Chapter 60

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"Will we see you again?" Ori asks looking at everyone.

"I'm sure our paths will meet again." I say letting go of Bofur and hugging everyone one by one.

"Thank you for being part of our company." Thorin says when I get to him and give him a hug.

"You're welcome Thorin." I smile. "Glad to see you have a home again." Leaving Thorin's side I go over to Bilbo who's gonna be my hardest goodbye.

"So long Master Baggins, it's been a pleasure working with you." I smile giving him a tight hug  which he gladly hugs back just as tightly.

"If you're ever in the area Brynn, please don't be a stranger and come by. No need for knocking. My door is always open for you." He smiles sadly as he sniffles.

"Thank you Bilbo, I will gladly accept your kind offer." I smile giving him another hug. He hugs back and I hold back tears as I'm truly gonna miss seeing Bilbo and having his attitude around. Pulling away I smile at him and sniffle and stand up knowing it's time for me to head home.

"Brynn, before you go. These are for you, well your father." Thorin says handing me a chest of something. Taking the chest I open it gently to see white beautiful gems.

"Thank you Thorin. This is very kind of you." I say smiling.

"Of course, it's the least I can do." He says kindly. Nodding I give Thorin a hug one last time and then head back to father. While heading back to father I stop in my tracks and look back at Thorin and his company and smile giving them a wave goodbye which they smile and wave goodbye as well. Turning around I walk back to father who's waiting for me with some elven guards.

"Didn't think you were coming back." He says when I'm in ears reached. Laughing softly, him and I make our journey home along with the rest of our army following behind us. "What's in the chest?" He asks.

"It's for you, it's a gift from Thorin." I say handing him the chest gently.

"For me?" He asks raising an eyebrow as he opens the chest and smiles softly.

"Im guessing these are the gems you wanted from Thorin?" I ask.

"Indeed they are, they were your mother's." He says fondly closing the chest and holding them close to his body. Nodding I smile softly as we continue our walk back to Mirkwood.

**Time Skip To A Six Months Later**

Six months have passed since the war with Azog and so far everything seems right. Legolas met up with the mysterious Ranger of the north and by the sounds of it he's seems really nice. I've visited the dwarves of Erebor every now and then when I'm given a free chance. I enjoy seeing the dwarves all back in Erebor and seeing it flourish with life after the tragedies they've faced in the years. The only reason going to Erebor is hard sometimes is watching Kili and Tauriel together. I know I should be over his choice of Tauriel, but it still hurts slightly and I'm happy for them still they seem very happy together, but I want my happiness and I'm tired of waiting for it. Sighing I walk through the garden and look at the beautiful flowers.

Pushing my hair back I continue to walk through the garden and being out in the sun warming my skin gently. Which feels amazing honestly I love the sun and how warm it makes me feel inside. While walking through the garden and looking at the beautiful it reminds me of my time back in Rivendell. Oh how I wish I could be there right now, enjoying the beauty of it all and being with Lindir....oh Lindir how I miss him so much. I miss our talks and just being together he always knew how to cheer me up when I was down or put a smile on my face he was just sweetest.

Sitting on the stone bench I stare at the water and just let the warmth of the sun make me feel happy and warm my body up. Sighing happily I watch the flowers that have fallen off the trees and landed in the water dance gracefully over the water. While I'm staring at the flowers I reach into the pocket of my dress and feel something in it. How did I not notice something was in my dress. Wrapping my fingers around the item I pull it out of my pocket. My eyes widen as the foreign object becomes known as a gorgeous necklace. Where did you come from? Raising an eyebrow I notice paper wrapped around the the chain of the necklace. Taking the piece of paper off I open it gently and the read the small note that's written on it. After finishing reading the very sweet note I see the name signed at the bottom of it and my heart immediately skips a few beats. Lindir.

Smiling I wipe a few tears away and smile not realizing how much I've missed him. "Lindir!" I shout to myself standing up. "It's never been Kili, it's always been Lindir! He was the only one who was really there for me." I explain to myself. I know what I need to do. Leaving garden I run through the kingdom to reach my room, so I can get ready to do what I should have done from the beginning of my journey.

(The necklace, Lindir has given Brynn!!)

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(The necklace, Lindir has given Brynn!!)

Lindir is a sneaky one for putting that necklace in her dress pocket. But I do have to say he's got a lot of taste that necklace is gorgeous!! Please comment and vote!!

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