Chapter 30

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Leaping through branches quickly I try to get to the dwarves before the spiders can take them, but by the time I arrive they're gone and no Bilbo any where. "Where could they have gone? Where would the have spiders taken them?" I ask myself looking around to see if there's any trace I can use to find where they went off too with the dwarves and Bilbo. Not finding any traces of them I jump back on the branches of the tree and start running from branch to branch looking for the them, knowing they're in danger.

After leaping from branch to branch I hear the hissing of spiders I quicken my pace to see them wrapping the dwarves in webbing making the dwarves wriggle trying to break free. Taking my bow out and putting an arrow in it I pull it back aiming it at the spider getting ready to shoot it down, but then it starts hissing in pain. Furrowing my brows I lower my bow keeping the arrow in it watching the spider die along with the other one. "How in the?" I whisper confused as the two spiders fall down to the ground dead. My unasked question is soon answered by Bilbo magically appearing out of thin air. My brows furrow even more in confusion as Bilbo starts cutting the shouting dwarves down from the web letting them fall on the ground with a loud thud. Once Bilbo gets the last dwarf down which I believe was Dwalin to the ground a spider comes out of nowhere taking Bilbo down with it. Looking down I see the dwarves trying to help the spider off Bilbo just as more spiders come making some of the dwarves stop helping and kill the spiders off as more and more keep coming. Leaping to the next branch getting closer to where Bilbo and the spider are wrestling each other I pull my arrow back getting ready to shoot the spider dead.

Ready to release my arrow to impale the spider I hear a whoosh go by my ear and see an arrow impale the spider killing it instantly. Next thing I see is a bunch of Elves coming from every corner of the forest killing the spiders causing the dwarves and Bilbo to back into each other as some of the elves round up them up with their arrows facing them, and unfortunately Bilbo gets squished between Bombur and Dwalin making him wince in pain. "Help!" Kili's voice screams breaking the small silence between the Dwarves and Elves.

"Kili!" Fili screams worried as the dwarves look to where Kili has screamed from.

Looking over I quickly leap from branch to branch again switching my bow and arrow out for my dagger. Running on the branches I see Kili getting dragged by a spider, but I stop when the spider dies with an arrow in its head. Kili looks over to see a red hair she-elf come in killing three more spiders before landing in front of Kili who's in awe of her. Hearing rustling a spider comes charging towards Kili who's pushing himself backwards to keep distance between him and the spider. "Throw me your dagger! Quick!" Kili shouts facing the she-elf.

"If you think I'm giving you a weapon, dwarf, you're mistaken!" She says slicing the spider she's dealing with and then throws it at the spider ready to attack Kili. He's stares at her in utter amazement as she grabs his arm taking him to where the other dwarves are.

Waiting for a minutes after the she-elf leaves with Kili, I quietly making my way back to the group. As I'm getting near the dwarves and Bilbo I stop dead in my tracks when I hear a very deep familiar voice. "Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure." Bringing my attention to the ground I see Thorin is face to face with my brother, who has his arrow pointing at Thorin's head making the dwarves and Bilbo worried and more on edge.

"Legolas." I whisper to myself. Pulling my bow out and placing an arrow in it, I pull it back as I leap down from the branch I was standing on. Everyone looks at me when I land in front of my brother being a physical barrier between him and Thorin. "Don't even think about it." I say holding my arrow up to my brother's head.

The Elves' eyes widen when they see me face to face with my brother, Legolas, and whisper amongst each other in Elvish about how I have returned. Legolas stares at me with his icy blue eyes before he uses the handle of his dagger to disarms my bow from my grasp. My eyes widen as my bows fall on the floor of the woods. After my bow and arrow lands on the ground Legolas grabs my arm and turns me around to face the dwarves as he pulls both my arms behind my back restraining me against his chest. Struggling against my brother's grip for a minute I give up as his grip is too strong. "Search them." Legolas instructs the elves.

The elves walk towards the dwarves and Bilbo searching them taking their weapons away from them and looking for anything else they can confiscate. Legolas pulls my two daggers out of their spot along with taking my quiver off that holds my arrows, and drops them next to my bow that's still laying on the ground. After I'm fully disarmed Legolas goes over to Gloin, but makes sure he can still keep his eyes on me. He reaches into Gloin's pocket pulling out a picture frame that has two pictures in that I can see from where I'm standing at. "Hey! Give it back! That's private!" Gloin says angrily.

"Who is this? Your brother?" Legolas asks looking at the picture on the left of the dwarf.

"That is my wife!" Gloin answers.

Legolas looks at the other picture on the right of a small little dwarf child. "What's this horrid creature? A goblin mutant?" He asks looking up at Gloin.

"That's my wee lad, Gimli."

Legolas stares at Gloin for a moment before walking away handing the picture frame to the nearest Elf as he walks back to where I am. "Gyrth in yngyl bain?" (Are the spiders dead?) Legolas asks the she-elf shifting his gaze off me when she walks over to us.

"Ennorner gwanod in yngyl na nyryn. Engain nar." (Yes, but more will come. They're growing bolder.) The she-elf explains looking between Legolas and I.

Legolas nods slowly and gives me a side glance, before turning his attention to Thorin as an elf hands him Thorin's sword. He takes the sword inspecting it while turning it around in his hand. "Echannen i vegil hen vin Gondolin. Magannen nan Gelydh." (This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin.) Legolas says admiring it before looking at Thorin. "Where did you get this?" He asks Thorin in English narrowing his eyes.

"It was given to me." Thorin answers bitterly to my brother.

Legolas looks at the sword before pointing the edge of the sword into Thorin's throat. "Not just a thief, but a liar as well." He says calmly. Thorin glares at him for calling him a liar and a thief. "Enwenno hain!" (Take them!) Legolas says roughly while picking my weapons off the ground and then grabbing my arm tightly.

(A picture of Legolas!!)

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(A picture of Legolas!!)

Oh damn a lot has happened....but we finally meet Brynn's brother, Legolas!! I can't believe we finally met her brother!! That's very exciting!! And he doesn't seem to happy with her...or maybe it's because he has to deal with dwarves or maybe it's both! Please comment and vote!

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