Chapter 16

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(A picture of Lord Elrond, Lindir, and Brynn!!)

Walking out of Lindir's bathroom I see a dress laid out on his bed for me and I smile softly picking it up and go back into the bathroom. After putting the dress on I run my fingers through my blonde hair feeling it's almost dry. Looking in the mirror I take in my dress, and wow it's very stunning. I run my hands down the soft red fabric of the dress smoothing it down.

 I run my hands down the soft red fabric of the dress smoothing it down

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(A picture of Brynn's dress!!)

Leaving Lindir's chambers I head to the dining area where everyone will be at. Walking through the halls I hear the music playing and chatter here and there and I smile softly as I get closer to everyone. Seeing the dwarves and Bilbo at one table, and Thorin, Gandalf, and Lord Elrond at the higher table. Entering the dining area Lindir looks over at me and his eyes widen at my outfit and then smiles widely at me. Smiling back I walk over to where he is standing. Hugging Lindir gently he hugs back giving me a tight squeeze and kisses my cheek softly.

"You look absolutely beautiful like always." He whispers into my ear.

"Thank you." I smile up at him as I pull away from our hug, so I can eat.

Elrond smiles at me as he happily motions to the empty seat next to him and Thorin. "Thank you Lord Elrond." I bow as I take my seat.

"You are very welcome." He nods with a smile as he goes back to eating and talking with Gandalf.

Taking some food onto my plate I start eating while listening to Elrond explain to Gandalf and Thorin about the swords they have acquired from the troll cave. Feeling eyes on me I look over to see Kili staring at me. I smile at Kili and he smiles back blushing as he slightly embarrassed for mistaking one the male elves as a female which earns tons of teasing and laughing from the other dwarves at the table. Laughing to myself I look back at my food continuing to eat. While Gandalf is explaining to Elrond about the 13 dwarves and the halfing Gandalf stops, and we look up when Bofur stands on top of a stone and starts singing while stomping his feet.

(I would play the song while reading the lyrics)


There's an inn, there's an inn.
There's a merry old inn
Beneath an old gray hill

The rest of the dwarves begin singing

And there they brew a beer so brown
The Man in the Moon
Himself came down

One night
To drink his fill

The ostler has a tipsy cat
That played a five-stringed fiddle
And up and down he saws his bow

Now squeaking high
Now purring low
Now sawing in the middle

The cat on the fiddle
Played hey-diddle-diddle
A drink that'll wake the dead
He squeaked and he sawed

And he quickened
The tune
And the landlord
Shook the Man
In the Moon
'it's after Three!' he said.

By the end of the song my eyes are widen as the dwarves had started throwing food everywhere having mash potatoes fly towards Lindir who watched it get smashed into statue beside him. Biting my inner lip I usually love how the dwarves love to sing their songs, but this was a little disrespectful. Gandalf stands up causing his seat to be thrown backwards smashing into the floor getting everyone's attention.

"Lord Elrond, I apologize for that." Gandalf apologizes bowing to him and then turns to the dwarves. "As for you! You all will individually apologize to Lord Elrond for making a mess when he was kind of enough to offer us food and will clean it up!" Gandalf shouts.

The dwarves fall silent and nod each one of them slowly walking up to Elrond apologizing to him, except Bilbo who hadn't done anything like the dwarves.

"You to Thorin." Gandalf says picking his seat up putting back in its correct position.

"What? Why me?" Thorin asks eyebrows raised.

"You are the leader and you will apologize for the behavior of your company!" Gandalf says clearly in a bad mood.

Looking over at Thorin, he sighs and apologizes to Elrond who is so nice to accept their apology. Dinner finished up when Bofur's song pretty much began and the dwarves except for Bilbo are all cleaning up their mess as the elves who played their music left. "Thank you for the wonderful food, Lord Elrond." I smile looking at him.

"You're welcome, Lady Brynn." Lord Elrond smiles.

Elrond stands up excusing himself, so he and Gandalf can talk to each other in private. When they leave Thorin is walking over to Bilbo and the dwarves watching them clean up their mess, but soon helps out since he's the leader, that and Gandalf had asked...well more like told him he was going to help out whether he liked it or not.

Not gonna lie Bofur is pretty good at singing I liked his song!! But I also do feel like it was a little disrespectful for them to do that when Lord Elrond was being kind and generous to them!! I also love Brynn's new outfit!! Please comment and vote!!

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