Chapter 51

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(A picture of Brynn and Alfred!!)

"I'm listening." Thorin says looking at me through the hole in the barricade they put up.

"On behalf of the people of Laketown, I ask that you honor your pledge. A share of the treasure so that they might rebuild their lives." I plead as we are desperate for the money that he promised.

"I will not treat with any man while an armed host lies before my door." He spits glaring at me.

"That armed host will attack this mountain, if we do not come to terms." I explain.

"Your threats do not sway me." He says shaking his head while fully facing me through the hole.

"What of your conscience Thorin?" I ask. "Does it not tell you our cause is just?! My people offered you help. And in return you brought upon them only ruin and death!" I shout slamming my fist against the stone getting agitated.

"When did the men of Laketown come to our aid, but for the promise of rich reward?!" Thorin shouts back.

"A bargain was made!"

"A bargain? What choice did we have but to barter our birthright for blankets and food? To ransom our future in exchange for our freedom? You call that a fair trade? Tell me, Bard the Dragonslayer...why should I honour such terms?" He asks before disappearing from the hole.

"Because you gave us your word. Does that mean nothing?" I ask hoping to get answer, but Thorin doesn't say anything and I don't even know if he's still there. "And Lady Brynn wouldn't be happy knowing you are going back on your pledge." I add in.

"What do you know of Brynn?" Thorin asks reappearing looking at me deadly. "You know nothing of her Dragonslayer, you've never met her." Thorin mutters.

"Bard, first of all, I have met her and know very well Brynn thinks highly of you and is hoping you won't go back on your word." I say maybe hearing her name will help.

He stares at me for a moment chuckles slightly. "I will not part with one single piece of my gold that I rightfully own. Be gone, ere arrow fly."

Watching Thorin walking away leaving me to myself I sigh and slap the rock harshly not caring at the my hand hurts now. Getting back on my horse I ride back into Dale to report back to Thranduil.

Brynn's Pov

Standing next to father we wait for Bard to return with news hopefully saying Thorin will give what he promised and not start a war. Sighing I play with the purple fabric of my dress waiting since he's been gone for awhile. "M'Lady, you shouldn't be worried. I'm sure Master Bard is doing just fine." Alfred says placing a grimy hand on my shoulder and rubbing it which sends shivers down my spine...and not the good kind. Moving closer to father he notices my uncomfortableness and wraps an arm around me pulling me close protectively.

"Keep your grimy paws off my daughter." Father spits while glaring at him as he holds me close. "Or so help me you'll never see tomorrow." Alfred doesn't say anything and stares at me for a moment and then huffs leaving going somewhere away from me.

"Thank you." I whisper as bury my head into my father's chest.

"You're welcome Brynn, I'll always look after you." He says gently resting his chin on top of my head kissing it gently. Smiling softly I nod slowly, hoping he really means it especially after saying my life was meaningless to the gems in the mountains.

Hearing hooves pounding in the distance father and I both look out the city of Dale to see Bard coming into view. As he gets closer to the city the look on his face tell me it didn't go as plan. Which breaks my heart a little knowing very well a war may happen. "He will give us nothing." Bard says when he reaches us looking between father and I.

"Such a pity. Still, you tried." Father says shrugging.

"I do not understand. Why? Why would he risk war?" Bard asks as we all shift our gaze to the mountain to see some stones fall breaking the small bridge that'll allows anyone to get to Erebor.

"It is fruitless to reason with them; they understand only one thing." Father explains pulling his sword out examining it. "We attack at dawn! Are you with us?" He asks looking at Bard.

"Aye." Bard says as they walk further into the city.

"You two can't be serious!?" I ask walking after them. "Going to war is now the option?"

"Yes! We've tried bargaining with him Brynn, and it did not work, so what option do we have? Thorin will not willingly follow through with his promise so now we'll use alternative motivates." Father explains.

"He's not himself, You said it yourself Ada, the gold has a sickness around it from the years of being with Smaug. You were right he succumbed to the sickness and he needs help. He needs our help." (Father/dad) I explain standing in front of both him and Bard.

"There is no help that we can give him that Thorin will take and you know this Brynn. The only option we have is war." Father explains placing a hand on my shoulder gently. Staying quiet I just nod slowly unhappy that we have to go to war with Thorin.

Entering father's tent I sit down and listen to their idea of how they're gonna start the war. While they're talking we hear a voice shouting for people to move and then Alfred's voice telling them to go away. Gandalf? I wonder since Alfred said pointy hat. Bard stands up and excused himself to go see what's going on outside our tents. Few minutes pass Bard comes back in sign Gandalf.

"Gandalf!" I smile warmly at him. "I'd thought I'd never see you again."

"Lady Brynn, glad to see you're well." He smiles with a bow.

"Where have you been?" I ask concerned.

"That's not important right now, what is important is that you must set aside your petty grievances with the dwarves. War is coming! The cesspits of Dol Guldur have been emptied. You're ALL in mortal danger!" He warns.

"Danger?" I ask my eyes widening as I look at father concerned about this ill news Gandalf has given.

"What are you talking about?" Bard asks taking his seat once more.

Shame on Thorin for disappointing Brynn in not following through with his promise to the people of Lake-town, very glad to Gandalf okay and back in the book, and so there is a war happening whether or not it's intended....please commend and vote!!

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