Chapter 13

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Gandalf peers over the rock making sure it's safe before motioning for everyone to pass him. "All of you, come on, come on! Quick!" He says.

Running pass Gandalf, Thorin stays behind to ask a question to which Gandalf ignores and follows after us along with Thorin trying to figure out what he is up too. Staying against the rock we hear a Warg on top of the rock sniffing the air trying to locate us. Taking a deep breath I go to shoot it, but Kili steps out and shoots an arrow through the Warg causing it to drop near us. Dwalin and Gloin start smashing it along with Orc that was riding it over and over again making sure it's dead. Unfortunately the loud noise of it draws the others to where we are, because we hear barking, howling, and growling signaling that they have spotted us and on their way over to us.

"Move! Run!" Gandalf shouts at us.

Running into the open we see the Wargs with Orcs on them coming right at us which isn't good pulling out my bow I put an arrow in it pulling it back and walking close to Fili who's closest to me as they charge us.

"There they are!" Gloin shouts as we start forming a somewhat circle keeping it tight.

Once a Warg comes close enough I shoot it down causing it to whimper as it dies. Running over to it I pull my arrow putting it back in it's holder with my other arrows.

"This way! Quickly!" Gandalf says running somewhere.

We follow him but keep our front towards the Wargs as much as possible. "There's more coming!" Kili shouts as more Wargs approach us.

"Kili! Shoot them!" Thorin instructs the youngest dwarf.

Pulling out his bow and arrows he starts shooting them down as much as he can and I start helping him out which he nods to me with a smile thankful for my help. Nodding back we keep backing up until we're all close to each other knowing we won't last long and Gandalf has disappeared.

"We're surrounded!" Fili asks worriedly. "Where's Gandalf?"

"He's abandon us!" Dwalin growls.

Looking over to Bilbo I quickly leave my side next to Kili and run over to Bilbo standing in front of him protecting him as an Orc on a Warg jumps towards him. Pulling my dagger out I slash through the Warg's chest and hit the Orc with the end of my dagger and stab his head keeping Bilbo safe.

"Thank you." Bilbo breathes out completely in shock.

"Anytime Bilbo." I smile at him with a small nod.

"Hold your ground!" Thorin yells.

Everyone stands their ground as more and more Orcs and Wargs come towards us making way out numbered. Keeping myself in front of Bilbo to keep him safe I look around feeling like I know this place, but can't figure it out why at the moment since I'm so focus on keeping the enemy at bay.

"This way, you fools!" Gandalf shouts popping his head from behind a rock that looks vaguely familiar.

"Come on, move! Quickly! All of you! Go, go, go!" Thorin shouts to us motioning us to go towards Gandalf.

Everyone starts running to where Gandalf is and I tell Bilbo to go first and he nods running in and then I go sliding down on my feet and being an Elf I don't fall on myself like the dwarves I stay on my feet and stand next to Gandalf hearing him count everyone. Soon Kili and Thorin come sliding down as we hear horns being blown and my ears perk up slightly as those are Elven horns. Soon a dead Orc falls down our safe haven and land on its stomach with an arrow in the back of its head.

"Elves." Thorin says with disgust while pulling the arrow out of the Orc examining in it while looking at me with a glare and then at Gandalf.

"I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or not?" Dwalin asks looking ahead.

"We follow it, of course!" Bofur says.

"I think that would be wise." Gandalf hums satisfied with their choice of following the path.

Looking at Gandalf I stare at him before mouthing one word to him which he winks at me. Smiling softly I let a quiet laugh go as I follow the line taking us to safety. After following the path through the stone we come across a clearing and we stare at a place I didn't know if I was going to see again since I started this quest to Erebor.

"The Valley of Imladris. In the common tongue, it's known by another name." Gandalf says leaning against his staff.

"Rivendell." Bilbo smiles looking at me and Gandalf.

"Here lies the last homely house, east of the sea." Gandalf adds in making his way to the front along with Thorin.

"This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy." Thorin spits.

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill-will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself." He huffs.

"You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us." Thorin growls as he gives me another glare before looking back at Gandalf.

"Of course, they will. But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful this will need to be handled with tact, and respect, and no small degree of charm, which is why you will leave the talking to me." He says as he makes his way down the path to get to Rivendell.

Well they got out of getting killed by Orcs and Wargs!! And look where we're back at!! Imladris or Rivendell however you want to reas it as!! I'm sure Brynn is very happy to see that place again!! Please comment and vote!!

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