Chapter 23

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Groaning slightly the light slowly starts to dim letting our vision come back as we sit up slightly. Looking in the direction of the explosion we see a black figure emerging from the light, Gandalf. "Take up arms. Fight." He says when we can finally see him. Smiling we all stand up grabbing our weapons getting ready to fight the goblins.

Once I grab my two elven daggers as the rest of the dwarves gets their weapons ready, we immediately start fighting the goblins and follow Gandalf through the goblins tunnels to get out of here. While we're running away we hear the Great Goblin yell. "He wields the Foe-Hammer, the Beater, bright as daylight!" Knowing he is referring to Gandalf's sword we keep running as we slash through goblins.

Gandalf leads us through the many bridges of Goblin Town, but unfortunately we get split up. Kili, Fili, Nori, Dori, and Bofur end up with me, so I lead the way as I slash through the goblins. While we're fighting our way through the goblins we see the others on a different level of bridge knocking goblins off into the abyss of the mountain. "This way!" I shout as I jump to another bridge that has less goblins.

"Are you crazy?!" Fili asks.

"Trust me!"

They look at each other, and thankfully they listen to me jump on the bridge I am on. Noticing what we did, some of the goblins come down towards us and away from the others. While we're running I stop telling them to keep moving as I grab a huge piece of wood and pull it back and release it as soon as some goblins come. Watching the plank of wood snap back at them they go flying and I run to catch up with the group. Catching up with the group Kili shouts back to me to duck which I listen to and duck as Kili throws a goblin knife stabbing one of the goblins with it. Running behind Kili, he and Nori grab a giant log that's laying and start charging the goblins swinging them off the bridge. Once they get most of the goblins off the bridge they chuck the log off the bridge as-well letting it take out one of the bridges with goblins on it.

Running up another bridge we somehow managed to rejoin with Gandalf and his group. We all run as we know we are getting closer to the end, hopefully. Gandalf stops as we see a bunch of goblins on a bridge and strikes a giant rock from above us letting it fall into a huge boulder. Bifur, Dwalin, and Gloin push the boulder clearing the path for the rest of us. Running on another wooden bridge we know it will all be over soon, but that soon diminishes as the Great Goblin lands in front of us, blocking the exit for us. "You thought you could escape me?" He questions swinging his mace at Gandalf causing him to stumble backwards almost falling, but we keep him up. "What are you going to do wizard?" He taunts.

Gandalf shoves his staff into his eye causing the Great Goblin to stumble backwards while screaming ow over and over again. Then Gandalf slices his face and then his belly causing the Great Goblin to fall on his knees while holding his bleeding stomach staring at us while swaying slightly from the lost of blood. Finishing it off Gandalf slices the throat causing him to fall dead in front us. Breathing a sigh of relief we start making our way to the exit, but the sound of wood snapping and breaking underneath cause ir breath to hitch in our throat.

The bridge gives out under the heavy weight of the Great Goblin plunging us down towards the bottom of the mountain. Screaming loudly we're all trying to stay on as it keeps hitting the sides of the mountains along with other rocks making our bodies jerk every way possible which doesn't feel good. Finally the the bridge slow downs while breaking apart and drops on the ground causing us to groan from the impact of hitting the ground and getting piles of ash and wood on top of us.

"Well, that could have been worse." Bofur says trying to stay positive. But of course Bofur just had to jinxed us and the Great Goblin's heavy corpse falls on top of crushing us even more.

"You've got to be joking!" Dwalin shouts.

Groaning I start pushing the rubble off me while Kili and Fili help me out of it which I smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." They smile back.

Helping with getting the other dwarves out of the rubble we hear screeches from above making us look up seeing a bunch of goblins making their way down. "Gandalf!" Kili shouts.

"There's too many of them! We can't fight them all!" Dwalin says standing up helping Ori.

"There is only one thing that will save us now: daylight! Come on! Here, on your feet!" Gandalf shouts as he starts running with a few of the dwarves who out of the rubble.

Quickly helping Balin out of the rubble I send him on the way as I go to help Bombur and Bifur as-well. Once they are out of the rubble and running to catch up with everyone else, I also make my way towards the group. Catching up with the group we run through a narrow path as we see light up ahead. Running out of the mountain we are hit with the sun and trees. Once we have a good distance between us and the mountain we all stop and catch our breaths as Gandalf counts everyone. My eyes widen when I realize I still have no idea where Bilbo is. "Bilbo." I whisper to myself looking back towards the mountain my mind can't help, but wonder if he's still in there.

Gandalf starts looking around his eyes darting everywhere. "Where's Bilbo? Where is our Hobbit? Where is our hobbit?!" He yells louder.

"Curse the halfling! He gotten himself lost?!" Dwalin asks.

"I thought he was with Dori!"" Gloin says.

"Don't blame me!" Dori shoots back.

Gandalf sighs holding his staff tightly while leaning against it before asking. "Well, where did you last see him?"

"I think I saw him slip away, when they first collared us." Nori jumps in.

"What happened exactly? Tell me!" Gandalf shouts at them.

"I will tell you what happened. Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He's thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since first he stepped out of his door! We will not be seeing our Hobbit again. He is long gone." Thorin says angrily at Gandalf.

"How can you say that?!" I shout walking towards Thorin fed up with his stupid attitude towards Bilbo. "He has done nothing wrong!" I defend Bilbo wherever he is.

"You think I'm wrong?! He's gone, he will never be one us!" He sneers looking up at me.

"You are so selfish Thorin! And so focused on reclaiming Erebor that you have your head so far up your ass! Bilbo didn't have to come on this quest to help reclaim your home, and put his life in danger for a home that isn't his! He didn't have to! But he did! Bilbo knows he is not a fighter, he knows he has nothing to offer to help reclaim your home, but he still came to help you! And all you do Thorin Oakenshield, is make fun of him! So I wouldn't blame Bilbo for leaving and going back home!" I get in Thorin's face. "You should be ashamed!" I sneer back shoving him backwards not caring anymore.

Everyone is dead silent at the fact I yelled at him putting Thorin in his place which is about time someone does. I raise an eyebrow at Thorin daring him to say something to my face about what I said.

They got out of Goblin Town thanks to Gandalf!! So glad he's back!! And damn! Go off Brynn! She came for Thorin's throat about him always down talking Bilbo! She is everything!! Please comment and vote!!

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