Chapter 24

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"No, he isn't." Bilbo says emerging from behind a tree while patting Balin on the shoulder affectionately.

Looking up and seeing Bilbo standing next to Balin, so much relief floods through my body I smile at him. He smiles back at me while giving me a nod in gratitude which means he must have heard what I said, to which I nod back. "Bilbo Baggins! I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life!" Gandalf smiles at Bilbo.

"Bilbo, we'd given you up!" Kili says.

"How on earth did you get past the Goblins?!" Fili asks baffled about how Bilbo is here.

"How, indeed." Dwalin says narrowing his eyes.

A somewhat awkward silence falls upon everyone as we wait for Bilbo to explain how he was able to get passed all the Goblins. Bilbo laughs nervously as he tries to think of something while playing with the pocket of his jacket. Raising an eyebrow I sense something is a little off making me look at Gandalf who looks back at me probably feeling the same thing I'm feeling. "Well, why does it matter? He's back!" Gandalf smiles breaking the silence.

"It matters! I want to know: why did you come back?" Thorin asks looking at Bilbo his voice changing to a nicer tone by the end of his question.

Bilbo takes a deep breath looking at Thorin then at the other dwarves and stares at Bofur smiling slightly at him to which Bofur returns. "Look, I know you doubt me, I know you always have. And you're right, I often think of Bag End. I miss my books. And my armchair. And my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home. And that's why I came back, cause you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can." He explains to them.

Smiling widely I'm so proud of Bilbo right now for what he's doing after everything Thorin has told him. I'm glad he still came back to help Thorin and his Company to reclaim Erebor. The dwarves stay quiet taking in Bilbo's heartfelt speech about why he came back. While they're quiet we all hear a bunch of Warg howls in the distance making us realize we're still in danger. "Out of the frying pan...." Thorin starts.

"And into the fire! Run! RUN!" Gandalf finishes.

Listening to Gandalf we all run through the trees as we hear Wargs coming closer and closer. Pulling my daggers out I turn around and push my dagger through the one of Wargs throat flinging it's dead corpses to the side. We keep running as we come into a clearing and Bilbo jumps over a rock hiding behind it as a Warg snaps at the air where Bilbo was. Landing in front of Bilbo he growls stalking towards him. My eyes widen and grab my bow getting ready to shoot the Warg down, but soon howls in pain and falls dead in front of Bilbo. Putting my bow away I jump over the rock and land next to Bilbo helping him up. "Nice job." I smile at him.

"T-thanks." He says not believing he just killed the Warg.

Quickly catching up with the dwarves and Gandalf we reach a clearing with a few trees growing, and there is no other way besides to get off this piece of land besides falling off the mountain. "Up into the trees, all of you! Come on, climb! Bilbo, climb!" Gandalf shouts while climbing up a tree.

The dwarves have a bit of trouble climbing the tree where as for me I jump gracefully and grab onto the tree branch and start climbing. "They're coming!" Thorin shouts as he helps the other dwarves up into the tree he is in.

"Bilbo!?" I shout looking around to see him trying to reach a branch. My eyes widen as I see more Wargs coming and quickly descend from the tree getting to the last branch. Placing my leg around the branch I let myself fall backwards while using my leg as an anchor. Grabbing the collar of Bilbo's jacket I lift myself back up taking him with me just as a Warg tries to snap at Bilbo. "Climb Bilbo!" I instruct as Wargs start jumping up on tree trunk trying to get us.

He nods and starts climbing higher up the tree and I follow him letting space get between us and the Wargs. Once Bilbo and I are near the top of the tree where Ori, Balin, and Gloin are more Wargs keep coming and some now have Orcs on them. More Wargs keep jumping on the tree to the point where it becomes up root causing it start leaning towards the other tree. "Move to the next tree!" Balin shouts as the tree starts slamming into the tree next to where other dwarves are.

Climbing on the next tree that one also starts tipping as the wargs attack that tree and now there is only one tree left and we all jump into that. I land next to Kili who loses his balance do to the tree we were on slamming into it. Kili screams as he starts falling towards the cluster of Wargs that are snapping in the air. Quickly I grab his hand keeping a tight hold on it to keep him from falling. "I got you Kili!" I say as I use my other hand to grip his arm to help him up. His eyes are widen as his legs are dangling free as I'm trying to pull him, but just as I'm so close to getting him back on the branch gravity is slowly starting to win against me that I start slipping making my eyes slightly as well. After few more tries I manage to pull Kili to safety.

He breathes heavily as he stares at me with a grateful smile on his face. "Thank you, thank you for saving me there." He breathes out

I smile back and nod helping him to his feet. "You're welcome Kili." Once he's breathing normal we start climbing up to where Fili is who had a mini heart attack seeing his younger brother almost fall to his death.

"Thank you for saving Kili." Fili says when I stand on the branch near him.

"Of course Fili." I smile.

He smiles back as we all climb again to close to the top where Gandalf is, who whispering into pine cones lighting them on fire. "Quickly throw these at them!" He instructs us as he drops the lit pine cones.

And Bilbo came back!!! Oh I'm so happy he is okay and that he came back even though Thorin has been rude to him!! And damn the dwarves are just not having any luck!! Let's see how they get out of this situation! Please comment and vote!!

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