to the mountain." Oin says happily.

"That, my dear Oin, is a thrush." Gandalf informs.

"But we'll take it as a sign - a good omen." Thorin says.

"You're right. I do believe the worst is behind us." Bilbo says optimistically.

Nodding we stand there for awhile staring at the Lonely Mountain as the sun fully reaches the sky telling us the day is officially beginning and night is no longer upon us. Making our way down the rock we go into the thick of the trees making our to Erebor. Walking through the woods I feel someone stand next to me and I look down thinking it's Bilbo, but it's Kili. "Hey." He says with a small smile.

"Hey." I say.

"Thanks again for saving me back there." He says looking up at me.

"You're welcome."

"Why did you save me? Why didn't you let me fall in the pile of Wargs?"

"Why would I do that?" I raise an eyebrow looking at him.

"Because I'm a dwarf, and my uncle has done nothing, but disrespected your kin, and made you feel like nothing to us." He explains.

"Yes it does hurt that Thorin isn't willing to let the past go and try to fix it. But that doesn't mean I have to, I will fight for every single one of you until the very end."

He smiles wider when he hears those words and I'm not gonna lie he has a cute smile. Smiling back I look away, and at all the dwarves in front of us. My body flinches slightly when I feel a hand touch mine and I look down to see Kili had gently grab my hand in his. "Thank you, Brynn that means everything to me knowing you would fight till the very end for us." He says giving my hand a gentle squeeze. Nodding I give his hand a squeeze back before letting go of his hand.

While walking through the woods and we heard Wargs howling in the distance kinda close, but not too close, so Gandalf is having us stay hidden in the rocks of the woods while Bilbo goes ahead to investigate to see if Azog has picked up on our scent. Leaning against a rock I stare up at the ground waiting for Bilbo to come back with information on Azog. Still waiting Bilbo's return I look up hearing footsteps to see Thorin making his way over to me. "Yes Thorin?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him.

He clears his throat slightly folding his arms over his chest staying quiet for moment thinking about what he's going to say. "I just came over to see how you are feeling." He finally says.

I look back at the ground before bringing my gaze back up to meet his with a small shrug. "I'm fine. A bit sore, and little beaten up, but I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I smile slightly.

He nods taking a deep breath, but winces from his wound still healing. "You're welcome." He says.

"How about you? You took quite a beating back there." I say.

"In lots of pain at the moment from Azog's Warg, but I'll live." He says.

Nodding I take my quiver off my shoulder while searching through it that holds my arrows.

"If I may ask, why have you stuck with me and my Company after I've treated you like scum?" He asks.

"The same reason Bilbo stayed," I look up at him stopping what I'm doing. "I have no idea what it's like to lose my home so sudden, feel betrayed and I want to help you reclaim your home, so you can say you have a home. I've told Kili that I will fight for every single one of you till the end, and I mean that."

Thorin nods letting my words sink and he looks back at me with sadness, happiness, and shock in his eyes. "I don't know what to say, thank you. Not only that, but for your kindness and willing to help us." He says giving me a genuine smile.

"Of course Thorin, now put some of this on your wounds, it'll cease the pain and help it heal faster."

He takes it and nods with gratefulness leaving me to myself as he goes over to Dwalin and Balin. Looking over I see Kili staring at me with a smile on his face as he's talking with his brother and Ori about something. Giving a smile back I look away and see Gandalf smiling at me as-well while sending me a wink as he sees Thorin might be having a change of heart towards me. Laughing softly I get off my rock and make my way over to Gandalf. "I think his view on Elves are changing." Gandalf says once I reach him.

"Gandalf, my friend, you may be right, but it's a little too soon to be sure, we'll have to wait and see." I say.

"Very true, but this is a step in the right direction, Brynn." He smiles.

"Agreed, we'll take it." I smile back.

They are now getting closer to Erebor! I'm so happy for them!! Brynn is the biggest sweetheart towards Kili and she might be feeling something for the dwarven prince!! And Thorin had a full on conversation with Brynn without degrading her kin that is amazing! Gandalf may be right, Thorin might have a changed view on Elves! I hope his view on Elves keep changing for the better! Please comment and vote!!

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