Chapter 38

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"Where did y-." I immediately get cut off by Legolas when he reaches me.

"Come with me, I want to show you something."

Raising an eyebrow I look up at my older brother I then knit my brows together. "What do you want to show me?" I ask.

"Come with me and you'll see." Nodding slowly I follow Legolas to wherever he's taking me too. Following Legolas as he guides me through the halls of the kingdom I wonder what he wants to show me. After sometime of walking through the halls we end up near the dungeons.

"Why are you taking me to the dungeons?" I ask looking up Legolas more confused now than I was before. He doesn't say anything as he leads me down towards the dungeons and then stops nodding for me to look down to where the cells are. Furrowing my brows I look at Legolas as I walk pass him and stop in front of him, so I can see over the ledge of the wood carved floor to see Tauriel and Kili talking to each other. Biting my lip I feel my heart sink slightly as I listen to their conversation.

"Or not, depending on whether you believe that kind of thing. It's just a token." Kili says as he smiles up Tauriel who smiles back. "A runestone. My mother gave it to me so I'd remember my promise."

"What promise?" Tauriel asks moving closer to the cell.

"That I will come back to her." He explains looking down at the stone that's in his hands and so does Tauriel. "She worries. She thinks I'm reckless."

"Are you?" She asks with a soft smile gracing her lip.

"Nah." He shakes his head and tosses the stone up in the air and doesn't catch it and skids out of the cell, but Tauriel stops it with her foot before it falls off the edge. Picking it up she examines the stone while Kili walks over to the bars of the cell and looks up at her as he hears elves laughing in the distance. "Sounds like quite the party you're having up there."

Tauriel stops examining the stone and looks over at Kili. "It is Mereth-en-Gilith, the Feast of Starlight. All light is sacred to the Eldar, but Wood Elves love best the light of the stars." She explains stepping away slightly.

"I always thought it is a cold light, remote and far away." Kili shrugs leaning shaking the bars.

"It is memory, precious and pure. Like your promise." She says kindly and walks back towards him handing the stone to him. Seeing Kili so happy with having Tauriel's company I turn around and quickly walk pass Legolas holding back tears that are wanting to fall down my face. Ignoring Legolas calling out my name I speed walk through the halls to get to my room as I don't want anyone to see how distress I am right now. Opening the door to my room I slam it shut just as the tears start falling down my face. Letting a sob go I kick my heels off and collapse onto my bed crying into my pillow as I feel like everything Kili and I went through and have said to each other meant nothing.

A little bit of a shorter chapter than normal, but I wanted to keep it short for what this chapter was about, but I feel so sad for Brynn now I can't imagine how hurt she is feeling by Kili right. Please comment and vote

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