Chapter 50

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(A picture of Princess Brynn and Bard the Bowman!!)

"If that's what you want then so be it. I'll make sure I'll die quietly and far away from you so I don't ruin  your chance of reclaiming your gems." I say my voice cracking as I leave the area we are sitting in completely devastated by father's words. Once I'm far from father I sit on a piece of rubble and feel tears fall down my cheeks. Feeling so alone I let quiet cry go as I don't know what to do anymore if I should leave and never return to Mirkwood again or go to Erebor and help the dwarves and prove to everyone that Thorin will follow through his promise. Going back to Rivendell and being with Lindir doesn't seem to bad. At least I'll be happy and not dealing with Kili and Tauriel and father. Sniffling I wipe my tears as I hear footsteps approach me. Looking up I see Bard making his way over to me with a somber look on his face.

"I'm sorry." He says sitting next to me.

"For what?" I ask staring at the ground.

"The words of what your father said. I can see how much that hurts you, and I'm sure he didn't mean it." He says.

"I don't know, he seemed pretty adamant that he would save the gems rather than me." I whisper. "I mean he did say those gems were more valuable than my own life."

"I really don't think he meant those words Lady Brynn, I know he would pick you over some gems if the time came down to it, and I hope it never does."

Nodding I push some of my hair out of face and look at Bard. "How do you know that?" I ask quietly.

"Because I am a father. And no matter what, in the end I'll always choose my kids over any riches in the mountain or gems." He says placing a hand on my shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Thank you Bard." I smile slightly and take a deep breath. "I know my father cares about me and he would do anything to keep me alive."

"Good, Lady Brynn if you remember that then trust that your father will choose you over the gems."

"I will, thank you." I say as he stands up and helps me up gently.

"You're welcome Lady Brynn, glad I can make you feel better."

Nodding I dust my dress off and push my hair back as I look up at Bard. "You encountered Thorin and his company....was there a black haired dwarf among them?" I ask needing to know if Kili's okay.

"Yes there was, but he didn't look too good." He answers looking at me.

"Is he okay? Is he alive?" I ask feeling my heart race against my chest.

"I don't know my lady, I-I I don't know if he and the others survived the dragon attacking Lake-town or if he survived whatever he was fighting within his body." He explains.

Nodding I swallow the lump in my throat still not knowing if Kili's okay, which is killing me. "What do you mean by other dwarves?"

"There were a few who stayed behind with him when Thorin and others left to enter Erebor."

"Who? What did they look like?" I ask stepping closer to Bard.

"There was one who wore a hat, and older looking dwarf, and then a blonde one much younger than the others around the age of the dwarf who hurt."

"Bofur, Oin, and Fili. They stayed back for Kili, I understand why Fili would he's Kili's brother, but do you know why Bofur and Oin stayed behind?" 

"Oin stayed behind because he could help heal Kili, as for Bofur, he missed the boat to go to Erebor.

"And you don't know if any of them are safe?" I ask while nodding.

"I don't, I'm sorry Lady Brynn, I wish I could give you the answer that'll calm your mind, but I can't. I was busy killing the dragon."

"It's fine, you answered enough of the questions I had thank you Bard." 

"You're welcome." He says. "Be honest with me Lady Brynn, do you think talking to Thorin will do any good for us."

Biting my lip gently I stay quiet thinking about how I'm gonna answer his question. Looking at Bard I shake my head while shrugging. "To be honest Bard, I don't know. I want to say yes, but if what you're saying is true and how he may not part with his gold now being in Erebor. I don't know it'll go two ways and I have a feeling it's gonna go the way you and I don't want it."

He nods and stares at the ground for a moment and then looks back up at me with a small smile. "Thank you my lady, I will see you when I get back." He says leaving.

Bard's Pov

Walking back to where Lady Brynn's father is I walk in to see him talking to one of his advisors. "You sure you want to reason with Thorin?" Kind Thranduil asks when he notices me.

"Yes, I don't want to go to war and if we can prevent that then I will."

"Suit yourself." He says as he nods at his advisor who leaves. "I will give you a horse to get yourself to Thorin."

"Thank you my Lord." I say and bow.

"Lord Thranduil, here's the horse you requested." An elf comes back with a horse.

"Thank you Feren for retrieving a horse." King Thranduil says while nodding at the elf known as Feren.

"You're welcome." Feren nods and hands me the reigns of the horse so I can go talk to Thorin.

"Have you seen my daughter?" King Thranduil asks as I get on the horse.

"I did." I nod as I grip the reigns.

"And where she is?" He asks.

"Last I saw her she was by a pile of rubble my lord, but I doubt she's there now." I call out while riding out of Dale and make my way to Erebor to try and reason with Thorin. Riding towards Erebor faster trying to stop a war from starting. "Hail Thorin, son of Thrain! We are glad to find you alive beyond hope." I say as I make my way to the gates of Erebor.

"Why do come to the gates of the king under the mountain armed for war?" He asks looking over my shoulders to see all the elves ready for war.

"Why does the king under the mountain fence himself in? Like a robber in his hole."

"Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed." Thorin says coldly.

"My Lord, We have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?" I say desperately. Not getting answer from him he leaves his tower. Dismounting my horse I walk up to the hole where Thorin is waiting for me.

Hopefully Bard can get through to Thorin and stop a war from starting. Please comment and vote!!

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